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Solving Two Major Problems

Solving Two Major Problems

Robert TannerRobert Tanner



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The host of Integrity Radio, Robert Tanner, discusses two main issues: debt management and cash flow problems. He emphasizes the importance of stopping the cycle of using debt to pay off debt and offers strategies to improve cash flow. He highlights the negative impact of high interest rates on credit card debt and the challenges of finding solutions when faced with deadlines and limited access to funds. Tanner promises to provide a solution to these problems and stresses the need to understand the issues before implementing a cure. He also mentions the importance of prioritizing debt repayment and distinguishing between investment and debt. Good evening and welcome to Integrity Radio. I'm your host, Robert Tanner. I am so glad you are here on today. We have a great show for you today, and that's why I'm so glad you're here, because today we're going to talk about the best place for you if these two issues are issues for you. If you have an issue with debt, if you're a business owner or if you're an individual and you have a real issue with piling debt and using more debt and more lines of credit to get rid of debt, this show is going to help you in a tremendous way. The second problem, if you have a cash flow issue, you have a cash flow issue, meaning that you're bringing in revenue, but it seems like the quicker it comes in, the quicker it's going out and so forth, and you just can't seem to get ahead of expenses and obligations and so forth, and the only thing you've been able to do is literally kill yourself to create more revenue to try to deal with this ongoing problem of cash flow. Your cash flow is like on a roller coaster. It's going up and down, and sometimes it's great and sometimes it's horrible, and you need to fix this, and you need to fix this quicker than yesterday. If I'm talking to you, if you are a business owner, if you're an individual that's dealing with any of these two problems, today is going to be a great day for you. Also, we're going to talk about a couple of bonuses that may help you as well because we always tell people here, it doesn't matter how much you get to make. It matters how much you get to keep. It doesn't matter how much comes through your hands. It's that that's able to stay in and affect your life in your hands. That's what's going to really matter. If that sounds like it could be you or maybe you're thinking about somebody right now, then it could be. I want you to text them. I want you to call them and let them know this show is on the air, and today we're going to deal with those issues. Now, if you want to give us a call, write this number down because you're going to need it throughout the show, and there's someone live by the phone waiting to take your call, so I want to give you information so you can get in contact with them, make an appointment with me, get information about this subject matter, do your own research, your own homework, but you'll come back to the conclusion that you're going to hear on today. If you want to contact me, the number's a toll-free number. It's 844-993-3080, 844-993-3080. One more time, 844-993-3080. So whether you're listening to me in Florida, Texas, Tennessee, Louisiana, Mississippi, wherever you're listening, and even over there in Georgia, wherever you're listening, that's the number to call. Again, 844-993-3080, 844-993-3080. If you've not started a podcast yet, you want to also subscribe to our podcast, wherever you get your podcast, and that's called The Big Easy Finance Show, The Big Easy Finance Show, wherever you get your podcast, and you'll hear a lot of thoughts and ideas on the podcast as well that's hosted by my good friend, John Ratcliffe, and it would do your heart good to be a subscriber and to be one who shares this podcast because like this show, it's going to benefit you, whether you're in business, whether you're retired, whether you're retired, whatever the case may be, it's going to be a benefit to you. But again, thank you for being here today and sharing your Sunday evening with me, and I'm telling you, it's going to be worth tuning in, worth staying seated wherever you are, and getting notes as best you can on what we're going to talk about on today because today, we're going to help you indeed. If you have a cash flow problem or a debt management problem, we're going to be able to help you with that on today. So again, the phone number, 844-993-3080, 844-993-3080, and whatever you've got to do to get to my website because I know that Google is doing a lot of work trying to keep you from getting there, but whatever you can do to get to my website, get there because you're going to find a lot of information that's going to help you and various links that's going to help you as well, and that's integrityfbc.com, and we'll be right back right after this. Thank you. Okay. Welcome back to Integrity Radio. I'm your host, Robert Tanner. I am thrilled you're here with us on today. Thank you so much for tuning in, and a great show today to answer a few real problems that business owners are having out there and some real problems that some of you are having individually, and that is debt management and so forth and how you're using debt and the worst kinds of debt to try to cure the debt problem. Hear me when I tell you this. The first thing you've got to do when it comes to debt is put down the debt shovel. You've got to stop digging the hole, and at some point in time, someone's got to tell you that. Stop trying to use a line of credit to fix a line of credit or a loan to fix another loan. We've got to get away from that as best we can because you've got to stop digging the shovel, and by the time you get to your credit card lines of credit, you're now dealing with high double-digit revolving interest rates. It's bad enough when you're dealing with these eight, eight and a quarter. Some of your business owners are dealing with as much as nine and so forth. Some of you have adjustable rate loans that have already gone up over 8%, and it's killing your cash flow. It is messing up everything. Also, now when you have to go to the credit card because you have to now do that old Rob Peter PayPal thing and try to make this thing work, now you're dealing with 19.99% as high as 29.99% on a revolving situation. Yeah, thank God you