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Well the globalists have found a new way to deal with the non-compliance, a new injection approved by the FDA causes death to the unvaccinated. I'm not kidding, we have the package inserts and Dr. Reema Labo joins us today to discuss how this all connects to the pandemic plan coming out of New Zealand, bills that are coming out in Canada, Australia, the US, absolutely everywhere. The death machine is moving forward at rapid speeds and Dr. Reema is going to join us after this short break to connect all of the dots. Don't go anywhere. Cyberattacks, stolen data, tracking, tracing, a lack of privacy and the government knowing your every move are just some of today's concerns but with each day the very real threat of losing our ability to communicate especially in times of need is growing. There has never been a more important time to invest in alternative communication to ensure we have other ways to contact emergency services or our loved ones no matter what happens. This is also true for things like natural disasters, civil unrest situations and encrypted communication in general. The satellite phone store provides voice, SMS and data services anywhere on earth and you don't have to rely on cell phone networks. Their devices are completely encrypted by the satellite phone store themselves so you can rest assured that communications are secure and reliable. They have phones, satellite phones, the BivySeq which is a satellite messaging device that allows you to send text to your loved ones in an emergency situation even when the cell towers are down. You just need to ensure you've kept your devices in a Faraday bag in the event of an EMP which they also stock a huge range of. There are different styles, sizes and designs for all your needs including for a phone, laptop or larger style handbags, backpacks and more which are all hack and EMP proof. While you're visiting sat123.com forward slash Maria, visit the power solution section of their site to ensure you're ready with any one of the wide range of backup power solutions with power banks of all sizes and solar charging solutions also. I personally have them, my family has them and we are prepared for anything. I want you and your family to be prepared too. Again that website is sat123.com forward slash Maria, visit today and view their vast product range to help you and your loved ones prepare for anything. Again that's sat123.com forward slash Maria or give them a call on 1-941-263-0283 and let them know Maria Z sent you. Dr Rima Lebo, thank you so much for joining us today. We appreciate you being here. I am delighted to be with you as always Maria. It's great to have you back. Unfortunately we have some very bad news for people today. You alerted me to this and it's actually, as we speak, being circulated quite widely on X. We want to talk about this new revelation about ACAM2000, the new injection that was just approved by the FDA. We want to talk about a bill in Canada that's going to spread everywhere and link that all together. So give us a little bit of a summary before we get into this information please. Monkeypox is a stalking horse for depopulation. Once again the World Holocaust Organization with genocidalist Tedros Debris in charge has decided that they've got a new technique to scare us into submission so that we agree to let them kill us. That's basically the WHO policy. Their One Health program and agenda is about total control of everything living and nonliving on the planet and they are firmly committed to getting rid of lots of us. The history of monkeypox needs to be laid out just a little bit. The World Health Organization comforted the fact that it had been successful for the first time in human history in totally eradicating the disease known as smallpox. Smallpox is a serious scourge when people do not have functioning immunity and when they do not have hygiene, sanitation, marginally adequate food and marginally adequate modern medicine. Modern societies do not have pandemics because they have hygiene, sanitation, nutrition and medical care. The nutrition aspect is of course available because of everything that they're putting in our food but of course this is why you said marginally correct. So modern societies do not have pandemics. This whole thing about the COVID pandemic was a propaganda and they found that it worked and so they're going to do much more of it. Well the next one is monkeypox. A little history on monkeypox. The alleged smallpox eradication which was such a great success of the total eradication of a disease for the first time in human history wasn't but they really had made enough hoopla and noise about it that they had to cover the story of their failure somehow. So a doctor who was working for the World Health Organization, Dr. Larry Brilliant whom I happen to know from my medical school days and whom I find to be a very, very dangerous human being. Dr. Brilliant said, I've got an idea. Why don't we change the name? We'll stop calling it monkey, we'll stop calling it smallpox. Let's call it, oh I don't know, donkeypox, shoepox, hey how about monkeypox? They made up a disease. Monkeypox never existed before 1970 when this was a political maneuver to cover an abject failure of disease eradication by vaccination, the purpose of which was to convince the world that vaccines are the answer because there's been a long-laid plan to get to where we are now with pseudo-vaccines changing our viability as species and individuals. So suddenly smallpox disappeared because doctors and health personnel were strongly discouraged from ever diagnosing anything as smallpox. Now clinically, if you look at somebody with pustules on their body, it's very difficult to determine whether it's smallpox, variola virus if viruses exist, or varicella virus if viruses exist, chickenpox. Well chickenpox is highly transmissible and has low mortality. Smallpox is less transmissible but has high mortality. The difference between them is different pictures clinically a little bit, by which I mean typically, but not necessarily, a person with smallpox gets swollen glands and a person with chickenpox doesn't, but not always. Typically a person with