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it's all about Family Love

it's all about Family Love

Robin AndersonRobin Anderson



Parental awareness of the emotional challenges some children/teen face on the school campus The importance of family communication, trust and Love The importance of family Prayer .

PodcastFamilyParentingDepressionencouragementthe Love of God

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The speaker congratulates parents on making it through the summer and getting their children ready for school. While most children are excited to return to school, some may feel stressed or anxious. School violence, bullying, peer pressure, and exposure to media violence can have negative effects on children's mental and emotional health, potentially leading to alcohol and drug abuse and even suicide. Parents are urged to stay connected with their children, listen to them without judgment, and show love and compassion. Prayer is encouraged, as well as seeking help and resources when needed. Putting God first in the home, having regular family prayer and Bible reading, and creating a positive atmosphere through worship music is recommended. Spending quality time together as a family and establishing traditions is important. Church attendance and fellowship with other believers can also strengthen faith. The speaker ends with a prayer for the Lord's protection and guidance for children a Congratulations, mom and dad. You made it through the summer months of trying to keep the family happy, fed, and entertained. Now it's time for your teens and younger ones to return to their school campuses. You have to buy new uniforms, shoes, supplies, and trendy backpacks. The to-do list has been completed. Most children are excited to reconnect with their academic community, socialize with friends, and ready to participate in sports or other after-school activities. School attendance is important to our children's academic achievement and can contribute to our children's social and emotional development. However, for some kids or teens, the thought of returning to school will trigger stress, anxiety, or fear. Sadly, we all know increased school violence in our country is a problem. Exposure to school violence, bullying, peer pressure, cyberbullying, violence in the media, music, yes, rap, gang association, accessibility to weapons, as well as sexual violence can lead to unhealthy outcomes in our children. And this, unfortunately, may include alcohol and drug abuse and an increase in suicide rates, God forbid. Depression or thoughts of suicide is a growing health crisis for our youth across this country. According to the CDC data, suicide has been the second leading cause of death for youth 15 to 19 in our country, second only to accidents. Parents, there are signs if your son or daughter is having a mental health crisis. They may withdraw from regular or family activities. They may even look depressed, sad, disconnected, and fearful. Parents, it is important for us to stay connected in the lives of our children. Keeping those lines of communication open is essential to protect the emotional and mental health of our children and teens. Listen to what your child is saying. But don't be quick to ridicule or shut them down by your words, attitude, or body language. Parents, be sensitive to how they are feeling or what they might have experienced. Have genuine, unconditional love and compassion, and have good eye contact when you talk to them. Display the character of who you are in Christ Jesus. Mom and Dad, pray for wisdom and guidance. This is the work of the Holy Spirit in your life. When you pray, ask the Lord for discernment, to know what's truth and what are lies and deceptions. When we pray for discernment and awareness in the spiritual realm, we'll know what is light and what is the work of darkness. God is truly our refuge and strength, a very present help in times of trouble. That's found in Psalms 46 and 1. Don't you know that God really cares about the challenges we face in this life? Let us continue to pray for spiritual, mental, and physical healing and for the peace of God in the lives of our children. We must allow the light and love of God to flow through us to help rescue this generation and generations to come. Yes, we all know that prayer changes things, but I want you also to remember that you're not alone. Seek the help you or your child may need. Know what resources are available for spiritual and emotional help. We know that the enemy of our souls is a liar. He is defeated by the blood of Jesus and our faith in the power of God who fights for us and gives us the victory in every battle we face in our homes and in our own personal lives. Mom and Dad, it's so important that we put God first in the home. Create an atmosphere of thanksgiving and praise to the Lord. In the name of Jesus, if you trust him, I promise he will make a way out of no way. If you trust him with all of your heart, he will. He will heal sickness, brokenness, mental distress. There will be deliverance from the spirit of depression, anxiety, and the spirit of fear in your home. He will also deliver your loved ones from ungodly practices and habits. We have to believe that. We have to stand on the word of God. Mom and Dad, it is important for us to also have regular family prayer time and Bible reading. And not only that, worship music in the home. It will change the atmosphere and invite the presence of the Lord into your home. Make it a daily routine to pray with your children before they go to school. Pray for their protection against demonic activity, works of darkness, violence on the school campuses, protection from danger seen and unseen, for perversion, and for rebellion. Let us continue to pray that God will give them the courage to stand for what is true, honest, and of good report. Please pray that the Lord will give them peace, joy, and contentment in their hearts and minds. It's a good thing to schedule time for family games or walks, family outings, wholesome movies. It's okay to laugh and experience the joy of the Lord. Amen. It will strengthen the family unit. Develop and embrace family traditions. We don't see family traditions much anymore. Church attendance is good. Fellowship with other believers to strengthen your faith. Now, mom and dad, you must make the decision if your family is to serve the Lord. With God, all things are possible. So in the precious name of Jesus, let's pray. Thank you, Lord, for this opportunity to come before you with our petitions and our wants and our needs. We're asking you, Lord, to put a protection over our children as they go to school, as they are in their communities, in their neighborhoods. Dispatch the angels, dear God, and put a shield around them. Lord, we ask you, God, to keep them from wickedness and evil influence, from rebellion, from alcohol and drug abuse, from perversion. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Bless parents. Help them and give them the strength and the wisdom on how to pour into the lives of their children. We thank you, dear God, for your love, for your protection, and we thank you for being so faithful to us. Thank you, Lord. This is Robin from New Generation Christian Family Matters. Today's music was brought to you by Meena Rose, accompanied by Eric Baker and Charles Sutter Clarity. If you need prayer, please contact us.

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