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The treatment for serum sickness-like reaction includes NSAIDs and antihistamines for mild to moderate reactions. Severe reactions require a course of systemic glucocorticoids. Histamine toxicity is treated with antihistamines. Severe reactions may need steroids, androgenic, agonist, or epinephrine. Allergic food ingestion requires self-injectable epinephrine. Prevention includes emergency plans for unintentional ingestion of allergens. What is the treatment to each problem? For serum sickness-like reaction, NSAIDs and antihistamines for mild to moderate reactions. After 48 hours of initiation with these treatments, peruse should stop progressing. Severe reactions should engage in 7 to 10-day course of systemic glucocorticoids. Histamine toxicity, supported with antihistamines to reverse symptoms. Severe reactions call for steroids dated to androgenic, agonist, or epinephrine. Allergic food ingestion, self-injectable epinephrine. Prevention, emergency plans in case for unintentional ingestion of allergen.