smallpox can have pustules on the palms of their hands and the soles of their feet. And typically a person with chickenpox doesn't, but not always. A person with chickenpox can have lymphadenopathy and can have pustules on their hands and feet. A person with smallpox might not have lymphadenopathy, might not have pustules on their hands and feet. And that's pretty much the clinical difference. You get more lesions on your arms and trunk with chickenpox typically, but not always. So there's a huge confluence of symptoms. Without specific laboratory testing that is accurate, unlike the PCR testing, you really don't know whether it's chickenpox or smallpox most of the time. If the patient dies, it's probably with smallpox. If it's a kid living in Grosse Pointe, Michigan, who's never been exposed to smallpox, it's probably chickenpox. But the reality is that you can easily conflate one with the other. So the Democratic Republic of Congo was having an outbreak some years ago. And the World Health Organization and government officials from the Democratic Congo decided they would figure out what was going on. And they looked at the fluids and materials from 511 people who had died from something or who had had something. And when they did the genetic sequencing, and this article was published in the New England Journal of Medicine, it's publicly available. When they did the genetic sequence on whatever had made them sick, they found that it was varicella. They found that it was chickenpox, not smallpox. Well, that was good news because at least there wasn't an outbreak of smallpox. But it was bad news because they were calling it monkeypox. And really, now we know it's chickenpox. So this whole big thing about chickenpox, sorry, monkeypox being so deadly, and we all need a vaccine, makes no sense at that level. But then there's more. Vaccines, if they work, which they don't, are very, very specific in the effect that they do have. So every year we need a new flu vaccine when they get, usually wrongly, which variant is going to be the one that we need to protect against with another vaccine. One virus, one clade, one variation of a virus does not get protected against by a vaccine against another. So suddenly we have vaccination against smallpox for protection against monkeypox. But we now know that the smallpox variola virus, the orthopox family, is different from the herpes 3 virus, the varicella zoster virus that causes chickenpox. So it's like protecting somebody against rain by giving them an apple. It doesn't make any sense. It's idiotic medically. So why do they want people to get vaccinated against chickenpox, which is a low mortality, low morbidity disease that parents have typically taken their children to get at chickenpox parties because lifelong immunity is a good thing. And the answer is so they can have us kill each other. What do I mean by that? Quite literally. It wasn't bad enough that DARPA and the pharmaceutical industry and the Department of Defense, other parts of the Department of Defense and the entire bioweapons industry worked for decades to create a transmissible, quote, vaccine in the COVID vaccines that shed. And we have quite a lot of information emerging about the transmissibility of the negative effects of the COVID so-called vaccines. That wasn't enough. Instead, we now have something called ACAM 2000, which was approved several years ago by the FDA, the Fraud and Death Administration, and re-approved on August 19th and then re-approved on August 30th of 2024 as a vaccination against smallpox, which is supposed to protect against monkeypox. Now, this is a very, very interesting vaccine. And I must thank Superspreader in their subset for alerting me to the fact that this vaccine is not only a bioweapon, but is a mechanism to turn you into a bioweapon. Because people who are vaccinated with this live variola vaccine become not only subject to a very, very high prevalence of very serious and possibly lethal diseases and conditions, including cardiomyopathy, including encephalopathy, that's brain swelling and death from that, including a whole variety of other very, very serious diseases and conditions, including smallpox. The vaccine can give you smallpox. They also become spreaders of the same conditions, cardiomyopathy, encephalopathy. They become dangerous to babies, to pregnant women, to everyone, because they become spreaders of not only the disease, but of the same side effects to the vaccine that people who receive the vaccine acquire. Now we're talking about... We're going to expand on that in a moment, but I really just want to bring up the article from Superspreader for everyone, the ACAM2000, and I shared this on X yesterday and in Telegram, insert warning, deaths of unvaccinated individuals who have contact with vaccinated individuals. This is what the package insert warning says, and I'm going to show you, this is directly from the package insert, all of the adverse reactions that Dr. Lebo is talking about here. You can see encephalitis, a whole list, a whole list there, skin infections, so on and so forth, severe disability, permanent neurological squalate, and for every death and or death may occur, look at this next section, death of unvaccinated individuals who have contact with vaccinated individuals. This is in the package insert. It's literally telling you that something that may happen is if this person who believes the government, who believes the science, the health officials, whatever the case may be, can kill you if they come into contact with you after they've been injected, but this isn't just this injection, Dr. Rema. I'm saying they're probably doing this with every single new mRNA injection. This is, as far as I can tell, this doesn't seem to be an mRNA injection. This is old technology. This is a live virus vaccination, but it's even worse. Exactly what you said is true. You could get killed by just being in a grocery store line with somebody who just got vaccinated. Not only that- That's the whole alarming because people may be afraid. I'm sorry to cut you off. People may be afraid of mRNA. They may think, oh, this is a traditional vaccine. It's safe. And then what? They go to the grocery store and while you're