Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
Hey guys, it's Podcastmasters! I'm Abby. I'm Sergei. Oh, did you just interrupt me? I'm sorry. Okay. I love you. I love you. But this is the end of the podcast. We need to go off and get married. Anyway. This is like our third declaration of marriage today. Oh my gosh. When you said that in class, did you see the way people were looking at you? I should have said... Okay. Anyways. I feel like we need to start over. We didn't put any context. No context needed. Yeah, you're right. Anyways, I'm Abby. I'm Sergei. And this is a podcast that we're starting because... I guess we should just dive right into the context because otherwise it's not going to make sense. But basically, we had a class project. We're freshmen in college and we had a class project where we had to start a podcast or make a podcast about the Kennedy-Nixon debate. Well, the podcast, it could have been about whatever. Dealing with elections. But we chose JFK because he's kind of fine. Just a little. Okay. Honestly, I'm going to be completely honest. Not my personal taste, but objectively, he's attractive. Yeah. Nixon. Okay. A lot of people were arguing that Nixon was not bad looking or more than I was expecting. Yeah. People were like, he's not bad looking. I'm like, just go with it. It was kind of scary. But anyways, we realized through that podcast that we're lucky, kind of good at this. Yeah. And we're deciding to use our free resources to make a podcast on Spotify, possibly. Because why not? Because we want to be famous. Maybe we'll get like 50 total cents off of this. 50 cents? Low key? 25 each way. Oh. We're splitting it. Okay. That's fine. I mean, that's going to buy us like half a drink at a vending machine. Please. Diet Coke? Dude. Okay. I can talk about Diet Coke for a hot minute, so just give me a second. But do you need to start putting cocaine back in that? Thanks. I swear to God. Hot take, but I want the cocaine back. Okay. I honestly wonder what it's like to try cocaine. I don't. Like, I don't want to try it. I just like, what is all the, like, what's all the raving about? Is that like technically a trip? Or is it like a high? Or is that not a trip? Because I don't think it makes you hallucinate. Like, to me, a trip is like hallucinating. Like, that's what it means in my brain. But like, I don't know what counts as a hallucination and what's crazy. We've never done cocaine. We're good children. No. I swear to God. Never done cocaine. We've never done cocaine, but I don't know. You have to wonder. It's not like I'm going to try it and find out, but like, I don't want to like. Oh, one of my teachers was talking about how they did cocaine one time. He was like, I don't recommend. And I was like, what? He said that? Yeah. No way. Yes. What if they made it a requirement for teachers to be on cocaine? I feel like that would inspire them to like want to work more. Because I feel like there's like bad conditions or something like that. I don't claim to know a lot about this, but like something about. We don't know anything about cocaine, Monica Lewinsky. It's been stuck in my head all day. Monica Lewinsky. She probably, I don't want to get sued. Yeah, no. Watch what you say. This is going to be public. Monica Lewinsky, if you're watching, I'm so sorry. Is she still alive? Yeah. I mean, this happened in like the 90s and she was like 21 when it happened. I don't guess I processed that. Interesting. Humans have a 30-year lifespan apparently. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Bill Clinton's still kicking, so. Bill Clinton could kick me. Ew. Okay, I think Bill Clinton's more attractive than JFK. I think you know what's not attractive? Adultery. Well, no shit. But like Bill Clinton, if you're watching. Get in my line. Monica, I need you to plug your ears for a second. Clinton, do better. I won't get you in trouble. I won't tell anyone. I will make sure that nothing gets on my dress. I think we have bigger problems if he was listening to this podcast. Because that's a whole bigger issue. Well, I guess because he's not president anymore. Like, would that mean it's a national security issue? I don't know. What if we leaked government secrets on here? Kidding, kidding. What government secrets do you have to leak? FBI, if you're watching. It was a joke. We don't have any. Just jokes, just jokes. We're literally like. Wait, I'm 19. Are you 19 yet? I'm 19. Okay, I thought so. We're both 19. You just turned 19. I was 19 back in September. That's what I was thinking about is whether or not you were older than me. A couple months. In the summer or the fall? The summer. Majority of September is summer. I'm a summer baby. That's so weird. Wait, so what about November? It's still hot as balls in September. I mean, maybe, like, in the very beginning. But, like, I think it gets cooler a lot. I didn't stop sweating walking to class until, like, two weeks ago. Maybe you just have a sweating