Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker is ranting about their post-graduation experiences. They mention switching jobs multiple times and facing difficulties in finding employment. They express frustration with the hiring process, mentioning biases and lack of regulation. They also criticize the reliance on AI in hiring, citing biases in data. The speaker concludes by suggesting that companies invest in a national healthcare system instead of blaming workers for mental health issues. Hey guys, welcome back to Roses Rebel Writings and today is gonna be kind of like a rant style like post. You'll see in my post I have a lot of thoughts but yeah I kind of just wanted to like check in with everyone, see how everyone is, you know, like, I don't know, I guess I have a lot of thoughts, you know, like academically and politically but I also want this space to serve as like my own personal space to like share my experiences and just like document personal thoughts and personal timelines of like things that happened, what went well, what didn't work and maybe anyone listening can take from my experiences and like learn from them, apply the lessons to them. Not necessarily advice because like you know I'm not an expert. So more like I guess be able to like relate to one another because like I know it's really hard to make in-person connections, that's something we're going to get into but if you're online you shouldn't have to worry about like being judged or anything like that. This is a safe space for you, a safe space for your thoughts, a safe space for your feelings and yeah so I'm just kind of gonna rant a little bit. This specific rant is gonna be my post-graduation rant number one. I'm gonna be, you know, just talking about I guess like what's happened since I graduated. So I am graduating class of 2023 and I graduated from Cal, I guess, Cal being UC Berkeley. I know some people don't know Cal by its nickname but some people call it Cal. But yeah I graduated from UC Berkeley, wow, like eight months ago, seven months ago. That's crazy. It genuinely feels like a lot longer because I get into this in my post but I have switched jobs like three times until I got this one. I haven't switched my job since this one because I just like the first space was like a way too stressful because you know I used to be a lifeguard and like I think we are still experiencing a national lifeguard shortage and like a national swim instructor. Well there's always a national teaching shortage. How embarrassing, America. That's another thing. Ew. Anyways, ew America, not ew teachers. I love teachers. Oh my god, don't get it twisted. I love teachers. Ew America. Anyways, back on topic. We always have like a national teaching shortage because quirky America but it's just like it's kind of dangerous to have a shortage when it comes to lifeguards. That's like it's like the shortage with health care workers but no we have to keep you know charging people for school. That's also another thing. I'm sorry to be all over the place. I'm just, I saw this post that this lady donated like a billion dollars to this New York medical school and the medical school is now offering free tuition to people who like enroll. Which is lovely. I love that. That's amazing but why the fuck is it a rich billionaire that is funding schools and not the government? God knows. The universe knows. I don't because I think it's freaking ridiculous but whatever. That's a whole other thing. Anyways, getting back onto it. But yeah, I just wanted to talk about just like my recent experiences graduating. So I graduated eight months ago. I switched jobs. I was a lifeguard then I was a cashier at this local grocery store. I'm not gonna name the grocery store because that's just gonna dox me but it was not a good experience and it was really shitty. Like even more shitty because it was one of those stores that tried to paint itself as inclusive and it was like, look at how many POCs we hire. Look at how many, you know, actual people of color that are on staff. But then like, you look at their positions and then you look upstairs and you're like, hmm. Hmm. Why are you guys all white upstairs? I'm sorry but it's like, don't claim you care about people of color and then your employee comes up to you and it's like, hey, I'm being trigger warning. If you need to click off, click off. But like, trigger warning. But it's not really cool if, you know, one of your POC employees comes up to you and it's like, hey, I feel uncomfortable around this other co-worker. Please don't put me next to them. And then for seven months straight they put you, well not like every single day next to this person, but they decide to put you next to this person at least once a week. It's like, a girl can only handle so much sexual harassment until she snaps. And I'm not gonna put it lightly, like, I gave them chance after chance after chance and then I went like full white chicks mode and was like, I'm gonna write a letter to your manager. And it's not even that I wrote a letter to the manager, it's like I wrote a letter to the store, like a manager, like the top one in charge and she literally couldn't even promise me that they were gonna fire this person even though this person had a folder thicker than an encyclopedia and they weren't even there that much longer than me. I'm sorry, but like, the complete lack of regulation when it comes to that, that's a whole different topic. But anyways, I worked at a supermarket and then I finally got my job! Yay, I work at a law firm now, yay, getting hands-on experience we love. But if I'm being