both picking onions, you're going to die. I mean, this is insane. Well, it's even worse than that because this is how you turn a population into its own executioner. Not only can you get cardiomyopathy and 5.7 people out of every 1,000 people who receive this injection will develop cardiomyopathy. Another significant 5.7 out of 1,000, the traditional smallpox vaccines were eliminated worldwide, were forbidden worldwide back in the 70s because one person in a million was going to die when they were vaccinated. One person in a million. Now we're talking about 5.7 people in 1,000 developing cardiomyopathy and developing diseases that will kill 50% of them in five years. And anyone who comes in contact with a vaccinated person with ACAM2000 has the same risk, the same risk of cardiomyopathy, encephalopathy, organ failure, eczema, variola, blindness, et cetera, and death as a person who's been vaccinated. There's no diminution of the risk. Oh, well, you know, 5.7 people in 1,000 are going to develop serious and possibly fatal heart disease of the people who are vaccinated, but only 1.2%. No, it's the same risk. And the package insert makes that clear. There's no diminution of risk. And one of the risks is spreading smallpox. People are supposed to self-isolate for four weeks, it says in the package insert. How many people are going to do that? Nobody. How many of these brain-dead health experts that are administering these injections actually know about the four-week rule? And if they do, and they tell people, are they actually going to isolate for four weeks considering they think now I'm injected, I'm protected? Probably not. And they're not going to tell the person, oh, hey, by the way, you have to isolate for four weeks, otherwise you could kill an unvaccinated person. They're not going to say that. And what does isolation mean? It means you can't share a bed. You can't share a bathroom. You can't share food. You can't share living space. You can't share clothing. You can't share air, basically, with anyone who is not vaccinated because you could kill them, your children, your husband, your wife, your mother, your father, your children that you're teaching in school. It turns the vaccinated into active bioweapons to distribute the disease against which no one on the planet at this point has natural or acquired immunity, against which no one except for a few people in the Congo and other places where they have never eradicated smallpox. Now, why are they doing this? What they are doing is murder, wholesale genocide. Well, what's new? The reason that they're doing this has to do with the New Zealand health plan. It has to do with the Canadian atrocity known as C-293, which is about to be approved by the rubber-stamped Senate, an unelected body, by the way, in the U.S., both the Senate and the House are elected in Canada. The Senate is appointed by the Prime Minister, and 77 members of the Senate have been appointed directly by Justin Trudeau, so we got a rubber stamp, and they are about to approve this new bill that operationalizes the Sustainable Development Goals, that operationalizes and institutes into Canadian law, as it was instituted into New Zealand law, all of the controls and destructions of the United Nations plan. Now, before we get to that, Dr. Remo, if I can just one more time bring this up on screen for the people, because this is so interesting. This is, again, from the package insert, it says, warning serious complications. It talks about everything that Dr. Labo has just taken us through, and look here, ACAM 2000 contains live vaccinia virus that can be transmitted to persons who have close contact with the vaccinee, and the risks in contact are the same as those for the vaccine. The risk for experiencing serious vaccination complications must be weighed against the risks for experiencing a potentially severe fatal smallpox or mpox infection, so they are literally telling you here that this injection can be transmitted to people. Now, you mentioned as well, bathrooms, you can't use, what about public restrooms? Are these people going to be going to public restrooms? You can't use spas, you can't use swimming pools. You can communicate your smallpox deadliness or myocarditis deadliness or whatever to an entire swimming pool or gym full of people just by walking in and breathing. What a great idea. I mean, how much better could it be for a genocidalist? This is unbelievable, and again, serious complications may follow with primary or revaccination include all of those, and of course, fetal death in pregnant women, they again, talk about what is here, historically death following vaccination. Historically, yes, this is a historical numbers, the ones that we want to put out, approximately one death per million and one death per four million, and death is most often the result of cardiac arrest, post-vaccinal and encephalitis. I mean, death has also been reported in unvaccinated contacts, accidentally infected by individuals who've been vaccinated, and again, these numbers, I mean, can you really trust one death per million considering there's barely been any deaths from the COVID injections? We could talk about that one death per million. The reason that vaccines, that smallpox vaccination, and I'm old enough to have a little dimple from the scarification process, but that doesn't mean that I have any immunity because that wanes after 10 or 15 years, and it was a long time ago that I had that. Vaccination for smallpox became unavailable worldwide around 1972, and supposedly smallpox was eradicated officially in 1980. Now, that didn't happen. The eradication was faux, but the traditional or conventional smallpox vaccine was too dangerous for world use because of the death rate of one in a million. Now, when we look at the COVID injections, we see vast, vast deaths, slow death and fast death, and that was perfectly okay. The fact that they talk about the historical death rate is irrelevant because this is not the historical vaccine. This is a death machine. It's not a death ray. It's a death squirt. It's a death machine, and it is intended to be and was approved by the Fraud and Death Administration of the United States as a death machine. It's not