issue. Sweaty gals arrive. Oh, my God, there was one time I went to this girl's house, and this was, like, my first day meeting her, right? And she pulls out her prescription deodorant because she was so sweaty. And she, like, told me her whole, like, sweat story, her whole life story. Hyperhidrosis is so real. I have it. Okay. Yes, you do. Yeah. For those who are listening, I just wiped my hand on her, and it was very wet. Just a little. It was a little clammy. Yeah. To be fair, it's, like, winter, so I feel like this is, like... Because this room is steamy. This free room. Because it's steamy. It's crazy. It's steamy. They have, like, the fancy little foamy sound balls. In case y'all are wondering... I'm sure. Okay. We attend the University of Mississippi. We attend. It's crazy. So we go to Ole Miss, and we're in their library right now, and they have, like, a recording studio, and this is what we're using right now. We literally spent an hour? It's about our first podcast. No, I'm talking about, like, us trying to figure this out. Yeah, they gave us, like, a time or whatever. And we just spent it clicking the same buttons over and over again because we couldn't figure it out. We were trying to figure out how to use the microphone. We are not film majors by any means. STEM girlies. We're STEM girlies. And we're actually... I have a final in two days that I haven't started studying for. I have a Calc final tomorrow that I've got a relearn limit for because I forgot. Don't ask me about Calculus. I have never taken Calculus. I love Calc, though. I will have to. Thank the Lord. Unfortunate. Calculus can SMD. I almost got in trouble today in class because I said that JFK had BDE. Oh, my gosh, you said it, and everyone was like, what did you say? And I was like, nothing worth repeating, nothing worth repeating. And I was about to just be like, B-D-E, and scream it at the rooftops. And then I was like, I shushed her. Better not. We haven't even talked about our origin story, really. Our origin story, oh. I mean, there really is not much to the origin story. We're just two girls. Just a girl. We're just two girls. We're superior in section. How boys cover them all. How boys record podcasts. Big bro voices. Big, giant, long, hard microphones. Cigarettes, bacon, and football. And grease. That's how girls record podcasts. We're the tampons. Just like a tampon. Just like a tampon. This is so dumb. Let's talk about our period. I love that trend. It's my favorite thing. Mine too. I have like a folder for them on TikTok. Oh, dear. I can't believe. So, fun fact, Ole Miss Wi-Fi blocks TikTok. What else is blocked? Yik Yak? I deleted Yik Yak. Well, I don't. I still have Yik Yak, and I go on it sometimes for most parts. Just frat slander. And sorority slander, and I'm not there for that. Yeah, I don't like the sorority slander as much because it's always like really. It's mean. It's just extra mean, and it's always the same like couple ones, and. Yes, I'm very well aware. I promise. I feel like the sorority ones are usually not true, but the frat ones are. Yeah. I would love to talk about Ole Miss chicks right now. Is anything interesting been posted on Ole Miss chicks? I am looking right this second because. My worst nightmare is being found on Ole Miss chicks. Me too. Okay, so for context, Ole Miss chicks is an Instagram profile or whatever. Instagram account. That was the word I was looking for. Instagram account that like posts like really chaotic things happening around Ole Miss, and like. Don't you like submit pictures? People, yeah, will submit pictures and videos, and like sometimes they'll like I guess do their own stuff. Submitting yourself on Ole Miss chicks is crazy. That's something impressive. Crazy. And also, what happened to chick of the month? I don't know. They said they were going to do like a chick of the month where they pick like some girl to be like their Ole Miss chick of the month, but they didn't do it. What was I looking at? Just what it was. They post anything good. So like after a night out, it's always like check Ole Miss chicks just to make sure you're clean. This is a screenshot of final grade calculator. Oh my gosh. And it says you need to score at least 126.6% on your final to get a 75% overall. Oh my gosh. Try aiming a little lower is crazy. I wonder how bad you have to be failing a class to have to get 126% to get a 75%. Have to get 126% to get a 75%. I don't know. It has to be pretty. Or maybe your final's not worth that much. I don't know. I'm scared for finals. I'm scared. I'm terrified. We're two days out. When is your bio final? Wednesday. What time? Three o'clock. Oh, mine's at five. We may intersect like coming in and out. Do we get one cheat sheet? Uh-huh. For the entire final? Yeah. I'm so scared. I'm so spooky. I'm sure people are taking it. I don't know. I don't know how finals even work and what to expect. Oh my gosh. Speaking of scared, can we talk about frats? Not like, don't