honest, I feel like I only got this job out of literally pure luck and the fact that my boss is also a person of color. Like, that sounds so bad, but like, I don't think, like, any other place is gonna hire me because of, like, lack of connections, like, it's not really what I want to do, if I'm being honest. I can't do corporate America. Okay, that's ironic because I technically am in corporate America, but like, I'm on the other side. I swear, I don't represent, like, the claimed people. The law firm we work, well, we work for, that I work for is, um, you know, it does workers' rights stuff. I'm not gonna, like, say any more than that, but it's on the side of the worker and that is a lot better for me. Not that I, like, like participating in enabling the broken legal system, but hey, I'll take what I can get, you know? Because, you know, after 70 applications and, like, freaking... I go into it in my post. Let me pull up exactly how much, because I got track of it. Um, yeah, 75 plus applications, seven interviews, and then three offers that didn't even pay me the same rate that I made as a cashier, and some places paid me the same as, like, when I was a lifeguard. And I go into this about, into this about my post, but, like, that is kind of, like, straight-up insulting. And, like, I understand for nonprofits, like, you only get so much funding and da-da-da-da-da, but it's, like, I'm not gonna be trauma dumped on for $18 an hour. Like, that sounds so shitty, but it's, like, no, like, the type of shit lawyers and, like, legal assistants and, like, legal secretaries see, and I bet it's similar in, like, medicine, but it's just, like, it's crazy. Like, it is crazy in, like, a telenovela sense, it's crazy in a really sad, depressing sense, and it's crazy in, like, a silly, quirky way, because you read some of the stuff these claims adjusters are trying to pull. It's, yeah, it's insane. Anyways, I'm not gonna go into my work, because this is more of a rant of, like, the whole, like, application process. Ah, they were not lying when they said the labor market is tough, okay? But people, especially boomers, are fucking lying about everything. Do not believe what any boomer says. Like, you deserve to be paid the rate that you are asking for, and honestly, the rate you're asking for is probably way too low! When, literally, I can't... Like, I'm a legal assistant. I should be able to, like, pay all my bills and save some money on the side, but guess what? I cannot. Everything goes to freaking living, and I'm not gonna complain because I'm very grateful to be able to live on my own and pay my own bills and a lot of stuff, but it is so draining to not even be able to put, like, $50 away, because you never know when you're gonna need it! Like, it just sucks, and seeing all these news articles come out with, like, Gen Z is the most complicated generation to work with. No, bitch, it's who we don't put up with your literal crimes. Like, some of these bosses, some of these insurance people, some of these, like, employers really are out here trying it. They're fucking around, and then they find out, and then they're like, oooopsie court, please don't penalize me, and then the court sides with them. Anyways. Yeah, it's just agitating, and, like, you see it a lot, too, and honestly, like, the hiring process, like, it's really, it really feels like, at least for me, like, a lot of my applications were read by AI and just, like, automatically rejected because, you know, I don't have a white person name. I have three last names, and one of them has a Z in it. Like, come on. Like, and this is what makes me mad about, like, just people throwing AI in everything! It's like, you're not even thinking about the repercussions, and, like, when AI is based on human information, and human information is biased, skewed, just sometimes racist, sometimes elitist, classist, ableist, transphobic, queerphobic, biphobic, it's like, and you want me to trust something that is just, like, swallowing all this information, not critically analyzing it, and then just spitting it out? You trust that to hire people for your job? No, I'm not gonna feel bad for these businesses when they come out with, like, papers being, like, disgruntled workers and depression and mental health of workers is costing companies 1.2 tri- that was, like, a literal, like, article title I saw. If I can find it, I'll link it, but, like, I saw this title literally being, like, disgruntled workers and, like, mental health problems caused by, you know, a 9 to 5 are costing companies 1.2 trillion dollars. It's like, wow, maybe take that money and invest in a national healthcare system. The reason the U.S. doesn't have a national healthcare system is because these stupid scam insurance companies just freaking scam everyone into thinking that I'm gonna be so- like, there's a whole, like, academic, like, debate, and, like, there's literature on this. There's an academic debate for freaking everything, but, like, like, what do insurance companies provide? List one service. Oh, wait, you can't? Because all they do is say no and, like, when you actually try to use them, they genuinely try to fuck you over and, like, they literally, like, won't give you anything until you get a lawyer and you sue them? Yeah, no. Miss me with that bullshit. Like, no. And then, like, I don't know, I just see it, like, in my job is, like, the attitudes, the looks, like, maybe it's because I'm brown and I'm hypervigilant and I'm always looking. I'm not always looking, but it- I don't know, when you're the target of something a couple times and then, like, you see