that they didn't notice that this transmits the same risk to the unvaccinated as the vaccinated. That's the purpose. This is part. This is the next stage. We accepted the COVID stuff. We accepted the lockdown. We accepted the deaths. We accepted the obedience and the diapers on our faces, so we're ready for the next stage, which is that we become the death machines. It's unbelievable, and again, you're tying this in with the New Zealand pandemic plan. You're tying this in with what's happening in Canada. I do want to talk about this bill as well. I'll bring it up in a moment, but essentially, and I recently interviewed Karen Kingston who spoke about how they're redefining biological warfare and saying, essentially, this is a grey area. Dr. James Giordano talks about that grey area, and essentially, when you look at all of this information together about how they say that they'll do it on foreign enemies or their adversaries, we are their adversaries. We are their enemies. This is who they're talking about when they identify their targets for these covert killing programs, and that is what they are. By the way, I have no knowledge to the contrary or confirming the information that there may be self-assembling nanotechnology in these vaccines. There probably is. They're putting it in Novocain, for God's sake, and in insulin, so we can be sure that those who survive will be even more easily integrated into the internet of bodies. Yes. Yes. And that is where this Bill C-293 in Canada comes in. I want you to talk to us about this, please, Dr. Rima. Bill C-293 is the operationalization of everything that the unelected nobodies, also known as the United Nations, wants to enact, which is the complete destruction of any right, including property rights, parental rights, intellectual discourse, freedom of speech, choice about food, travel, personal lifestyle issues, and the total enslavement of the remnant population. It's all laid out beautifully. One of the interesting things about Bill C-293 is that, and I've read a lot of pieces, I'm not a lawyer, but I've read a lot of pieces of legislation over the many years that I've been active in one way or another, and this is the only bill I've ever seen that has no definition section. Risk is not defined, pandemic is not defined, action is not defined, nothing is defined. So everything means everything. And the bill says, yeah, it's a free game. The bill says, in order to protect Canadians, because this is a Canadian bill, anything any Canadian does anywhere in the world, or anything that affects any Canadian anywhere in the world, it's their game. We get to control it. We can expropriate anything we want. We can quarantine anyone we want. We can force any treatment into anyone that we want. We are operationalizing the One Health approach. Now, the One Health approach is total medical tyranny without question, without redress, without any kind of evaluation or opposition possible. It's absolute and total tyranny, and it serves the sustainable development goals of the death machine known as the United Nations. I just want to read the summaries for everyone, because I received this from Connie Shields before you and I organized the interview, Dr. Ramos, so this is the summary I've received. C-293, the Pandemic Prevention and Preparedness Act, grants public health the power to govern Canadians under the guise of pandemic prevention. The Act engages all levels of government and Indigenous communities. Of course, there is a weaponization of Indigenous communities. Right now, Americans may or may not be aware, and I was warning about UNDRIP when Australia was going through The Voice, and I was telling Americans, this is going to come to you. Mark my words. Biden's signing up onto UN 30 by 30, which they've now renamed, but anyway, it's the same agenda, to strip people of the ability to go into nature. Dr. Rima, very early on with me, came on and said the plan is to essentially ban humans from 95% of Earth, and so Biden's just given 27 million acres in Alaska, essentially, over to the UN, human beings are to be banned from that place. That's just Alaska for now, but it is spreading. It says it grants omnipotent power to change land use. Sorry, and just on that point, that was done under the guise of protecting Indigenous communities, so UNDRIP is important for everyone to understand. You can go back and look at my report on UNDRIP. It grants omnipotent power to change land use, foods you can eat, and even create a government-controlled economy to reduce any risk, no further identified, of a pandemic. Again, not further identified, no term is defined, as Dr. Rima just said. The bill allows the WHO to make agreements with public health directly, attempting to eliminate jurisdiction at the courts and the constitution. It allows public health control over communications infrastructure, instituting interlinking surveillance. Once enacted, the bill imposes mandatory medical treatments, explicitly controls your personal autonomy, affecting your freedom of movement and privacy, can expropriate farms and other property, and relocate rural and urban dwellers to 15-minute cities, of course, for absurd reasons like deforestation increases the risks of pandemics, even with the observed grants of power that C293 still gives more powers as appropriate, not further defined. It alters everything that we know about Canada, and Connie says, in a nutshell, it will put all of Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals into Canadian law, overriding provincial and municipal jurisdiction. We in the United States might well say, oh, well, Canada's gone, New Zealand's gone, but we're okay. And that's wrong. As you say, this is being operationalized in every country in the world. And by the way, you might want to go online and look up rewilding maps. And you will see the huge swaths of the world that will be made forbidden territory to human beings because there are more slugs and scorpions and birds and ants than there are people. So on a democratic basis, more of them, they get the land, we get death and enslavement. That's not logical. Again, that's a very, very old map. I have this one saved into my recording software. This is from the 90s, and