name them. No, no, no. We can't name them. Nope. But like specific ones. I'm probably going to like mouth them to you and then we're going to talk about it because there are certain frats on campus that are scary. Yeah. I'm so like out of touch with the frats. I'm a bit of a grandma. Really? Have you gone to any frat parties yet? Plenty. But I think that's why I've retreated back to being a grandma. And it's back to Christmas. That's fair. Why would I not? Frats are scary, but I also like the spike of adrenaline every once in a while. Me too. No, no, no. I think it's all in good fun. And when I mean spike of adrenaline, I mean like this is terrifying. Like walking in. Something about walking into a frat party. Why are the floors always wet? Always. Like it doesn't make any sense. My nude balances are ruined. Oh my gosh. Okay, so I have these like beat up pair of white Nikes. The frat shoes. Yeah, they're my frat shoes and they're like dirty and disgusting, right? But like I, they were already like that. It's fine. And I went to this one frat party. And they had like, because it's Christmas, they had like packing peanuts all over the floor. They had packing peanuts there? Yeah, like all over the floor, like to be like in the snow, you know. I did not go out that night. It was a cute like idea. And, but like they had bubble machines going. And so like the bubbles would land on the floor. Make it slippery. No, make it sticky. Ew. And so everyone had like these packed on like packing peanuts on the bottoms of their shoes. And so now I have like an inch layer of packing peanuts stuck to the bottom of my shoes. And I tried to peel them off and it's like flippin' super glue on there. I wonder what frat culture is like at other schools. I figure at SCC schools it's kind of all the same. Yeah. But like I wonder what the frats are like at Duke. Or like Marquette. Or like Harvard. Could you imagine? Stanford frat. Oh, there's this Alpha, Zeta Alpha, and we like to row here. You're not rich enough to attend this fraternity. Like I understand. I'll be going back. That's how I would imagine Harvard fraternities to be. Now, I don't, oh I really hope that Alpha Zeta Alpha is not an actual frat. I'm sure it's not. I'm making sure just in case because I don't want to slander some frat you want to think exists. Does exist? No. Okay. There is an Alpha Zeta but I don't know anything about it so. Okay. I was like ooh ooh. I saw a result come up and I was like oh no. It's a professional fraternity. What does that even mean? I don't, like I guess Alpha Zeta. I wish sororities could throw parties. Oh, professional organization of men and women. Oh. Agriculture. Wow. Ag frat. The Ohio State University. Okay. I don't know anything about that. I was just making it up. Did not teacher go to Ohio State? Yep. Guess who else went there? Jeffrey Dahmer. Jeffrey Dahmer. I forgot about that. And then someone asked her if she went with him. Like it wasn't in the 80s. When was she in school? How old is she? She's not that old. She's not that old. I'd say like late 90s or something is when her father went there. Who did she say like roomed with Jeffrey Dahmer? Oh, she said that her like professor in school lived above Jeffrey Dahmer. Which is crazy. How do you just not like pick up on something going on? I didn't mean to make a banging noise. I apologize. The documentary scared me. Which one? The one on Netflix? The Ross Lynch one. Okay. The Ross Lynch one was like for me, I don't know why, but it was like boring. Me and my brother tried to watch it. He was like, Sarah, I can't watch this. And I was like, good boy. Did you watch the show on Netflix? Is that different? No, he was Ted Bundy. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Evan Peters. That's what I'm talking about. You said Ross Lynch. We may have watched both. We watched both. The Ross Lynch one wasn't as scary. The Evan Peters one was freaky. You want to take some pictures? That one was scary. That one kind of got under my skin. And I listen to true crime podcasts all the time. I was a criminal minds girl. I did watch a little bit of that. I love criminal minds. What's his name? It's hot. Spencer Reed? He's cute, but I was talking about... Shemar Moore? No. No, no, no. What's his name? Oh, Hotch? Yes, Hotch. Okay. I thought Hotch was funny. I was just nabbing off all the names on the show. I like Spencer and I like Hotch. I like them both in different ways. I love Shemar Moore. He's so funny. Is he the one that like... He looks the exact... He looks like the call lady? Yeah. Yeah. He's on SWAT, too. He looks the exact same, but he's like 50-something. Shoot, my brother just tried to call me. What a shame. That sucks. That's really tough. You know, I put my phone on do not disturb before we started this. I'll do it now. So, if you hate me, just say that. I'm sorry. I wonder why he'd be calling me, though. He doesn't even like me. You think Dahmer got him? Dahmer. I also, to