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julianne hartman part2 of 3-t20

julianne hartman part2 of 3-t20




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The speaker discusses their journey to find healing and their experience with doctors and alternative treatments. They admit to not truly knowing Jesus and relying more on worldly solutions. They talk about the challenges of being a caretaker and feeling desperate for a cure. They eventually decide to stop seeking medical help and turn to faith, finding comfort in watching healing school and relying on God for healing. They express gratitude for their transformation and newfound peace. And we knew the word at this time, we were like 8-9 years in the word at this time, we knew how to confess, we knew how to believe, we knew faith, we knew this, we knew that, but... But, it wasn't working, and I'll tell you why, this is one reason why, and then we're going to get into the other stuff. I didn't know Jesus. I didn't know Jesus. I knew about Him. I knew all about Him. I would read His word, but it was just that, it was like reading a novel. I even prayed for people and they got healed. There were those guys in the Bible that said, hey, these guys are out saying your name and people are getting healed. Who are they? Right? The name is so powerful, you don't even have to have any knowledge about Him. But the problem is, when something like that hits you, you better know Jesus. So, now I'm on a journey of trying to find Jesus, but also I'm seeking the world on healing. Because I was scared, I was sick, I was tired, I was exhausted, I was so tired of faking happiness. It used to upset me too, because she'd be miserable at home, and then we'd go meet people and she was happy as could be. But I'd say, why aren't you happy when you're home? Because remember the acting? I was an actress. I could put on a show for anybody. And the other thing too was, when you are searching and you're desperate, people will begin to take advantage of you. We had a mold person come to our house and tell us that our house was infested with mold. That's why she's sick, because the whole house is full of mold. You've got to tear the entire house apart. So we tore the entire house apart, on top of the money we spent on the doctors. And there was probably two spots of mold about this big in the house. I'm glad we redid the house though, it really looks nicer now. But the point is, these people fed on the fear of my wife, and I allowed it to happen, because I was desperate too. A lot of people in these situations forget about the caretakers in these situations. It's not just about the sick person all the time. I know the sick person is going through it, it's terrible. But there's a person on the other side of that, that's a caretaker, that has to deal with this situation, and try and keep things as normal as possible. And so that's where I was having an issue, was I was trying to keep everything running smoothly, while all this was happening to you. And plus, at Urban Institute, it's happening to you. Because I had all this stuff to do at Nickelodeon, I was working at Nickelodeon, doing all these wonderful projects, having a great time all day long. I was writing comedy shows all day, and I would come home and we would deal with the situation. And then you'd come home to the depressed. What time does work start? Work starts when? I'd be like, yeah, work starts, that sort of thing. And so it was really a difficult thing. We both had to lean in very, very hard to the Word of God. Very hard. Especially me. I had to cast her onto the Lord. 1 Peter 5 says, cast your cares onto me. She became a care. Not that it was like a burden, like, oh my gosh, she's so terrible. But she became such a care in my heart, I had to clear my heart out. Do you see what I'm saying? And we have to do that as caretakers, because otherwise a drowning person, the person trying to save them, will pull them down as well. You have to keep your heart clear. Yeah, and so there was one time that my mom was living in Texas at the time, and I would go and take the girls. I think Butch needed a little break from me, so I would take the girls myself. And so I'm there, and my mom would go to work, and she'd have all the TVs on, and it was all on Christian television. And this guy kept coming on, this hick from Texas. Kept coming on, this is Andrew Womack. Yeah, and I would go like, oh God, if anybody has insomnia, he's the one to listen to. Right? That's her, I didn't say that, Ann, that's her saying that. So, and then I would put them on, on her TV as I was trying to fall asleep at night. So that was in 2008. That year when I went there for that summer, I picked my mom up for lunch, and she hadn't seen me in about two months. And she said, what is wrong with you? And I said, why? And she goes, have you seen your eyes lately? My eyes were yellow. The whites of my eyes were all yellow. She goes, your skin color is horrible. And I'm like, well, I don't know what to do, Mom. So