I always say it's far worse now, but just look at all the way back to the 90s, what they planned, all those areas in red are where they planned to ban human use. And by the way, the other colors also include banning human use. It's just the red usually stands out to people, and they say, well, that's almost all of America. It's worse today than it was then. It's much worse. So why is this important for people who don't live in Canada or don't live in New Zealand? Imagine for a moment that every country in the world passes a similar law, which is happening. And imagine that every country in the world claims total domination of everything all over the world that might affect their citizens or that their citizens might do anywhere in the world. Now imagine endless war because everybody's fighting over every resource and all control of all resources. The kids are squabbling, and the parents come in. If you also go online and look up United Nations 2.0, you will see that the United Nations – United Nations 2.0, sorry – that the United Nations has decided to redesign itself. The unelected nobodies is reanointing itself as even more unelected nobody-ness. And so what they are doing is saying, hey, there are problems in the world. We have to be ready to take on the responsibility of global governance and get rid of all the problems. Pact of the Future designed to be adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on September 23rd is bad enough, but United Nations 2.0 is even worse. Because what it says is we are going to adjudicate all of the nations of the world – you know, those things that used to be called sovereign countries – well, now we're going to determine who gets what and under what circumstances in order to protect the world from pandemics and war. And that's exactly what they've done here. The Biden-Harris administration preserved 28 million – my apologies, I said 27 before, I think – 28 million acres of Alaska public lands, prioritizing tribal rights and environmental conservation. There's that word tribal again. That is under – it's the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples where Article 46 ultimately says, well, you're all subjected to us anyway. So this is already happening in America. They're starting with a place that most people wouldn't even think about because it could even be an uninhabited area. It's a public land. And this is how they start. This is happening in Australia. It's happening in Canada. It's happening in New Zealand. And it's happening in the U.S. It's happening everywhere. Berkeley has a parking lot. Berkeley, California, has a parking lot that the Miwok Indians – it's a tiny band of people – the Miwok Indians said was their traditional land. So Berkeley City Council gave the parking lot land back to the Miwok Indians. Now, somebody owned that parking lot. It was a structure. Somebody owned that structure. And it doesn't matter because their rights were dissolved. There was no compensation to them. Now there's a solution to all of this. It's a really simple solution. I'm a simple-minded person, and I look for simple core causes of things, and then I like to find simple core solutions to the simple core causes. Now, since all of our issues, discontents, miseries, oppressions originate from the United Nations, a group of unelected nobodies, which every country in the world is fraudulently engaged with, by the way, fraudulently engaged with, the issue, the answer, the agenda for us, those who wish to survive and who wish to preserve humanity as an independent and functioning species, is to get the hell out of the United Nations. And you may say, well, how can we do that? Because our countries are so deeply enmeshed, and we all think the United Nations is a good thing. It's not, of course. And the answer is, the deep, dark, ugly core of globalism, unfortunately, lies in the United States. The United Nations is a United States creation which has been globalized. It is a tyranny which originates from the Rockefellerian, eugenics, tyrannical view of the world, which is strongly seated in the United States. Consequently, the United States, not the people of the United States, but the globalist hegemony of the United States, is the dark and evil heart of the United Nations, a dark and evil organization. And there is a bill, right now, before the United States Congress, introduced by Mike Lee of Utah into the Senate, and by Chip Roy of Texas and Michael Roberts of Alabama into the House, called the Disengaging Entirely from the United Nations Revocable Act of 2023. That act passed with a supermajority so that it can override the inevitable, you might scroll down a little bit, there you go, so that it can override the inevitable Oval Office veto. Because whichever sock puppet sitting in the Oval Office, Biden or Harris, is going to veto it, that act gets the United States out of the United Nations. That can be a lethal blow to the UN, but it certainly will weaken it greatly. And other countries, which don't dare leave on their own, can leave. Some will have to leave. I do want to get into leaving the United Nations, and then, as we said before, Dr. Labo, not only do we need to exit the UN, but we also need people to enact laws that protect us from never, ever engaging with an organization like this again, and never putting any of their recommendations around climate or Agenda 2030 into policy, and anyone who does have to be immediately, whether it be for health, climate, whatever the case may be, none of their historic proposed policies or agendas must ever be incorporated into a country's law. This is paramount. But I want to bring this up because this is important for people as well. You all know that I've spoken about Policy Horizons Canada before. This is another document of theirs called Disruptions on the Horizon. And so this is the Disruptions 2024 report. And you can see on here, I'll just scroll down for everyone a little bit, they talk about exploring the disruptions, assessing them, and preparing for, of course, they leave out the part where they create the disruptions, problem, reaction, solution, but have a look at this graph, this chart, I should say. And they say that when the disruptions occur, it's