the same signs, it's really hard for your brain to not go and be like, are they judging me because I'm brown? Anyways. Like, I even see it in my work, like, I see it, like, with, you know, the looks I get and it's like, I walk around a lot. My office is really good about breaks and, like, mental health, but it's like, I never see anyone else out, like, everyone is just, like, cooped up in their buildings and, like, their cubicle and it's like, they really do mean it when, like, they say a 9-5 is, like, soul-crushing and really sad and, yeah, and it's not even freaking easy to get a job there, like, again, I'm super blessed and lucky to, like, have a 9-5 stable job and, like, not a lot of people do right now, but if, like, I'm struggling, holy crap, I cannot imagine. I mean, I can because my boyfriend is in a situation like this and it just sucks, but, just, if I'm struggling and I have, I'm blessed, I have the privilege of holding two bachelor's degrees, I've done so much research, I have experience, I have, like, I'm not just saying this to be pretentious, but, like, I'm trying to put, like, into context, it's like, if me who has all this stuff is struggling, I can't imagine what it's like for people who have, like, less than me and do not have the opportunities that I have because it's not fair. It's not fair! It's like that one meme, that one female rage meme, but, yeah, it's just really freaking aggravating because it's like, you don't even get treated with respect, like, at some of these places and, like, I'm just saying I'm lucky where my workplace respects me, but so many workplaces don't, and if you feel any of these feelings, your feelings are valid, like, they're so valid and you're not annoyed. You're not annoying, is what I'm trying to say, it's like, you are annoyed, which is very valid, but you're not annoying, you're not a baby, you're not, like, just complaining to complain, like, just listen to those feelings because those feelings aren't appearing for no reason, and just, you can do it, like, it's gonna be so freaking hard, but, like, you can do it, like, I promise you can do it, and the real world is just so boring and sad and depressing and I don't like it for that reason, but you don't really have to have it be that way, and, like, that's okay, and if you are, you know, trying to have, like, a healthy balance and, like, you're doing things that are healthy and, like, your coworkers are just, like, you know, like, oh, I can't imagine doing that, like, that's something I really hated hearing is, like, people complain and then they don't do anything to help their situation, it's like, but then again, I understand because it's, like, some of these employers just, they suck and, like, it's rough out there, so even having a job at all is, like, a privilege, and, yeah, it's just, it's a really confusing time, it's a really confusing landscape, especially because of, like, AI and, like, how it's being incorporated into the workspace and, you know, things just becoming even more and more divided and, you know, you know what they say, this is post-capitalist neotech feudalism, and, you know, like, that's a lot of words, but I really think that it is, like, one of the perfect descriptors. Honestly, take away post-capitalist, because a lot of economists make pretty good arguments that capitalism has already ended, like, at least, like, pure form, like, not even pure form, just, like, capitalism that worked is over and there is, like, a new age of feudalism, like, if you think about it, like, Jeff Bezos, like, all these billionaires, what makes them different than a king? Just that they have tech and they're in the modern age, but if you think about it, kings and queens usually always had the most advanced technology, so even if you, like, one day meet these billionaires and they say hi or lie and say they accept you, they don't. They don't. Are you a billionaire? No. So why the fuck would Elon Musk care about you? Like, I'm sorry, maybe this is me because I just hate seeing, like, the Twitter bros and, like, seeing, like, these people defend tooth and nail these billionaires that they don't even know. Like, defend them for what? Like, I'm sorry, but, like, I genuinely believe, like, there needs to be a cap on wealth. Like, I'm sorry, like, you're telling me that, like, progressive can, like, the insurance company can make billions of dollars, like, off of their workers, but then, like, they can't even, like, go home and be comfortable? Like, get real with me, please. And, yeah, I don't know. It just sucks because no one really tells you that, you know, things are changing really fast, and, like, people like to say that, but, like, I don't think people grasp how fast things are changing, how quick things are, you know, quote-unquote evolving, or getting better, or advancing. For who? That's all I'm gonna say, is, like, always be, like, you know, a little bit wary of, like, when people, politicians, billionaires are, like, oh, like, yeah, we're gonna do this, and this, and this, and it's gonna help everyone, but it's, like, how, who is it actually gonna help, you know? Just, just some random thoughts. Um, oh, yeah, but another thing I really wanted to get into was, like, I guess aging. That's something that I've really been thinking about a lot, you know? I just turned 22, and that's exciting, but, like, yeah, it's crazy that I'm already 22. Everyone's like, it goes by so fast. Nuh-uh. Maybe because I'm younger still, but I don't know. It's, it's really not going by that fast, and, like, that's okay. Like, you don't have to go fast. You can just chill