Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
Okay, so this podcast episode is going to be a little different from the rest, because every time I have a new friend come on a podcast, I would like to do a little friend, get to know you type, introduce you, you know what I'm saying? So this is going to be a short one. But yeah. Who are you? Zaina Malvani. Okay, Zaina, tell me what you're about. I am about spreading joy to others. Why'd you laugh? No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. No, it's okay. Um, how do you know me? Um, we've been best friends since we were in preschool, you moved to Kentucky when you were four, maybe? Yeah, I was four. Four. And then we were both in the same preschool class together, Miss Andy's class. Oh my gosh, I did not remember her name. Yeah, Miss Andy. My mom met her at the airport a couple times like after that, like multiple times at the airport, which is kind of crazy. Wow. Um, and she took a picture with her too. Aw. So there's a picture of my mom with Miss Andy from like a couple years ago. Wait, that's so sweet. But, um, yeah, I'm Miss Andy's class and we've been best friends ever since. Yeah, period. Okay. Now, we're going to get down and dirty. Okay. Okay. Okay. Because we have to get to know you. And so I feel like a lot of questions that people ask is, what do you love? What do you like? No. Okay. What do you hate? What do I hate? What do you hate? And why do you hate it? I, I hate with everything in me, with every ounce of my body, I hate nonchalance. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. There's genuinely nothing I can stand more, nothing I can't stand more than nonchalance. Is it like nonchalant people or like people like, like what do you mean? It's both the concept and people who act like it. My thing is, I think caring about others is so important. I agree. Like, I think living your life in a way that is like, you show what you feel and you feel things towards others and about others is so important to like, just living. I agree. Like feelings are beautiful. And I think they're so important to feel, like feel your feelings. Don't like shove them down. Right. And like, why is it cool? Why is it not? Why is it cool to not feel things? It's like whenever people are like, oh, men can't cry. Why? What are you talking about? Right. Like they're a person. Yeah. They're going to have feelings. If anything, I feel like it makes them, I, I like men better when they cry actually. Cause it shows that they, like they're, they're feeling things. No, yeah. Like when at weddings when they cry. Oh my God. I think it is so sweet. I went to my cousin's wedding last weekend and, um, my cousin was the groom. So the bride, her dad and her, both her parents gave a speech, but her dad is just like really like, he's super tall and muscly and he's like, he's not necessarily burly. Okay. But he has like a good amount of muscle on them and their whole family's really fit. Um, but he was giving his speech and he started tearing up and you could like hear his voice like quivering and like see him. And I was like, like, I don't even know you and I'm tearing up now. Like, this is crazy. I was like, this is beautiful. And I just think like seeing him like a man like that cry to me is like, I'm like, wow. Seeing like a strong man that has been like, you know, that they were taught not to like cry. Seeing them cry is just a whole nother feeling. Yeah. I feel like. I agree. But you hate nonchalance. More on nonchalance. Okay. I just think that when people, because there's this whole thing right now in our culture where it really, we said this earlier, but it's cool to not care about things. And I really do hate that because like I said, like caring is so important. I think, I also feel like if you're on the other end of that nonchalance, that does not feel good. It's really not fun. It's not a good time. You don't want to be around that person because it feels like they don't care about you. And I just think that's a terrible way to like have relationships. Yeah. So, okay. I'm going to kind of pivot it. Okay. So, you said your culture, why don't you tell us about where your family's from and just about how you as a person of color are in this world? Okay. So, my family's from Pakistan. Specifically, I'm Mammon. My mom is from Hyderabad. Hyderabad, Pakistan though, not Hyderabad, India. Hyderabad, Pakistan. It's like really, really small. It's a really small village essentially. And then my dad is from Karachi, which is like more of a big city. So, that's really cool. And then like culture-wise, like living in the U.S. kind of like as like a brown person, I think, so like I grew up in Kentucky, not like rural Kentucky, but like small townish Kentucky. And I think going to school, like an area where you know every other brown person, every other brown person, every other person like in your community, but then at the same time not necessarily being like close with them and not having any other people around you. But also like feeling forced to be close to them. Exactly. Like I think it's such an interesting thing. Because if you think about it, I feel like a lot of our like childhood of us, like we were kind of forced to do that. Yeah, 100%. And like I feel like it was thanks, like thankfully our personalities, we just happened to grow up and work out really well. But like there