represented by the shape of the icons. I won't even explain their explanation to you. You can see here on the left, the impact and the score rating being high. And at the bottom, you've got low and likelihood high. So they have here that there is a very high impact of world war breaking out and a civil war erupting in the United States. Now, whilst they say that that is low likelihood, anyone paying attention knows that this is very, very likely, not that we want it, but they're pushing for it. Talk to us about some of these other threats here that they identify, Dr. Remar. This blue triangle in the right hand quadrant, it says people cannot tell what is true and what is not, CGI, deep fake, etc. That's very useful to them because you throw up your hands and you say, well, I don't know what's real or not. And they get to do whatever they want. And they tell you what's real, whether it's real or not. Food becomes unavailable, medical systems break down, social structures break down, all of the things that are being engineered right now by these monsters as they take away the integrity of children growing up, as they take away parental rights, as they take away any real electoral process in this country so that we have selections rather than elections, as other countries do because of the uniparty theater, which is really very transparent. So what we have is an enactment of these, basically this is Saul Alinsky's rules for radicals globalized. It's really quite classic. This is how you destabilize a society and create a Marxist takeover because C-293, the New Zealand health plan, all of the bills that are coming under all of these pieces are Marxist technology, social engineering technology being turned into actualization. And the United Nations has always been a eugenicist, Marxist organization. Always, always since the beginning. And I do encourage people to go back and watch our interview that you did a fantastic presentation on the United Nations itself, the history behind it. Everything was amazing. But I just want to show everyone the risks that they're saying are going to happen and that they're assessing. So they are expecting that basic needs will go unmet. This is quite likely in their legend and will have a very high impact. They're saying that healthcare systems will collapse, cyber attacks will disable critical infrastructure. They've been preparing this for such a long time. We've seen them war gaming this, testing this. CrowdStrike was very likely an installation to ensure that the ones that they deem are essential to be able to broadcast when they do this have that installation in place. Democratic systems are breaking down. Biodiversity is lost. Economic ecosystems collapsing. This is a huge one. They say this is extremely likely that people can't tell what's true and what's not because of their purposeful disinformation narrative that they're putting out. They talk about Canadian regions. Just replace that with worldwide regions becoming uninhabitable. They want you to believe that. And they're going to say that you can't live where you live because it's uninhabitable. And I'm currently working, Dr. Remer, on this piece about this. It's called Managed Retreat in Australia. And they're doing this where they say, oh, well, your home's going to be at risk of too many, I don't know, high-speed winds. Not only can you not insure your home, but this now has to be repurposed. This is not for you to live in. They even talk about relocating people to facilities while they transition from their former life where they could live wherever they want to smart cities. This is absolutely – it's not coming. It's happening. It's already happening. It is happening. Now, let me talk about for a moment the fraud that is the United Nations. So if you go to preventgenocide2030.org, not only can you exert pressure to force your members of Congress to take action to get us out of the United Nations, and it is public pressure that causes them to take the steps that we want. By the way, this works. We don't have time to talk about that, but it absolutely works. We need 10 million people picking up their freedom mouth and pounding on Congress to tell them that they must exit the United Nations. But if you look at those steps, there are six simple steps in the 10 million patriot challenge, and you go down to – by the way, step two allows you to tweet the presidential candidates saying to them, you want my vote? I want your answers. Yes or no? Do you consent to withdraw from the UN and WHO? Do you commit to reestablish the right of informed consent, including around vaccines? And do you commit to punish all pandemic crimes against humanity? The reason this is so important, folks, is that this has to become part of the presidential conversation, and it's not right now. Neither Trump nor his handmaiden Kennedy nor Harris are in any way approaching these issues, and we must force these issues into their debate. But then when you go down to step five – But the approach is that we're going to make America healthy again. We're going to look at the risks of childhood injections. I do think they're being a little bit careful around all of their plans, but we are definitely not seeing explicit statements that they are going to punish the pandemic crimes and seriously take these injections off the market. We're not seeing anything like that. I haven't heard – maybe you're more current with it, Maria, than I am, but I haven't heard anybody say anything about injections since that supposedly leaked weird phone call between Kennedy and Trump after the supposed non-existent bloody hand assassination. Nobody said anything. I've heard things with you. I just heard RFK Jr. speaking. I think it was during the Tucker Carlson tour. I watched a video of him, and they actually up front asked RFK Jr. whether he holds Donald Trump culpable. I believe that was the word that they used for Operation Warp Speed, and he did say on stage in front of everyone, I absolutely do. He had very, very bad advisors around him at the time, and he is bringing people that actually know about the damage of injections essentially now into the administration. It's going to be very different. This is what he said, so I