and vibe, and that's valid. Oh, yeah, but I just really wanted to, like, talk about just, like, it's rough out there, man. The labor market sucks. Everything is intense and scary. Things are getting more extreme in various ways, and you're not alone in these feelings. It's okay. It's okay to also, like, be graduated from, like, a really good school and not have a job right away. Like, not have a job in your field, because also, so many of these fields are turning into contract work. They're turning into, like, temporary contracts that you have to, like, pray to God that they, or the universe, or Allah, or whatever religious, um, being or deity you believe in. You have to pray to them and just, like, ah, hope for the best, because it's, like, how do you expect, like, a first-generation kid with no connections, you know, being first generation in every sense of the word, to compete with, like, some of these rich white, like, students who have connections, and, like, these are the people who are posting about being girl bosses and, like, you know, like, I'm 22 and already run a six-figure company. It's, like, just remember that the people who post that usually already have resources, and, you know, that's okay. It's valid to have resources, and if you're using those resources wisely, that's wonderful, but I just hate when rich people make poor people feel bad for not having as much as them when they are just hoarding, and that's also another thing I realized. It's just, like, it seems like a lot of people who work in these fields are, like, like, when I talk to people, like, academically, who share the viewpoints of some of the people I disagree with, it just feels like they kind of, like, are regurgitating the same arguments and, like, following blindly, and it just, it sucks because it's, like, unless you're a billionaire, they don't care, and, like, you know, it pops up with race, gender, there's just so many things to quote-unquote cause division, but, you know, that can all be fixed if we just learn to coexist and respect each other and, you know, stick to the facts and stick to truth and stick to real history and, you know, understand people, where they're coming from, and be empathetic, and I'm just really ready for, you know, to build a space with all of that, and, you know, this blog is one step towards that, and I hope that, you know, through grad school, fingers crossed, I really, really, really want to go to grad school. This next cycle coming up, I'm going to apply to it. I want to start building a space like that for myself. I think you don't have to put up with stuff like this. Like, you can put up with the stuff you're okay with. You can set boundaries, and some of those boundaries might have to be professional boundaries, they might have to be personal boundaries, they might have to be academic boundaries, because, like, I'm sorry, I'm kind of sick as, like, a woman of color of, like, being forced to banter and debate with people who just have hateful rhetoric, just have completely untrue rhetoric, and, like, because of the first amendment and freedom of speech, oh, that's allowed, but Elon Musk wants to take away the block buy-in. Make it make sense. It's like, I'm sorry, or, like, Elon Musk is, like, trying to, like, support the banning of books. Like, don't say you support free speech and then help ban stuff or, like, shadow ban stuff on your own platform. That's the ironic thing, is, like, people forget that shit can get shadow banned on Twitter. It's like, Elon Musk is just trying to win you over, babes. I hope you love the taste of rubber boot because it's, like, he's just making you a boat bootlicker, bro. It's like, you really want to lick Elon Musk's boots? Like, out of anyone's boots, Elon Musk's is? Come on! But, yeah, no, it's just kind of crazy seeing, like, these debates online and, like, I want to engage in them, but Twitter scares me. And, like, online spaces, like, can be really intense when it comes to, like, anything to do with politics, but, like, that's why I want to study it and why I'm really interested in, like, the digital humanities. Like, I feel like online interactions are a microcosm of bigger social phenomenon. Yeah. But, yeah, those are some of my thoughts, my post-graduation rant thoughts. This is, like, one of probably, like, a bunch of additions if I decide to continue this series, which, like, I don't think I will stop because there's always something to rant about because at least I'm getting my energy out in a more positive way than ranting and yelling into a microphone. But, yeah, just know, like, finding a 9-to-5, starting a 9-to-5, graduating college, it's all a process and if it doesn't look the way you hope it looks or you don't have that job right after undergrad, that's okay. I didn't have a legal job right after undergrad. It took me, like, eight months to find one and some people are still looking for it and, like, I'm very blessed. I'm very lucky. I'm very grateful. I try to remember that every single day. But, yeah, thank you everyone for listening. I hope everyone's having a great night. I hope everyone is safe. I hope you enjoyed listening to some of my thoughts. This is, again, like, I know most of my voiceovers are kind of all over the place, but, like, usually the other ones have, like, at least, like, a script or not even a script, but, like, an outline. Like, I already have my post written up, but I just wanted to record this one first and see just, like, what comes out and it was fun and, yeah, I just hope everyone has a great night. I hope everyone is safe. Besitos. Gracias. Bye, guys.