Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker discusses the recent tragedy of Aaron Bushnell, a military soldier who took his own life to bring attention to the suffering and trauma caused by the violent colonial occupation of Palestine. The speaker expresses anger and frustration towards the erasure of this issue and emphasizes the importance of standing up against colonial occupation and genocide. They also address the argument of historical and religious entitlement to the land, highlighting the need for justice for indigenous communities worldwide. The speaker encourages political expression and urges people to take action, such as voting and sharing their beliefs. They emphasize the impact on children and the need for a ceasefire. The speaker ends by reminding listeners that they are not alone and that they have the right to be unapologetically themselves, even in a world that is against them. They conclude with the phrase "Free Palestine" and express gratitude to the listeners. Hey guys! Welcome back to Rose's Rebel Writings, and today we're gonna be talking about something rather triggering. So I'm gonna give a trigger warning now for suicide, genocide, colonial occupation, Zionism, antisemitism, mental illness, and things like that. So if any of those things make you uncomfortable, put your mental health in jeopardy, I completely understand, and click off like your mental health is more important. But just based on those trigger warnings, I feel like people can already guess what we're gonna be talking about today, and I know I'm a little late to the party, but I just, I would rather take some time to research and like give some time to the families to, you know, just let them mourn in peace without completely dissecting, you know, a, you know, it's a tragedy if we're being honest. It really sucks because even though this was, we're gonna be talking about Aaron Bushell, the military soldier who, or military commander officer, I'm gonna be honest, I'm not too familiar with like the rankings of the military, but he was in the military. He saw the violent colonial occupation of Palestine, and he just couldn't take it. Like, I feel like a lot of us are getting to that point, but Aaron Bushell, Bushnell? Sorry, I have dyslexia, and it's hard for me to pronounce things. But yeah, he gave his life to try and bring attention to the suffering, the trauma, the genocide, the colonial occupation that these innocent people, indigenous people of their own land, like, he saw the internal workings of the military. He saw just like how it all works, and it's just, in a way, it's kind of like, it's nice to know that there are people in the military who see what's happening and don't agree with it, take a stand against it, but it's honestly scary because these same people, like, in doing so, put their lives at risk. Because for a lot of, like, military people, like, they're not allowed to politically protest or engage in politics because they are politics in a way. They are the state. They are a diffuse, physical manifestation of the state and state power, so it's like, it would be ironic for the state to be against itself, but. No, yeah, but as I talk about in my posts, it's just, it's really heartbreaking to see, um, it's really disheartening to see in a way that a young 25-year-old just, he saw it as more beneficial and more meaningful to give away his life in an act of self-immolation? That's the specific way historians and other professionals refer to this form of political protest, but it's just sad that he saw such an extreme and, like, violent slash traumatic way to bring attention to it, but like, in a way, he is showing Americans at home some of the intense trauma and suffering the Palestinian people are going through that is just being ignored and just erased from history, and it's just, it's so infuriating to see this narrative play out again, and it's maybe because I am Mexican, and my entire existence is a product of colonialism, like, I'm not gonna put that lightly, I'm so sick of coddling not just white people, just people, anyone who believes in this rhetoric, anyone who believes that brown people and indigenous communities don't deserve to exist, and that certain people are entitled to certain things because of who they are, and like, I wanna be real, like, yes, Jewish people have very real trauma. The holocaust was freaking atrocious. No one wants that to happen again. But it is happening again. It's happening right now as we speak. People are dying, people are being killed just for trying to exist, trying to live, because a government has poisoned the mind of its citizens to think that what they are doing is good. And I do not want to hear the stupid, oh, but do you agree with what Hamas did? No, I don't agree with Hamas did, but I also don't agree with the colonial occupation of a native community for over 60 plus years in the name of western, like, solutions. Because if we really trace back the history of Israel, it was just, like, a way for the western nations to apologize to Jewish people for the holocaust, which, like, again, is deserved, and like, they do deserve it, but like, the solution is not kicking them out and telling them that this is their land when other people already live