can't say that I haven't heard anything because I just heard it. Now, how serious are they about this? How far is the accountability going to go? This is yet to be determined, but as far as RFK Jr. is concerned, he said these words. Was that before or after he threw his support to Trump? After. Oh, okay. All right, so that's the piece of information that I don't have. Okay, thank you. So, the point that I'm making is that we were misled by Harry Truman into ratifying a treaty that didn't exist. You cannot have a treaty between a non-sovereign state and a sovereign state. You can have a contract, like if the United States signs a contract with Lockheed Martin or Raytheon, that's a contract, but it's not a treaty. A treaty requires both sides to change their laws to match, and both sides have to be sovereign states, according to the U.S. Department of State, which follows the Vienna Conference on the Law of Treaties, the VTLT, and they say that on their website. Treaties are only between nation states. Harry S. Truman went to the Senate of the United States, and he said this is not a static treaty. There's no such thing as a static treaty. That's treaty. This is not a treaty, and it was not, but the Senate was misled by the President Pro Tem and the President of the United States to, quote, think that it was ratifying a treaty, and they said, 89 to 11, okay, go ahead and sign the charter, because we think that's a treaty. Signing the Charter of the United Nations, which brought the United Nations into existence, is not permitted by the Constitution of the United States. I have something amazing to share with everyone on that note. Thomas Massey just actually introduced an amendment, which was adopted by the House, protecting Americans from unconstitutional World Health Organization agreements and treaties. Treaties don't override the Constitution. Laws that seek to bind Americans in the United States must first pass both the House and the Senate. Rep Thomas Massey is one of my favorite people on Earth, Dr. Rayner, because he understands exactly what you're saying, and he has just done something that will add a layer of protection, if I can use that word. Add a layer of protection. If I can use the words of the experts during COVID, but seriously, he did actually just add a layer of protection to America. Now, this has to be passed by the Senate. This has to be passed by the Senate in order to make it an effective layer, but he's quite right. And Thomas Massey has been putting into the House legislation to leave the United Nations forever. However, this is the first time the disengaging entirely from the United Nations debacle Act of 2023 is the first act that I am aware of that has been both before the House and the Senate. So if it passes by a two-thirds majority in both the House and the Senate, and you can make that happen, you can make that happen. If it passes with that necessary veto override majority, then we will be withdrawn from the United Nations, and the United Nations will be ejected from U.S. soil. No headquarters, no offices, no peacekeepers, no nothing from the United Nations will be permitted on U.S. soil, that they will be excluded and extruded from this country. Think about what that means. That means that we get to recapture what has been captured as a municipal deep state, as Lisa Barone calls it. Because every municipality in the United States has been captured through the municipal guidelines issued in 1994 by the United Nations to enact the Sustainable Development Goals that we now know as Agenda 2030. They were working on it quite a while before, because Agenda 21, if you remember, was signed in 1992. And every country then in existence, 174 countries, signed on to destroying their country. Then it was re-upped with an additional 20 countries in 2015 as Agenda 2030, when the World Economic Forum was given its first contract with the United Nations to speed up the implementation of the destruction of the world. So this has been going on for a very long time. I have a 1974 document from the unelected nobodies laying out the entire program. This has been in the works for a very long time. We have one last chance to stop it. One last chance to stop it. And that lies with the United States withdrawing itself and ejecting the United Nations from its territories and land. There is no – again, bring it up for everyone. PreventGenocide2030.org, the 10 million patriot challenge, and you can see the steps clearly outlined there. And of course, challenge step six is to sign and share the international disengaging from the UN declaration. Very, very important. You also have step four, motivate your circle of influence to take the challenge. Dr. Rima and her team have made this very, very easy for everyone. You can also see reading the disengaging entirely from the UN debacle act of 2023. This is so, so important for everyone to be aware of and visit and share this website. Thank you. This is not theoretical. Your life, your genes, your children, your property, your thoughts, your ability to think and your integrity as a human being are under absolute deadly assault. And the ACAM2000 vaccine product insert, they're telling us these facts. Imagine what they have hidden. The ACAM2000 vaccine is a perfect exemplar of how brutally, violently, viciously hostile these global organizations are to our life, to our rights, to our integrity. Anyone, and this is a challenge to you, you listening, you watching, anyone who does not take action against this tyrannical genocide is voting for the tyrannical genocide. There are no positions of neutrality left. You either get on the train to the concentration camp well-informed while you stand in line and wait to be exterminated or you don't. Absolutely agree with you, Dr. Rima. This is so, so important, again, for everyone. I just want to bring it up one more time that these people are redefining biological warfare. They're telling you to your face that as they inject these people that believe in them, and by the way, simultaneously we have digital ID moving forward. Even in the US, it's already gone forward in Australia despite many, many people being against it. This is moving forward in every single country. I was