get to make minimum payments. By God, what it would take if you – just a simple example. If it were $2,200 and you paid the minimum payment on $2,200 at a 19.99% interest rate, you would end up paying $10,800, and you end up paying it over 22.8 years. That's revolving credit. It's the worst kind you could ever have. You don't want to get caught there, but if you keep exhausting lines of credit, and you're going to eventually run out of a place to get a line of credit because you're going to be already maxed to the hilt, and then you're trying to hustle and make more revenue doing everything you can to get more to come in. You don't always control the inflow as many of you have found out. You don't always control it's getting greater and greater and greater because it's not always getting greater and greater and greater. This creates a real problem. This really kind of squeezes you in real tight, and you have got to make some decisions. And then on top of that, some of these loans have what they call payoff balloons or deadlines that's coming up on you. And those deadlines that's coming up on you make it even worse because now the pressure of trying to get that done is near impossible. So what do people do? When you get to that kind of pressure, what you generally do is you need to find something to sell that's not reliable because you can't count on somebody to buy it quick enough or try to flip a property or something. But, again, you can't count on people to buy it quick enough. There's too many things that go on. Or you've got to now do what? Go try to find a way to extend or max out a line of credit, no matter what the interest rate is, because you've got to solve this problem that's in front of you. Does this sound familiar to some of you all out there? And you've been wondering for years, how do you fix this? Is there a strategy? Because my financial advisor has been useless in this area. I mean, there is nothing that he's been able to give me to help me with this. And this is a problem. And then maybe my accounts are set up in such a way I can't access them to even use them. And worse than that, I can't even borrow against them. I mean, I'm just in a real issue here. That money is, like, away from me, and I can't even put my hands on it. I can't pull enough out of an annuity. I can't pull enough out of an annuity to fix this, because I'm stuck at 10%. So what do I do? Is there a way to fix that? Is that what Ms. Tanner is going to tell me, that there is a way to fix this? And that's exactly where we're going. But I just want to set the situation up for you, because it's almost an impossible situation. It will stress you to no end. And this has led to so many business collapse that I wish I could tell you. There's so many people filing bankruptcy, doing all the things they have to do, because it's almost impossible to fix this without the appropriate strategy. Well, today, you're going to get a view into the appropriate strategy to get that done. However, as I say to you, it's important to understand the problem, because until you understand the problem, you don't appreciate the cure. And so we're going to give you the cure for it, but, again, I've got to make you understand the problem. So that's problem number one, is this piece. And so the cash flow issue, you want to begin to set parameters around cash flow that are manageable, that are at its lowest, where you do your planning based on the minimum cash flow, and then all those other things that come in become bonus. You've got to set things in order in this way. We're going to help you do that. The other thing you have to be able to do is you've got to be able to understand that debt has to be dealt with in an order. There's a priority to what debt you get rid of first and why you get rid of it first and so forth. And then there are some things that we think are debt that are not debt at all. And so we would spend some time trying to knock those things out that really should not be knocked out, because if you understood investment versus debt, then you would not be trying to knock that out. You would go for the real debt. And so let me give you just a quick understanding of what I just said, because this will help for the rest of the way we're going here. So what is debt? Here it is. Debt is paying real dollars right now, earnings, whatever, cash flow. It's paying dollars for something that's depreciating in value while you're paying for it. So if you're paying on something that's losing value while you're paying for it, that's a debt. So, for example, if your credit card is paying for your meal, that meal has lost value once you consumed it, and you're still paying on it months later. That's a debt. Or paying for a car that the moment you drove it off a lot, it lost 30% of value, 20% of value the moment you drove it off a lot, and so forth, and will continue to lose value as long as you own it. That's debt. And anything else that works like that is debt. So if you find yourself paying and paying and then borrowing more money to pay more on something depreciating in value, you are dealing with debt, and we're going to talk about how we stop doing that. Now, if the thing you're spending money on, dollars today, spending money on, appreciates in value, that's not a debt. That's actually called an investment. And so you would not want to be paying off something that's actually making money and increasing in value. You want that thing to keep on doing exactly what it's doing. That's called good positive arbitrage. It's a wonderful thing, and you should be taking full advantage of it. And so once we get the confusion away about what is debt and what's not debt, then we're able to better deal with how are we going to fix this situation. But it's almost a mute point if you don't understand what it is. Now, with that understanding, think about how much real debt you have and how much real debt you're making trying to manage that debt. And I know some people get this idea, hey, that the more you owe, the more they'll lend you. That may have been true at some point in time. It is not true today, and it won't be true tomorrow. And so for many of you all who are wondering what to do, you're about to pull your hair out, you don't know which way to turn, this is the show to help you get that done. And when we get back, we're going to dive into the pieces, the things that have to be there to make this thing work for you. If you want our number, here it is. It's