there. Like, that Palestine existed. It's a country. Like, it's just so insane to just see everyone just, like, one day just be like, no, like, no, you don't exist. Like, what the fuck? Maybe I'm just a little too passionate about this topic because of my personal identity and personal experiences, but it's just so fucked, man. It's just so fucking- I understand why he did it. Like, in a- like, I talk about this in my blog. I understand why Aaron Bushnell just had it, and I feel like, especially, too, for someone in his position being a part of the military, like, I feel like he kind of had, like, a guilt, in a way, because he was a part of a system, and he saw this extreme act as, like, one of the few ways that he can give back to the Palestinian community, and like, he even- I don't mean to get emotional, but he decided to donate all of his money after passing to the Palestinian child-cater- like, ref- not refund, but- sorry, let me blow it up, I'm getting really sad. Um, yeah, he wished to donate all of his savings to the Palestinian Children Relief Fund, and I think what people don't understand about this is that it's the next generation that suffers, it's the next generation of kids who have to deal with this trauma, and it's the next generation of Israeli citizens that are gonna have to deal with the repercussions of what their government did, because they are doing something similar. I'm not gonna say the same, don't come at me, like, I understand, this is a very heated topic, this is a very intense topic with a lot of emotions, but any colonial occupation of any indigenous community is bad, regardless of who's doing it. And I keep seeing this one argument being thrown around of like, oh, well, it- like, when Jewish people are entitled to that land because, like, of the historical and religious context, it's like, okay, give the Native American people back their land. Give Mexico their land back. Like, by that logic, give everything back. Like, you can't have your cake and eat it too. I'm sorry. Talk the talk, walk the walk. But they're not gonna do that. And it's just, again, it's so shitty, and if the only way I can feel like I'm doing something is by ranting into a mic and like, hoping that my thoughts reach someone and help educate someone in this topic, then that's something. And I encourage everyone to do at least something, because something is always- well, something is always better than nothing. But that thing you start, that something, can be someone else's building block. It can be someone else's inspiration. So it's like, I really don't see why people always say like, oh, there's too many X, too much X of this and that. It's like, there's never too much of anything. And that includes political expression and standing up for what you believe in. And I personally don't believe in colonial occupation and genocide. And what is happening right now in Palestine, and what has happened in Palestine, is disgusting. It's a crime. It's various crimes against humanity. And just, karma. Karma is my boyfriend, okay? And they are going to go after, you know, like, just the universe knows. The universe knows. And the truth always comes out. And I think just even remembering the Palestinian people, and remembering indigenous communities, and remembering their struggle, is political expression, political protest enough in a world that actively engages in the erasure and gaslighting of historical violent atrocities like what's happening right now. And I'm freaking sick of it. And don't let anyone gaslight you. Don't let anyone tell you that what's happening is not the truth. It's not as bad. It is, it is genocide. Full stop, period. And yeah, free Palestine. Peace to Palestine. Reparations for Palestine. Free Palestine. I hope everyone is safe. I hope everyone is happy. And just remember that, you know, you're very blessed. And I know life sucks, and life is just terrible sometimes. But, like, seriously, it sounds super shitty, but like, it could be worse. And like, it just sucks. It hurts. It literally, I don't know if it's like my OCD, but it just, like, it physically hurts thinking and talking about this topic. Because it's just, to see that violence and just nothing be done, and especially for kids. And it's maybe because I've worked with kids myself for a really long time. I'm really, really passionate about teaching, seeing that the most affected group are children, and the largest group of refugees are unaccompanied minors. Fuck, man, it just, it just sucks. It's not okay. And it can end. It can end right now. Ceasefire now. Free Palestine. Please vote. Please, if you're able to vote. If you have the privilege, yes, remember that. Voting is a privilege. Please vote. Please, you know, share your thoughts, share your beliefs, and yeah, take a stand. You have the right to that. You deserve to express yourself. You deserve to be unapologetically you, even in a world that is actively against you. And you're not alone. You can do this. Whatever you set your mind to, you get it a thousand percent of the time, okay? To quote my yoga studio, you get it a thousand percent of the time. And yeah, free Palestine. Free Palestine. I hope everyone has a lovely night. Thank you for listening. Gracias y besitos. Free Palestine.