I found doctors there. I even had doctors there to, you know, find the cure to all of this. Well, when I was there that particular time, I decided I think I should leave Butch. Now, this is the devil, all right? I came home, and everybody, we got back home, girls were there. Him and I, we went grocery shopping. And we're sitting in the car, and he goes, he was so excited, thinking that this did it. She came back a different person. She's healed. And he looks at me, and he goes, so how are you? I said, I'm not good at all. As a matter of fact, I think I should leave. Or you should leave, but you need to take the girls. Because I am such a bummer to this whole family. And you're such a fun guy, I'm just bringing you down every day. And I really believe that the girls would be great without me. You see, these are the lies that we listen to. This is what the devil will start speaking to you and telling you. And he said, he goes, listen, I made a commitment to you. I'm not really happy right now about this, but I will never leave you. I committed to you. Yes. So I told him, there was your out. I gave it to you, but you stay. Right? So just the same thing, going to these crazy doctors, bringing my daughters. My daughters definitely have probably had some PTSD from this. Because we went to these doctors. I mean, they would do weird tappings all over my arms and my head. They had potions and jars. They had Buddha in their lobby. They had all kinds of stuff. Hindu gods floating in the walls, and I'm trying not to look at them. I'm like, no, Jesus, I know you don't really want me here, but I'm afraid. Well, then one doctor would counteract the other doctor. Bottom line is, at the end of the day, we had probably 500 pill bottles on our counter at home. I'd be buttering my toast in the morning, and I kept having to move down the counter because the pill bottles were taking over the counter. And it just started dawning on me, this is not freedom. This is bondage. All these pill bottles. I mean, it's terrible to have these pill bottles. It's terrible for anyone to have to have all those pill bottles. We don't want anyone to have those kind of situations going on. Then we really got our resolve going. We've got to fight this, and you've got to stop going to these doctors. Yeah, so I will tell you, when you're desperate like that, you'll do anything. I knew about Jesus, but I didn't know him personally. And so the world was talking much louder than the Holy Spirit was to me, only because I turned that off. And I felt, because if I could physically do something, that I would feel like I was actually doing something for my healing. And the world has a lot to offer. And I'm not saying for you guys to do whatever. I want to give a disclaimer right now. This is Julianne Hartman's story, and this is my business, and I'm going to tell you what I did, and you guys can listen to it and just write it off and say, I don't care. Or you can take some little nuggets and say, okay, I'm going to go for it. But I'm telling you my story. So I'm not going to give the disclaimer of, you know, I'm not saying don't go to the doctor. I'm not saying don't take medicine. You know what? I'm not a pastor, so I have nothing to lose. I'm not going to lose my congregation. Right? So I'm telling you, I had to draw a line, and I literally did. I drew it one day, and I said, I'm not doing this anymore. I'm not going to go and run to three or four doctors a day. That was my planner, and it was filled. And I'd be on the Internet trying to find stuff. But one thing I was doing on the Internet that was actually helping me was I would sit like this on my kitchen table, and I'd have WebMD up on my computer, but I'd also have Angie Warren Ministries. I would sit there with my computer, and I'd look at Andrew, and I'd say, where are you? Where are you? If you could just pray for me, Andrew. Seriously, you guys. Where are you at? Are you from Texas? Where are you? And I need you to pray for me. I need to get out of this house. I've got to do something. I can't live this way anymore. I would talk to him like this as he was teaching me. God wants you well. You've already got it. Right? Gosh, what else? Better way to pray. Better way to pray. And that's why this is so special to me, to think of myself in 2009 after I found him sitting at my kitchen table and saying, where are you, to being up here. I'm not kidding you. Seriously. I know it may, you know, when you're in the audience, you're like, yeah, that's really sweet, but honestly, if you could see my heart right now. It was an impossibility to be there in a place where you're so lonely and so scared and so devastated and trying to be a mom and trying to be a wife and trying to be all these things, and I didn't even want to be on the earth anymore. But to do all that, to be in front of this computer screen, and then 11 years later walk up on a stage. Daniel Anfis has so – I can't even tell you what he did for me every Thursday, healing school. Whatever I was doing, I would