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Nothing to say, yet
This YouTube video is about increasing creativity through a hypnosis process. The speaker guides the listener to relax and tap into their deep creativity. They emphasize the power of the unconscious mind and encourage the listener to imagine and shape their desired body using their creativity. The speaker also mentions the importance of letting go of fear and anxiety and embracing creativity for success in all aspects of life. The listener is encouraged to visualize a dam holding back their unconscious mind's creativity and to open it up to flow freely. Overall, the video aims to help the listener enhance their creativity and realize their goals. Hello, and welcome to my YouTube channel. This is Rose Stein, happy to be here with you. If you enjoy this process, please give me a like and subscribe, and of course, I'd love to hear from you. You can reach me at rose at This process here today is about increasing your creativity. This is a hypnosis process, so please make sure that you are not driving. Find a comfortable place where you can sit or lie down and just relax. Allow your eyes to comfortably close, and allow your breathing to become deep and rhythmic. The purpose of this process is to increase your creativity, to allow you to tap into that within, deep within, there is a place and a space of deep creativity. For this mind, your imagination is a gift, an incredible gift, a gift to be able to think beyond present circumstances and begin to create the life of your dreams. As you allow yourself to tap into this creativity, allow it to appear to be part of your life experience. Allow these positive suggestions to gently guide you, taking you deeply, deeply into a peaceful inner place near sleep where you can tap into the creativity of your own dreaming, where all possibilities become part of your day-to-day life experience. With that thought, I would like you to become aware of your body. Become aware of your body in the shape and form that it is presently in, for this truly is a creation of your own conscious mind. The power that you will be tapping into today is called the power of the unconscious mind. That is the part of you that is controlling your heartbeat, your breathing, the actual building of the body, changing 50 million cells a second along a blueprint of your self-image. And all of this is being done through the creativity of your unconscious mind. Because the power of creativity that resides here, I say to you now, each and every word that I utter, each and every breath that you take from this moment on is going to take you deeper and further to your own creativity. You can begin to drift into dreams, into memories, and perhaps even deep and profound rest for you, like a deep sleep. You are creativity. Creativity flows through you like a river every day. In every way, you are getting more and more creative. I'm going to say to you now to move deeply and completely down to the bottoms of your feet. Notice how energy follows thought. And just as you use your mind and your imagination to focus on your feet, the blood flows. Imagine the blood flowing, the warm circulation. Imagine all the cells, all systems, and all organs of the body now. In this creative exercise, imagine the body becoming as you desire it to be. Imagine the feet and ankles, the calves and shins, all the way to the hips now, just as if it were clay putty that you could begin to shape and mold as you desire. Imagine in your mind and in your mind's eye that you can begin to change your body to produce the body that you desire. Using the creativity that is within you, imagine all cells, all systems, and all organs using the creativity that flows deep within all cells, all systems, and all organs. For change and positive transformation is at the essence of all living things. All things changing, dynamic change, so use your imagination to allow that change to go in the direction that you desire. Simply suspend disbelief and just imagine. Begin to imagine the successful feeling of creativity moving now into the palms of the hands. Imagine the palms of the hands opening up and letting go of all the fear, all the frustration, and all anxiety that has ever been a part of your life experience. You are now letting go. Let it go. For this is your time. Time for creativity and for the enhancement of your own mind. Feel the freedom of your unconscious mind that whatever the mind can conceive and believe will naturally and normally achieve. The thoughts are now becoming things and concepts are now becoming reality. It is in this creative space that you are now noticing the seconds will become hours, the hours become days, and the days become weeks. For this is a place that functions outside of time. It is your creative mind. Your creative processes that are now flowing freely, flowing through your body as relaxation, as the sensation of relaxation. Whether you begin to feel a tingling sensation or a lightness or a heaviness in your body, it's perfectly unique to you. Begin to realize that this is your feeling, your creativity that is moving through your body, moving through all cells, all systems, and all organs. I cannot feel that for you. That is unique to you. Energize them now with a higher level of creativity so that soon, very soon indeed, you return to your everyday life experiencing things and notice that it's just a little bit different. You will be looking through new eyes, hearing with new ears, sensing and feeling with the vitality of a newly created body, for it is your time for creativity. With that thought, move through the abdomen now. Notice energy follows thought just as you thought of the chest and your back area now, and let them go loose. Begin to mold just as you did the feet, the ankles, the calves and shins, the knees and thighs. Begin to mold the body. Create the body in your mind that you desire to be in. Begin to breathe the way that you will be breathing, seeing what you're seeing. As you breathe in now and in the future, a success for you is creativity moving through your mind. You are using creativity for success. Not only in your personal life, but also in your public affairs, in your work life and in every part of your life experience. Success is a state of mind, it is not a destination. It is going to be with you every moment in time for you have truly done the very best that you could with all the information you had at hand. You are now receiving new creative information, new discoveries, new realizations of who you are through the creativity of your own unconscious mind. It is with these new information that you will awaken today, that you will awaken with new realizations, new thoughts of who you are, that those things and those goals that you have in your life and in your world are going to come into completion for you. They will be realized by you because you are seeing with new eyes, hearing with new ears, sensing and feeling with the creativity of your body and mind. Every day in every way you are getting better, better and better and this is so. It is now as the creativity flows through all your inner organs, all inner systems and all inner cells that I say to you now that if there is any system, any cell, any organ of your being that is not working in perfect divine for you, that that system, that cell, that organ will cease. It will stop and begin to function now in light and in love just the way it was intended the moment you were born. For the moment you were born, you were very creative. You began to create the physical body that you are in from one single cell. From one system to two and from two into three. From three into hundreds and from hundreds into thousands and thousands into millions and now presently in this body of billions and billions of cells, here you are. Each one of these cells is listening to my voice