are people that like we know in like our small little town and we just didn't work out as friends, which is fine. But it's really because we were like pushed to be friends with each other. And what's really terrible is the fact that like because of the way that our culture functions is that you still, you can never like leave unless you want to completely cut yourself off from like every part of your family. Right. So you still have to go back to that small town and see all those people that you don't mess with anymore. Right. And then you have to act like everything's fine. Right. Because if you don't, it's going to like start conflict, which then just is terrible for everyone. But then even, I feel like even when you do act fine, it's still causing conflict. Exactly. You are correct. There's just conflict. There's no way to get out of it actually. Yeah. I don't know because I feel like it can be such a good thing, like growing up in a small town and knowing everybody from your culture. I feel like that can be like such a good thing, especially for like people that are coming from other countries and they come to America. I feel like it's so beautiful that they were able to build such a community. Yes. And I think that it's so lonely coming from a country and like not knowing anybody. So I think that like having that culture around you is super nice. I just think that people do it the wrong way. I think there's good parts and bad parts. Yeah. I think like how our parents were raised, they have both the good and the bad. And we as like being raised in like a Western culture, we can see those things as like, not to say Western culture is better than Eastern culture. Sorry, I want to make that very clear. But like those things that like they think are okay that we really don't, like we can see those differences a lot more easily than they can. Speaking of loneliness though, people coming over to the U.S., that just reminded me of when my mom first moved here. It was, so her and my dad got married and my mom was I think 19 maybe. Oh my gosh, that's young. Yeah, she was 19. I didn't realize she was 19. My mom was like 25. Damn. Yeah, she was 25 when she had this mom. No, my mom was like a child. My mom was 19. And my parents were pretty like age wrapped too. So I think that my dad was. My dad was 31. No, 30. 30. My dad was 30? Okay, I don't want to get into age gaps. But no, it's okay. But my dad was doing his residency in the U.S. in Texas. Oh, sorry. In Texas. And my mom basically, he flew to Pakistan, got married in Pakistan. Then my parents flew back to the U.S. And then my mom was in this dingy little apartment. Like it was a dingy little studio apartment. I think all they had was like a TV and a bed. Like no, nothing else. Yeah. And then my dad was at work all hours of the day because he was in his residency. And this was before they had any regulations surrounding it. So it was just constant, constant work. And she's in a new country. She doesn't speak the language. She doesn't know anyone there. And when I think about it, it genuinely makes me so sad because I could not imagine living like that. Yeah. Like that is terrible. I was literally talking about this earlier. And I was saying like I, my biggest reason that I can't move out of E-Town, especially, or not E-Town, but like Kentucky right now, like obviously it might change in the future. But right now, like the fear of not knowing people is just crazy. Like I cannot imagine like not having friends in a city. Like I feel like I'm always hanging out with my friends. And whenever I'm like feeling like down, I'm always like, let me like ask a friend to come over and take over to their place. So like imagining just being like completely alone and like having to just sit there, like I can't do that. That's honestly so understandable. Yeah. But, um, okay. More lighthearted topic. Okay. Spotify wrapped. We've been waiting all year, of course. And extra days. We decided to release it super late this year. Yeah. I don't know what that's about. Spotify has to get their act together. Um, but yeah, Spotify wrapped just came out. Who was your top artist? My top artist this year was Charlie XCX. I had a brat summer. I did. You did. Yeah. Then I had a brat fall as well. Yeah. A brottom, if you will. You won't. No, that was really good. Yeah, I had a brottom. A brottom. A brat autumn. Okay. Do you want to hear my top song? Yeah, what was your top song? So my top song actually wasn't by Charlie XCX. Okay. My top song was Back on 74. I actually don't know who the artist is. Oh. Um, it's that, I actually don't want to sing it for you though. Cause I, Back on 75th Street. Right. Um, but it's really, really good. It makes me feel really happy. Like it's such a, it's such a, in my head it's such a, Oh, I know what song you're talking about. It's really popular. Yeah. And it genuinely, when I listen to it, I'm like, It's really cute. Yeah. I just want to like, Like it reminds me of La La Land. Not like the songs, Yeah. But like how they dance and like, Yeah. It's just so fun. Like a musical type. And then the rest of my top four songs, My number two is 7 in a Row by Capilrone. Okay. Number three was Red Wine Supernova. Oh my gosh. Four was Girl I've Always Been by Olivia Rodrigo, Which, That song is me. That's literally me. Okay. I am the girl I've always been. Like I have not changed. Yeah. Let's