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Sabine Terán



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In this episode of Year of the Brat, the hosts discuss the major music releases of 2024. They highlight Charli XCX's album as a significant achievement and discuss its cultural impact. They also mention the remixes Charli did with other artists and the upcoming remix album with Ariana Grande. They talk about the rise in popularity of Brat music and attribute it to companies and TikTok. The hosts also discuss Billie Eilish's album and her first album after publicly coming out. They mention their favorite song from the album, "The Diner". They move on to discuss Chappelle, an artist who became popular suddenly and how she represents the queer community. They mention the hate she faces and defend her boundaries. They then talk about Clairo's music evolution and their favorite songs from her latest album, "Charm". They express pride in Clairo's success and discuss their disappointment in not being able to attend her tour. They conclude by saying that 202 Hi everyone, welcome back to Year of the Brat with Sabine Turan and JooA Kim. In today's episode, we'll be covering all the albums and songs that came out this year. 2024 has certainly been a huge milestone in music. Now let's get into it. So, first of all, the most iconic musical achievement that happened this year is the Brat album by Charli XCX. Now, what are your thoughts on this album, Sabine? I love it. I agree. It's definitely one of the best things the music community has ever done for us in the past maybe 20 years. And it has a really big cultural impact. So, you know how last year was Barbie summer and now it's Brat summer? Yeah. And I thought it was really interesting how Charli did those remixes with other artists. It was so random. The artists that she collabed with were Billie and then... Lorde. Lorde. Troye Sivan. Troye Sivan too. And now I think we're getting another remix album with Ariana Grande and the Japanese... I think the Japanese house, right? Oh yeah, yeah. I'm really excited for that. One thing I'm kind of mad about is that Brat used to be in this kind of niche. Charli XCX was kind of in the club music... Kind of like the club music... Okay, we're going to help that out. The club music niche. But then suddenly got popular for no reason. Do you know why it got popular? Companies. Definitely. And TikTok. Yeah. I think it just kind of took off when the Apple dance started trending. Yeah. I don't know. I feel like people think that every time they dance. Yeah, and I disagree with how people hate on it as well. Like, it's... Wait. I disagree with how much people hate on it. Because, well, it wasn't even meant to be popular in the first place. It was supposed to be for the club scene. It was supposed to be for raving and stuff. But then now it's mainstream. So people who are used to listening to mainstream music think it's bad. Because it doesn't fit the pop image, you know? Yeah. Why am I at a loss for words right now? The second we started recording, I was like, okay. Should we just go to the next one? Okay. Okay, so the next one we're going to talk about. Hit Me Hard and Soft. Came out this year. And my favorite song from it would probably be The Diner. And I didn't know what it meant. But apparently it's in the perspective of her stalker. Oh. Yeah, because her stalker wrote her a letter. So Conte, Hit Me Hard and Soft is Billie Eilish's newest album. Wait, is this the one that came out after she came out? Yeah. Oh. Wait, so what was her last album? I don't remember. Oh, Happy New Year. Oh. Wait, so was that before she came out? I think so. Okay, so this is Billie's first album after she came out. And yeah, I also agree about The Diner. That's also my favorite song. I think it's very underrated. I mean, it's not underrated, underrated. It's still very popular. But I just really like it. It's a very un-listened-to track on the album. And speaking of new popular artists... Just kidding. Billie's not a newer... Billie's not new in the pop music scene at all. Let's get into Chaperone. I don't know if I'm pronouncing it right. I don't think I ever pronounced her name right. No, I feel like I never hear people saying it. It's either like Chappel or Chappel. Yeah, I've always said Chappel. Chaperone? I don't know. I've heard people say both, so I honestly do not know. Chaperone. Our favorite gender. Yeah. She got really popular out of nowhere. What was her album's name? The Rise and Fall of a Midwich Headband. That was her hit. All of a sudden. It just came out of nowhere, too. Yeah. I heard that she started crying at one of her concerts because she got so overwhelmed by how many people were there. I don't know. It's hard for her that she went from not recognized at all to having so many listeners. I feel like with Chappel... I keep saying Chappel. It's probably Chappel, though. It's very important for the pop music community because she represents a queer community and we have had so few representations of lesbian and gay artists in the past years. So I think it's very important that such an explicitly gay person has become this popular and recognized. I also don't understand why people are hating on her now. I think, honestly, the people who are hating on her would probably react the same way she's reacting. Yeah, exactly. It's okay for celebrities to have boundaries. You don't really see celebrities setting strict boundaries for their fans. So I guess it would be jarring for people to see someone who has such a strict... She's not media trained, people keep saying. People keep saying she's not media trained and it's oversensitive. But honestly, if I was her, I'd probably get overstimulated as well. Yeah. Yeah. I agree. Speaking of another queer popular artist, we have Claro. I have honestly been an OG fan. An OG fan since 2020, 2019. I was in elementary school and every day I would just listen to Pretty Girl. And look how far she's come now. I'm so proud of her. I'm proud of my queen. Her music video. Yes. I can't believe how much Claro changed too. Can you describe it? Yeah. I feel like Charm is very... It's more like jazzy songs. Yeah. And I feel like with Immunity and Sling, they were more sad. There were still jazzy songs and all. It was more acoustic. Yeah. Just raw guitar and stuff. And then before that, it was Pretty Girl and then it was more electronic. Yeah. And then all the indie girls were like, oh my god, I love this song. It's like... I don't know. She changed a lot. She matured a lot as well. Yeah. What do you think her best song is on Charm? I like Nomad. Nomad? I love Nomad. Nomad. No, Nomad. I know it came out second, but I feel like not a lot of people listen to it. Yeah. It's really good though. Probably mine is... Let me go on my Spotify. I'm typing on my computer right now. Probably Second Nature. I love the part in the beginning where she like... Oh, yeah. I don't know. Oh, also Juna. I was actually one of the first people to listen to that. I like went on Spotify the second the album came out and then like I shuffled it and then the first song that played was Juna. So, yes. Yeah. I wasn't like one of the first people, but like when I first heard it, I heard like... I was like watching the countdown. It was like my favorite. Yeah. Yeah, it was like my favorite and then I like... and then it got like really popular. I know. I'm not complaining. Yeah, I'm really proud of her for like getting so popular. Since I'm like... I was there since like Pretty Girl. Yeah. And I've been like on her YouTube channel for like a while now. I'm... I couldn't go on any of the tours. Have you gone on the tours? No. I wanted to. I tried. Oh. What do you mean you tried? Like you wanted to get a ticket? Yeah, but I think when I went, it was already like sold out. Oh, no. Because... I'm so sad. This is like the one opportunity where I can hear like Charm and stuff live. Because there's going to be only one Charm tour, probably. And like... I won't have the experience ever again. So I'm very jealous of everyone who like was able to go. Um... Should we... Wait, what was our answer? Or... I forgot. Should we just pick something else? Oh, 2024 in short was definitely a great year for music. A lot of really good albums came out. We saw the Club music revival. Claro came out with her new album. Billie Eilish just came out. And... Chaperone, she had her big break in the music industry. And... I'm really proud of all these like small artists who were able to get big. And I hope maybe next year we'll get even better music as well. But... Ugh. I literally don't know what to say. Bye. Oh wait. Wasn't it like Bye Brad? Wait. Let me search it up. Wait. Oh my god. Why is it not here? Wait. Do you want to start over? Yeah. Wait. Not now though. I feel like this one was like... I'm stupid. I don't want to like... Wait. Alright.

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