be fair, when it came to the show, I was not that scared because I knew I was not Dahmer's type. So, I knew... I think that did make a difference. I think that made a difference. Well, it scared my brother because he wasn't a little boy. A little boy. A little boy. He did go for little boys, didn't he? Mm-hmm. There was one where he was like a 14-year-old that he went after who was a sex worker. Yeah, my brother's 14, but he's not a sex worker. Are you sure? Very sure. Well, I'm just kidding. Just jokes. Just jokes, friends. Just jokes. Your brother listens to this and he's like, what the fuck? He's like, Sarah, why'd you say that? I swear to God, I'm not a prostitute. Common whore on the side of the street. Common whore. Honestly, never mind. Anything to get out of finals. You want to keep that to yourself. Anything to get out of finals, let's be real. I don't know why I'm so scared. I need some... We should get an older guest on the show to explain to us how finals work because I feel like I'm just going into this blind. I feel like we should go out to the library area right now. I want to talk on our podcast. We should pull the Idea Lab guy. He was funny. Oh my God. Wait, so in order to get into this room, it was locked and we had to go around and ask about a million people. And eventually we get to a desk and I'm asking her how we can get in this room to record this podcast about literally fucking nothing, by the way. And she goes, oh, you need to go to the Idea Lab. And I go, okay, the Idea Lab? What? What does that mean? Keep in mind, it's the middle of finals. Our library is full. There's not an empty chair in this library. So everyone heard me go, the Idea Lab? We had to walk to the catacombs of the library. Ole Miss, hire me. I'm going to rename everything. Because the Idea Lab is fucking crazy. A little nerdy. Yeah. But we went back there and asked him and he was like, he was leading us to this room and he was like, do you know what you're doing? And we were like, yeah. I don't even think I answered. I think I just kind of like kind of blank stared him in his eyes. Do I look like I know what I'm doing? No. That's why he asked us. Let's be real. And we like 80% figured it out. I mean, yeah. We could have gotten here on our own. It's just. We were trying to merge the two mics the entire time. If I'm being honest. And I don't think it was meant to be. It's okay. It's fine. I feel like the one mic works. Yeah. It's not too bad, but. I just can't believe we're doing this like for real. No, what's not helpful is the fact that we have like this. The room has no windows. It has like this soundproofing like padding in it. Right. And then like the glass is fogged. What's the word? I don't know what the. Frosted. Correct. Glass. It's frosted glass. But for some reason, the door is a giant glass door that is completely see-through. So I keep like looking. Every passerby can see us. Yeah. I'm like making eye contact with like people going through like various stages of a mental breakdown right now. Including myself. I was like, we definitely should be, but here we are. Oh, I'm 100% going through a mental breakdown. I woke up this morning and I popped some like anti-anxiety supplements and got on my ass. Off my ass. Sorry. I didn't get out of bed until later than I should have. I woke up at exactly 7 o'clock and I got up and went to the gym because you girls going through it. I was going to go this evening. I wonder if going to the gym helps you get over a breakup. In my experience, it has helped a little. I don't. Yeah, I can see how it helps a little bit. But not a lot. Lifts heavier. That is bold. I also have a partially torn ACL, so I would not be lifting heavier for certain things. Get them shoulder gains or something. Shoulder gains is crazy. My ex-boyfriend is going to look at me and be like, yep, nope, that makes sense. Oh my gosh, what if people find this that we know? I don't even care if I'm being honest. I'm an open book. This is for me. This is for us. Your brother's going to find this and wonder why you're calling him a whore. He's not a whore. Why did you say it like that? That was like the most unconvincing. He's not a whore. He's not a whore, guys, I swear to God. I will say one of my friends to this day, and I've been friends with him since seventh grade, and the first thing I ever said to him was asking him if he was a prostitute because he said something about wearing his older sister's heels. And we're still friends to this day, so if you want to make friends, that's the first thing you need to ask somebody because that's guaranteed to make friendships. I feel like men being whores, not to get a little off topic, is more excused. Oh, yeah. So stupid. It was kind of addressed on podcast number one. JFK is hot. Oh, and so we were like, it's fine that JFK cheated with Marilyn Monroe because he's hot. Okay, I'm not saying it's okay. I'm just saying I feel like most people were like whatever. People