for deep within each one of these cells is creativity. You can now begin to feel the flow of billions of cells moving through your mind, moving into your awareness for the power that resonates within you and becomes you is vastly more than you have ever perceived. So allow yourself this visualization. Imagine the neck and the head area relaxing. And as they relax, imagine them opening up. And as it opens up to new experiences, imagine in your mind and in your mind's eye a dam similar to the Hoover Dam or whatever dam you can visualize in your mind. Imagine the water that is being held back from this dam is your unconscious mind. I say to you now, the amount of water that is being held back is your unconscious mind. Looking down at the bottom of the dam where they are letting water out to the surrounding valleys and to the land as the river flows on its way. This is the amount of creativity that you are presently allowing into your life and into your world. Now the water that is being held from the dam is endless. You cannot see the end. It is so deep and so resourceful that you could never touch the bottom. In fact, create this visualization as real as possible for you now. Imagine that it is right behind you and that now you are lying down in the river. The river water is cool, refreshing, and relaxing. And as you are there, you imagine that you are opening up the dam just a bit. As you open it up, it begins to flow in and through the right and left hemisphere of the brain, washing away all negative thoughts, all negative influences. Anything that has stopped your creativity in the past, just let it go. This is your time to create within you the total creativity that you deserve, the total creativity that you desire. It is here and available to you now. Imagine now moving through the shoulders, the arms, and through the palms of the hands, down through the chest and abdomen, through the hips and down through the bottoms of the feet. Imagine that you are now blending your consciousness through imagination into the river, that you are becoming this river of creativity that flows over fertile soil. And as it moves freely in and through the rivers, spreading out to all areas which are in need of creativity, you can begin to go deeper, deeper, and further now with each and every word that I utter, deeper and further with each breath that you now take. Your life flows with peace, harmony, and oneness with the creative flow and patterns of all life. You are now realizing the rhythmic flow of creativity around you. With that thought, imagine now that you are drifting off. You are drifting off into a dream, into memories, and into deep and profound sleep where you find yourself awakening in your mind, in your inner creativity along the shore. You are watching the creativity river flow by as you are lying in the luscious green grass. There is a golden sun above you and you begin to feel the warmth of the golden sun beaming down love, acceptance in and through you. Feel it now moving in through your mind and in and through your thoughts, in and through your awareness. As if a magnifying glass is magnifying the golden light in and through your body, melting away any negative thoughts that you have about yourself, your world, your past, or your future. Just let them go for this is your time to drift off into a dream, into a memory perhaps even deep and profound sleep. Rest for you. As you find yourself resting comfortably, you begin to notice the dreamy, drowsy state of sleep that is coming up upon you. Gently, you close your eyes and find yourself moving through time and space itself, moving to a distant place and perhaps a star or a planet in your own mind. Along this journey and this path, you are going to the place of ultimate creativity. This is a place of ultimate creativity for you, deep within you now, moving deep within you to this place where you find a beautiful building, a large, strong building and a building of creativity. It is painted in a unique colors and as you go to the doors, you notice that everything about this building is done with care, with art and creativity in mind. As you walk through the halls of this creative place, you notice the paintings on the walls, the marble floor, and the brilliant crystals hanging from the ceilings. In walking down this path, for you are going to the room of inner creativity. As you find yourself there opening the door to the room of inner creativity, you find there's a comfortable chair, so comfortable, so perfect for you and as you settle back into that chair, you begin to think of new things, new thoughts, new experiences. Whatever you would like to accomplish in the days, in the weeks, in the months to come, this will be your place for contemplation and relaxation. This is your creative room of your inner mind. It is from here in this creative place that you can now imagine a screen of space and on that screen of space, while relaxing, you are playing for all the creative options that you have available to you as early as today. It's fun. It's like play. It's so fun to imagine. Some of the creative options that your unconscious mind can now bring to you will happen in the morning. Some will happen through your afternoon and many others into your evening. I say to you now, unleash the power that is within you. Unleash the creative flow that is you and becomes you each and every moment in time. Begin to think of all of your options and begin to accept your own creativity. It is from here that my voice will fade away where the seconds will become hours, the hours become days, the days become weeks. And soon you will awaken with new skills, new abilities, and new resources. Some of them conscious and most of them unconscious. For you will simply be where you need to be when you need to be there. And when my voice returns, I will not startle you at all. In fact, my voice will place you into a deeper, more relaxed place in consciousness. And this is so. It is from here that you can now become aware of my voice again, knowing that you can always come back to this place of deep relaxation and creativity and continue to work out all the details of your past, present, and future. Become aware deep within you that every cell is now imagining. Every cell in your mind is a little brighter, a little lighter. Imagine that lightness and brightness burning away all negative thoughts, concepts, and beliefs. For you have everything you need to create the life of your dreams. That each cell that is beside becomes brighter and brighter still. It's like a cascade of brightness, lightness, so beautiful, so fulfilling. Indeed, the body is now filled with a crystalline white light. This is the crystalline white light of creativity. Imagine now filling the body. And as it fills the body, imagine it fills the room that you are in. And from the room, the city, the state, the country, from this country to the world, that creativity has always been here for you, that you are now opening your mind to the creativity that now resonates within you. So now slowly, but only as slowly as all the creativity that you can use and utilize today can become part of your life and your experience. You can now return fully back into the room, but only as slowly as all the creativity can now find its way to your everyday life experience, feeling, accepting, and becoming aware of creativity as you slowly return to this room, natural and normal in every way. Breathing deeply, deep creativity. Creativity flows through you like a river every day in every way you're becoming more and more creative. Opportunities are being noticed by you, realized with your new senses. You have now activated the cell of creativity within you. And with activation, you will find creativity improving and intensifying in and through your life, your world, and your experience, just where you need it the most. And this is so.