just looking the other day at which countries haven't yet adopted digital ID or are working towards it. The list is getting smaller and smaller every day. It's just a handful now of countries that have not yet adopted it or created a platform for it. As we move towards that, as they force people like they are in Australia, we need to make children safe from social media, so we need people to verify their age to use it. That means even your ability to get this information out on the very internet, which is the method that we use to warn the world right now, will depend on your compliance with digital ID. If you do that, then you won't have an option but to get the newest injection that they want you to or to ingest the food that they want you to. You won't be able to purchase what you want with your own money because it'll be linked to your bank account. Then this death that they are planning for all of us is just going to perpetuate and perpetuate and perpetuate until they get to their golden number of, I don't know, I guess half a million. I mean, this is really where this is going. The system of the death machine is being set up before our very eyes, so whilst people may think, oh, well, until they stop rolling this out, I won't go into supermarkets, I mean, they're forcing you to stay home through this, through what they're doing, the way that they're weaponizing these injections. They're forcing people to stay away from people. How will you know if someone's recently been injected? You won't know. And what, you could die tomorrow because you went shopping for bananas? I mean, really, this is what we're talking about here. This is the perpetual system that they want in place, and we cannot allow this to happen. So this is just one example, something that we've come to know recently, Dr. Labor, I'm sure there are more. I'm sure that there are more that causes death to the noncompliant. This is what it is. This is death to the noncompliant. Let me remind you, years ago, I wrote an article called, We Are All the New Jews. This is a reality. Those people in Europe who said, oh, well, you know, we live among good people, they would never do this. Oh, well, we're safe. Oh, well, we're assimilated. Oh, well, this won't happen here. This won't happen to us. We are free from this danger. Oh, well, it's just a conspiracy theory. Oh, well, it's an imaginary threat. They were wrong. And anyone who says that now, or chooses not to take action to defend humanity, not just yourself, but humanity as a species, because once you alter the DNA, it's no longer the same species. Anyone who chooses not to act proactively, while there is still a tiny window of opportunity, is a collaborator and will soon be either dead or diminished to the point where there is no longer any human being left. Just as Yuval Harari. Wow, absolutely. And we can see that window of opportunity. Since the first time that you and I spoke, Dr. Labo has gotten smaller and smaller and smaller, to the point where eventually the goal is for you to not even be able to alert people to these risks, because everything you do online is monitored by your digital ID. And the moment that you say, hey, guys, just be careful, because this new injection is actually going to kill us if we come into contact with these people. Be careful, like we're notifying now, like we're broadcasting now. Be careful of the people around you that love vaccines, because they could very well be a walking time bomb to kill you. We can't even say that online anymore, because we can't do it without a digital ID. And if we have a digital ID, tomorrow your bank account's off forever, because you told people that, hey, be careful, you might be dead tomorrow. I mean, this is what's happening. So this is so, so important. Preventgenocide2030.org is where everyone needs to go. Dr. Rima, please let people know where they can follow you, and also anything else you want to say to everyone. Yes, it's up to you. It's not up to me. I'm doing everything I can, but you need to do that too. I have the Substack called the Dr. Rima Truth Report, D-R-I-M-A, truthreports.substack.com. I have a couple of podcasts a week on the Dr. Rima Truth Report Substack. I will put notifications of the broadcasts and so on, and the things that I'm writing, and the people that I think you should listen to like the information that Maria Z. always puts forward with substantiation and power behind it. You need to act. We are going to be killed as well-informed targets unless we act. That's why preventgenocide2030.org exists. It's not about talking anymore. We all know, or many of us, enough of us know what's happening. Now the question is, what do we do to stop it? Thank you so much, Dr. Rima Labor, for your time, your dedication over all these years, and I encourage people to support your work, support your Substack. Continue to share the information as well. Share the interviews, share the information. Get this out there. Let people know what they can do to take action. We have to stop this now, humanity. Dr. Labor, thank you for your time today. Thank you, Maria. Some of you may have heard the story where I recently went to a farmer's market and was told by the farmer that he will accept payment in gold or silver. I was very happy about this, but it also reinforced for me that things are shifting and people are quickly realizing they can't depend on this failing fiat system any longer. Our partners at KEPM are committed to formulating a plan that safeguards your paper assets using affordable silver and gold bullion bars and coins with minimal premiums and commissions. They offer individual strategies, low-cost metals, and most of all, people over profit. If you're in the United States, head to KEPM.com forward slash Maria or call 720-605-3900 to contact Dr. Kirk Elliott's team and consider securing your wealth today. It's never too late to consider securing your wealth with the proven, time-tested strategy of precious metals such as gold and silver until it's too late. Don't wait. Again, that link is KEPM.com forward slash Maria or call 720-605-3900 to contact Dr. Kirk Elliott's team and let them know that Maria Z sent you.

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