look past it, I feel like, more. Yeah, even with Bill Clinton, too. Yeah. I don't know. I don't know. You would think. It's also the 60s. Bill Clinton was like the 90s. Well, I was talking about JFK, but, you know. And then you said it was a theory that they, like. Well, because I thought that was my mom, and she was like, Sarah, you know, that was never proven, and I'm like, Mom, it's kind of obvious. I know JFK and Marilyn are getting freaky. Well, they're both dead now, so I hope they're not getting freaky. In the afterlife, maybe. I didn't want to say in heaven because I feel like they do that in heaven. Yeah, that's kind of wrong. To do, like. That's not what heaven's about. In God's place, like, I don't know. I don't know what heaven's about. I haven't been there yet, but I'll let you know when I do. But if I see JFK and Marilyn now. Oh, my gosh, podcast from high moon. New location. Oh, my gosh, episode three. We should throw a guest. Who should we bring in next time? Andy? Yeah. I don't know if she'd talk about handstands. She's a spontaneous handstander. It's an epidemic. An epidemic? Sassy man epidemic is a thing, too. I saw a TikTok about that this morning. And it was like, wait till my girlfriend has some sassier than her. And I was like, huh? I think it's funny when a guy is sassy, but sometimes it is so annoying. I wouldn't date a sassy man. Well, when we're talking sassy, like, sassy. They wouldn't date me, either. They wouldn't date you, either. I think it's fun when they have a little attitude. Attitude is different than sass. Sass is zesty. You're zesty. I don't know. Dig in your eye. Okay, I have, like, an eyelash hanging down. It's, like, in front of my eyes. I can see my line of sight. Look at it. I don't see it. She just breathed in my air, y'all. She just wiped my face. And this clear glass door is not doing anybody any favors. Nobody. Okay. What's the point of having this clear door? Maybe because so they don't. Oh. Yeah. So people don't rent the room to. Oh, my God. And record it. Oh, God. Never mind. I'm sure that's happened, and that's why the door is clear. You think? I don't know. This is the University of Mississippi. Ole Miss is crazy, y'all. Ole Miss is crazy. I swear. I swear to God, it's awful. I came from a very conservative high school, and coming here, it's, like, wow. Culture shock. To be fair, I came from a giant public high school. My high school was public, too, but. So, like, mine was, like, I got to say, this is probably, like, about the same, if not a little more tame, just because people are, like, more mature. I don't think there's. Mature is a strong word. Yeah, exactly. Mature is a very strong word. It's flippant exactly, but I don't know. I can't even explain what my first week was like. I feel bad. I brought up my ex earlier, and now I can't stop thinking about it. Oh, my gosh. I know. I didn't. I'm currently going through it. I did. All week? Only, no, like, two days. Okay. Silly week is, like, the first week of school. I was terrified. And the frats, they're, like, every single day, and I went to maybe two of them. I was terrified. I didn't go to a lot of them. Next year? Every day. I don't know. We're getting farther into our STEM career. Maybe not. I don't know, honestly. What is your major? Are you just bio? Yeah. Okay. Bio with a chemistry minor because I'm pre-med. Okay. Don't go pre-med. Actually, do what you want. I'm just saying it's hard. Like, you chose it. May as well. Yeah, and honestly, I'm only, like, really stressed out about it because, like, I'm trying to graduate a year early, which I can't. Which is breaking my heart. I hope you know that. You have two whole more years with me. The podcast masters can't end in two years. That's if this even takes off in the first place. Should we call this episode pilot or something? Yeah. Because you know how they do the TV show? A whole lot of talk about nothing. I mean, that's what talking is. Kind of. But, like, oh, my gosh, our project was supposed to be 20 minutes of podcast. I feel like this podcast is going to turn into, like, us just talking to each other and it's, like, conversation simulator or something like that. What? Or it's, like, pretend you're friends with us or something and you, like, pretend that you're in this conversation. Yeah, but you're on our FaceTime call. But you're not. Yeah. You're muted. You're taking a shit while we're talking. While? While P.O.V. were watching you shit. Or, like, we're sitting outside the door. You hear, you know when, like, you have, like, a door closed and you're on the other side and, like, your dog's on the other side and he, like, sniffs under the door, like, trying to, like, find you? And you can see the little shadow under the door. That's me while you take a shit. I'm on the other side of the door, like, on that, like, bottom crack. Like, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, 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