stop everything, and I would watch healing school, and I would get involved in the worship. Again, I had this side of me, but the other side of me, the fear side of me was chasing me into these doctor's offices. So finally, I said, that's it. I'm drawing the line. Well, actually, okay, before that, I did take this one herb. This doctor said, I know you're really sensitive to everything, so I'm going to give you like half of a half of this Chinese herb. I said, okay. I took it at 7 a.m., and you know what I did before I took it? I undid it, and I even poured half of it out, and I closed it back together, and I took it, and I shook for eight hours uncontrollably. You saw that picture and the thing of that video of this fountain? I walked around that fountain for hours trying to get this out of my body, drinking a ton of water because I was shaking so bad, thinking, what if I die now? That was it. That was like my turning point, and I literally drew the line in the sand. I said, you know what? I know martial arts. I grapple. I do all this. If I got a military crawl around, I'm going to do whatever it takes, but I'm never going back to another doctor again. No more. It's out of the question. I can't do it. How many times were we in ERs? Well, essentially, we were many in L.A., and then one time we actually came here. It was our very first trip to Colorado to see a summer family Bible conference. Julian said, let's go see one of Andrew's conferences. We finally found out where he was, and that's when we were down in Colorado Springs at Elkton. So we go down to Elkton, first time ever there, summer family. Oh, this is nice. It was really cool. Hey, what do you guys do on here at lunch? Someone said, you guys should go to the top of Pikes Peak. So we, smartly, got in the car and drove right to the top of Pikes Peak from Elkton. And so you get a little lightheaded when you go up there that quick. She didn't handle it very well. She got very, very sick, and we had to cancel our flight and stay overnight in Colorado because she was in the ER that night, and we had to stay here. And I said, let me tell you something. I'm coming up this mountain no matter what. I don't care what it takes. I don't care if I throw my guts up. I don't care if I pass out. I don't care if I've got to go with an IV and I'm holding it. There's nothing stopping me from getting up to this mountain ever again. And that's what I'm telling you guys. You've got to set the stakes high for yourself. You can't give in anymore. And that's what we do. We give in to fear. We give in to anxiety. We give in to what the world has to say. And they don't know Jesus. They don't know Him. They may be really smart, and they are, and they know all the stuff in the books, but I know Jesus who's smarter than that. But you've got to draw that line and say no more. So by 2015, I would say I was completely 100%, not one symptom left. So from 2008 to 2015. We're talking five years ago. That's it. And I mean like completely. Not having like a little, you know, thing. So that's something I have to show you because the Lord told me to do this. So if you guys, let's sit there and watch this and go, what did she just show me? This is from the Lord because He told me what to do. When I would see people at these conferences or anybody that knew me wherever, they'd look at me and do this. Oh, my gosh, you're Julianne Hartman. You're on the Healing Journeys videos. Yeah, I am. He goes, let me see. Can I see you walk? Are you still healed? What's going on? So this is what the Lord gave me. Can you play that first video? As a producer, that iPhone footage looks good on the big screen, I thought. That wasn't bad. That was Pepperdine. The police were out and they said that no one could go on the grass. So I made Sophia shoot me anyway on the grass. She's like, we're going to get arrested. I said, God don't make this stupid video. I am making it. But I'm serious, though. People ask me that all the time. And you're like, really? Why would you say that? That's so dumb. But anyway, so people here, don't ask that of people. Don't ask people that. Let me see you. Is the tumor gone like Mike has? Mike, can you take your shirt off? Can I see if that tumor's gone? That's just really dumb. You know what that is? They're saying you don't know what you're talking about. You don't know Jesus. And I mean it. When you see somebody walking around, obviously that's walking. And you ask them if they're still healed. So anyway, I brought my husband up here. I'm getting in just as much trouble as you because I'm up here with you. No, I brought him up here with me because he is the, well, we both went through this together. It wasn't just me. And it was our girls, too. But you know what? We are stronger from it. And thank God for this ministry. Because this ministry changed our whole lives. Andrew and Jamie, they are life changers. Forever they'll be life changers. So when he does say, and he tells you guys to become partners, he means become partners. When you're a