be so for real. No, you haven't. And then my five was Hot To Go. I have a lot of Capil in there, as you can see. Yeah. What number was Capil? He was third on my list. Okay. Two is BTS. Okay. Speaking of BTS, I don't think I listened to BTS' music on purpose once this year. Yeah. But they'll never be my top five. No. I don't know, I don't know how the math works out. They're just always there. No. And I mean, I feel like as it should be. Yeah. No, you're right. I'm making my childhood. Exactly. No, really? No. My top artist for the past three years has been Mitzki. Yeah. Can we talk about that? When I told my coworker that, she was like, are you okay? Valid response. Yes, I'm okay. I just really love Petriki's music. That's valid. And I think the music is very beautiful. It is beautiful. And I feel like before I would listen to it because I was sad, but now it's just like, I just appreciate the beauty of it. I love. And yeah, she was my top artist, but I don't think any of my top songs are by her. I don't think any of my top songs are by her. I don't think any of my top songs are by her. either. Um, which is interesting. Yeah. My top song was Duvet by BoA. That makes sense. I, yeah, because I was learning it on the guitar. And you were always listening to it. I remember spring semester, you were always listening to it. Really? Yeah. I didn't even realize. Because I remember every single time it would be me, you, and then we have our other friend, Sophie, that we hang out with. Um, you guys would play it on your phone and you would practice it on the car. Oh, yeah. And then also just after you would do it, you would be in your head. So you would play it more. Yeah. It's a good song. It is. It's such a good song. Um, okay. So you're also in college right now. I am. I believe. Uh, what's your major? I am a finance and accounting major. I'm a double major. And why did you choose that? So, if we're being honest, I chose it because I knew that it was a stable career path. And that's real. And I wanted to, you know, I wanted to pursue it. So, I chose it because I knew that it was a stable career path. And that's real. And I wanted to pursue it. So, I chose it because I knew that it was a stable career path. And that's real. And I wanted to pursue it. So, I chose it because I knew that it was a stable career path. And that's real. And I wanted to make money. I wanted to make a, like a survivable salary, to be honest. That's real. I wanted job security. I mean, yeah, because it's so hard to get that. And I like, honestly it is. And also like, the job market, even if you can find a job that has like, like there's job security, like once you get the job, the job market's terrible right now. And it's so hard to just get a job. Right. No, literally. And I feel like it's so annoying because every place is like, oh, we're hiring, we're hiring. Yeah. And that's what gets me. I at least need like a, okay, no. Yeah. Just give me a rejection email. Right. But why are you being so desperate online for hiring people and then not responding to applicants? Yeah. And then sometimes they'll respond like months later and it's like, well, now I don't need you. No. Yeah. I applied to an internship and I got a response two and a half months later saying, oh, sorry, we already accepted someone else for this position. Or like, I forgot I applied today. Like, we've been talking about. Yeah. No, job security is so real to go into and something that makes you money. Like, I don't know. No. Yeah. I think that that makes a lot of sense, especially like the housing market. Why is a one bedroom apartment? A thousand dollars? No way. Yes. That's insane. Girl. Yeah. Go on That's crazy. I don't want to see that. That's going to make me. No, it's so bad. And like trying to find like, and even then like, not only are the prices so high, but there's like no room. Oh, like for anybody. That's terrible. Like we haven't, not enough. Like housing. Yeah. For the amount of people. Yeah. You know? Yeah. But like, which is how it's been for a long time. And it's like gotten really bad lately. And even, even at like the school, like a lot of dorms are running out of room. And like for the amount of students that come in. So they literally will just stack beds on top of each other. So my cousin goes to UC university Cincinnati. And so she's a year older than me. So she was in New York grade or at least she started in college at San Diego. So she's a year older than me. So she's a year older than me. So she was in New York grade or at least she started in college at San Diego. So she's a year older than me. So she's a year older than me. So she's a year older than me. So she was in New York grade or at least she started in college at San Diego. So she's a year older than me. So she's a year older than me. So she's a year older than me. So she's a year older than me. So she's a year older than me. So she's a year older than me. So she's a year older than me. So she's a year older than me. So she's a year older than me. So she's a year older than me. So she's a year older than me. So she's a year older than me. So she's a year older than me. So she's a year older than me. So she's a year older than me. So she's a year older than me. So she's a year older than me. So she's a year older than me. So she's a year older than me. 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