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passion market skill #2 keeper img_4919

Sam Surreal



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The passion-skill-market framework is a way to get paid for doing what you love. If you're passionate but not skilled, it's just a hobby. If you're skilled but not passionate, it's just a job. But if you have passion, skill, and a market, you've hit the jackpot. Education should focus on skills that benefit others, so you can get paid for them. Unlike following your heart, following this framework, will allow you to get paid doing what you love to do. It's something called the passion-skill-market framework, as taken from the art of self-directed learning, and it goes something like this. If you're passionate about something, but you're not skilled in it, then you're a fan. Think about a guitarist who's really crappy at playing the guitar. If you're passionate and skilled, but there's no market, then you have a hobby. Think about someone who's good enough to play, like in a garage band or something, but no one's going to pay to hear them play. If you're skilled, but you're not passionate about it, but you're skilled, and there's a market, then you simply have a job. Think about a guitarist who lost his love for guitar long ago, possibly because he lost the pick of destiny, which was the key to his magical guitarist powers, or something like that. And finally, if you have all three of them, if you're passionate about something and skilled in it, and there's a market for it, people are willing to pay you for it, then you've won the lottery, my friend. Think about someone who's really good at playing the guitar, they love to play gigs, and people pay them. Think about someone who's good at... Think about someone who's passionate about the guitar, plays gigs, and they love it, and people pay to hear them. The key takeaway here is that our education should not focus solely on ourselves, because if our skills only benefit us, then who else is going to pay us for those skills? No one, exactly. Focus your education on skills that educate, inform, and entertain other people, that way you can get paid to do what you love to do.

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