part of this, a part of this, you get all the benefits from it. You really do. And it is something that you will never regret. It will be the best investment that you ever made to be partnering and investing in this ministry. So thank you so much. Appreciate it. Okay. Now I do have to drink a little bit of water because we are at 9,000 feet up the mountain. And I do get a little thirsty. So, all right. Also, too, now before I start this, I just have a disclaimer. I'm not mad. I'm passionate. Did you hear what I said? I want you to repeat it. Julianne's not mad. She's just passionate. Okay. So I'm not mad at you. So when I yell, can you guys pray for my kids? They've dealt with this their whole life. They're always going, no, my mom's not mad. She loves you. Oh, really? So I want to talk about, and I brought my notes because I do get so excited, and I don't want to forget anything. Because I know that as soon as Daniel called me in January and said, hey, we'd like you to talk, that next day he said, okay, Lord, what do you want me to say? And all these last eight months, I've asked him every day. The one good thing that came out of that whole sickness was they wouldn't let me work out anymore, but they said I could walk. And I was like, really? Walk? Me? The Taebo queen? I have to walk? And they said, well, that's all I can have you do because, you know, your whole body is shutting down and all this stuff, and so your adrenal glands are shot, like they're not even existing anymore. You can walk. So what I did was the first year in 2008, I walked really, okay, here's the word, Andrew. I walked around really pissed off. That's in the Bible, Andrew said. I was mad. I was mad. I was like, God, what happened? What did you do? Did you do this? Did I do it? Who did it? What's going on? I can't work out anymore. I can't do the things that I love. I can't be with the people I love. I can't even, I'm like, you know, half-stepping it trying to be a parent and a wife as well. What is going on, God? The whole year, you guys, five days a week, this is so stupid, I'm walking. Do you know who I am? I can, like, kill people if I wanted to with my martial arts. And I'm walking. After that first year, the Lord said to me one day, He said, because I'd come to myself, and He said, are you done? And I said, yes. And He said, can we talk now? And I said, yes. And so that's where my whole journey really began. Because that's the journey, the whole answer to all of healing is, know Jesus. Have an intimate relationship with Jesus. You know? I mean, listen, I might be loud and whatever, I'm not going to be as wonderful and as graceful as Nikki or Shinski Wells, right? And I'm not as poised as beautiful Carrie Pickett. But I'm me. And I'm going to get literally into combat with this, because I hate seeing people sick. I absolutely hate it. I can't stand to see it. I am like, the minute someone, I can see someone sick, they don't even have to have a cap on or in a wheelchair. The Lord always shows me someone who's sick all the time. And I can't help myself. But I've got to pray for people. Because I know what it feels like to be in bondage. I know what it feels like to feel like you can't get out of this. I know what it feels like to feel like you're going to be like this the rest of your life. And I hate it. And it's not true that's a lie from the pit of hell. And don't listen to that. So the passion comes from just that. That I don't want to see people sick. It just really, really upsets me. And anybody here that's watching online, tonight is it for you. And I mean that. I don't care. Listen, if God can raise people from the dead, you can get out of a wheelchair. If God can raise people from the dead, it can heal the stupid coronavirus. Right? People are so afraid of it, the paranoia. Are you kidding? The paranoia is worse. The devil puts fear of being sick throughout the whole world. Everybody questions. Am I going to get this? Seriously. It's the flu. And I'm not saying that people aren't dying from it. People die from the flu. And this is another thing. Christians are not out praying for people that have coronavirus. Oh, I don't want to get it. Well, I have my Bible up here. But I've never read in my Bible to go heal the sick, except for the ones that have coronavirus. He said the scriptures don't change based on what the disease is or the strength. Right? That's what's so great. And, you know, we were going to a hospital with John and Connie Tesh, going to this hospital. It's a subacute hospital where everybody there has a tracheotomy. Most of them are in comas. But we went every single Sunday for two years. And they told us we couldn't come back. That makes me so mad. They wouldn't let us come back because of the virus thing. That's terrible. And my heart just broke because a lot of these people are owned by the state. So they've got no family coming in and praying for them. They don't even have family coming in and saying hello to them.

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