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SCEO.019 Inner Child Healing Visualization

SCEO.019 Inner Child Healing Visualization

Samera HarveySamera Harvey



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This guided visualization helps you connect with your inner child and heal any pain from the past. By imagining yourself in a hallway surrounded by white light, you encounter a silhouette of your younger self. You observe and interact with your inner child, asking about their feelings, fears, and needs. You offer love, support, and apologies if necessary. Finally, you say goodbye, promising to always be there for your inner child. The visualization ends with a reminder to embrace self-love and a recommendation for a 10-minute self-love meditation. Hello beautiful soul, welcome to a guided visualization to connect with your inner child. I'm Samira and I'll be guiding you on a journey of pure relaxation as you connect to your senses and engage with the inner child who might still be holding on to pain and hurt from your past and the child who will help you remember what love and joy truly feel like. The child who wants nothing more than to be seen and loved unconditionally. Honoring and healing this inner child will invite more peace into your life. This meditation is one you can do anytime you're wanting to feel more whole and vibrant. Let's begin. Start by dropping into this present moment and getting into a comfortable position relaxing your body while your mind stays alert. Close your eyes and make any adjustments you need to settle into comfort. Now take one big breath in and exhale out, falling deeper into relaxation as you bring your breathing to its normal rhythm. Let your eyes get heavier, unclench your jaw and relax your cheeks, lower your shoulders, relax your arms and your hands, soften your stomach and feel your legs and your feet get heavier and melt into deeper relaxation. Feel your body here warm, relaxed, soft. Now begin to imagine that you are standing in a hallway. And this hallway is filled with this white light. This white light expands all around you, filling up the space in which you currently occupy. Tune into a sense of loving presence within this energy. All is well, there is so much goodness here for you. And at the very end of the hallway, you see a silhouette emerge. And as the object becomes more clear, you realize it's a silhouette of you as a child. And trust whatever age you see from toddler to teen to anything in between, just trust what appears now. You may meet different versions of yourself every time you do this, but right now, get clear on which age you currently see a silhouette at the end of the hallway. Just observe yourself for a few seconds. Look at your hair, your body, your eyes. Notice your position, your attitude, your expressions. Take it all in, this vision of your inner child. Is your child happy or sad? What sounds do you hear your child making? Is your child looking out into the horizon or looking down at the ground? If you feel an inner knowing in your heart of who this version of you is, just tune into your heart and become aware of a swelling of love in this place. And the more you feel love for this version of you, the clearer their image becomes as they walk closer and closer to you and you walk closer and closer to them until the two of you are standing right in front of each other. Now you reach out to him or her and you say hello. Any way that you think is best, any way that you want to relate to your child, just say hello. Ask your child if you can spend some time together. At this point, respect your child's wishes. If your child prefers to be alone, respect their need to have that time apart and just be happy with your child, even if it's from a distance. Maybe your child is happy for you to be close with him or her and if that's the case, feel free to move close to your child and sit with your child or possibly even stand behind your child. Take a look at where your child is looking and as if you're the child and as if you are the child, look in the same direction. Just like seeing through your child's eyes, see what your child sees and hear the sounds your child hears and even what your child feels. Now, ask your child what it feels like to be a small child. What's his or her favorite thing to do? What worries or concerns does your child have? What are your child's fears? Please remember that no fear or concern is too small. Encourage your child to talk openly to you as you listen with your open heart and mind. Take these next few minutes to simply be with your child and listen with your heart. As you continue to listen with your heart to your child, ask your child if there's anything he or she... Take these next few minutes to simply be with your child and listen with your heart. As you continue to listen with your heart to your child, ask your child if there's anything that he or she may want or need from you. Give your child the opportunity to communicate with you in any way he or she feels most comfortable. They may communicate with you by drawing a picture, speaking openly with you, singing to you, or possibly even just communicating in silence. Encourage your child to be comfortable with you in the next few moments. And if your child wants something from you, then you can give to them. Go ahead and give this to your child. Possibly your child may just want to be held. And this is enough. If so, give your child a hug. And if your child asks something that you cannot give right now, but it may be possible in the future, tell your child this. Be honest with your child. This may also be a good opportunity to also say sorry to your child. For any times that you may have left your child alone and your inner child has been hurt, promise your child now that you will always be there to protect and to nurture them. It's time to leave your child now. And ask him or her if she would like to come back with you today. If your child agrees, give them the opportunity to say goodbye to their surroundings and promise your child that they can return whenever he or she chooses. And if your child wants to stay, give them the space. And let them know that if your child ever needs you, just a call and you will return to be with your child. Let your child know that someday in the future, it would be nice if you both could be together again. Now stretch out your arms and embrace this gorgeous little person and feel their pure love saturate you. Reminding you that you are them and they are you. Now bring your attention back to your breathing. Feeling the hum of peace and calm all over your body. It's time to come back now. Take a deep breath. And stretch out, stretch out all your muscles. Begin to return to your surroundings and open your eyes. Beautiful job today connecting with this special part of you. And if you want to practice embracing all of you, and if you want to embrace loving all of you, check out this 10 minute self love meditation now. And if you'd like to practice embracing all of you, check out this 10 minute self love meditation. And I'm sending you so much light and love. Namaste.

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