toll free. It's 844-993-3080, 844-993-3080. One more time, 844-993-3080. And whatever you've got to do to get to my website, it is www.integrityfbc.com. Let nothing stop you from getting there. You'll be glad you landed there. And if you want to listen to my podcast, you can do it anywhere podcasts are found, The Big Easy Finance Show. We'll be right back right after this. Welcome back to Integrity Radio. I'm your host, Robert Tanner. Thrilled you're here with me on today. And if you're just joining us, we're talking about two issues we're trying to resolve today. One of them has to do with debt and using debt to deal with debt and so forth. And it's a very bad idea, and we're going to make sure that you have a strategy not to continue to do that. You've got to put the shovel down. You cannot solve debt with debt. It is an illusion. It just doesn't happen. And as you do that, you'll find yourself not only tapping out lines of credit, but you'll get to a point that your revenue can't even keep up with it anymore. You'll get to a point where you're now going into the worst kinds of credit, which is revolving debt on a credit card with a double digit type interest rate. That is something almost mafia related. So you want to make sure that that doesn't end up becoming you. And this is the show for you. If that is you, that we can help to resolve that for you. So I want you to understand that because it's so very important. And this even happens with people who have great assets. But even if you have the assets, if the assets are not attainable, if the assets are something, I should say attainable, not accessible, you can't reach them. You can't use them. You can't make it work in this situation for yourself without being penalized greatly. If that ends up being the case, then it's like it's not even there because you can't get no benefit from it. You can't use it in any popular way, any particular way to help yourself with the issue. On top of that, the loan issue piling up on you is a trap. It is something looking to make sure that if it's a business, I'm telling you, you're going to end up filing bankruptcy. You're going to end up doing things you don't want to do. And if you happen to be the personal guarantor of all the business things, you personally will find yourself in that position. You don't need to go to 10 year debtors prison. You just got to get a management solution. You've got to get something that's going to work to make this happen for you. OK, so here's a question for you. If you were able to reposition assets without being penalized, without being beat about the head and shoulders to get it done and so forth, and if you did that, you would be able to get yourself into a position of being able to put together to handle all your debt, a low interest unstructured loan. I'm have to explain this to you, I know. But I just want you to think about what I just said. Let it kind of just marinate with you. A low interest, non-structured loan. And what if what if to get this loan? We did not need all your financials. What if to get this loan? We did not need your taxes for the last four or five, six, seven, eight, nine years and so forth. What if we did not get into how many people you already owe? What's already out there? All this kind of stuff. And right now, based on your revenue right now, based on this, you wouldn't qualify. What if it was almost guaranteed that you would get the loan without jumping hurdles, without running through hoops and all that stuff? What if that were possible? And even then, the loan was low interest, let's say about 4 percent, 4.25 percent. So in that ballpark. Think about that. I know right now what you're thinking. I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, oh, my God, that is that cannot be real. You're about to turn the station. I don't know what you're about to do. But my idea is, oh, it's not only real. Our clients are using it all the time, every day. They're using it for years. So it's all a matter of understanding your situation and giving you the best plan for it. OK, so think about all the things I just said. You barely have to qualify for it from the way you're used to doing it. Right. It is a loan at a low interest rate. And that's a beautiful thing. But the last piece that you can't get from your broker, cannot get from your financial advisor, cannot get from your planner. And God knows if you could, you would have. And if he could have given it to you, he would have told you about it and so forth. And yet you shop advisor after advisor, broker after broker, place after place, trying to find a relief to this problem. And that's even if you have time to tell them the extent of the problem. And the reason is because those people and by and large, they're there to handle the singular account you have with them. Period. They charge you something called a management fee to do so. Period. If you want planning, find a planner. If you want strategy, find a strategist. But what we have, most of what you have are account babysitters that babysit your account, call it management and charge you a management fee. And that's where most people listening to show find themselves. And most of the time, even though you pay a fee for the privilege, most of the time, if you're going to learn any information, do anything, you are going to initiate a phone call in almost every case. And even though you're paying for management, most of you have gone through every crash they've been while you were paying for management. Now, you would think if you were paying for management, that management would keep you from being part of these downturns. But when you call the manager and say, why did we lose this? What happened to us? The manager normally says something like, well, I lost money too. Everybody lost money. Nobody saw it coming. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Well, that would have been the case if you had no management. You just would have saved some money paying for management. Because if that was going to happen anyway and management was not going to prevent it anyway, what was the point of management? What was the point of paying for it? And so, yeah, people have these, quote, unquote, wealth advisors and money managers and all this kind of stuff like that and that kind of stuff. But they don't prevent anything. But they do take credit, though. Every time the market goes up and you benefit and everybody benefits, they say, hey, see what I did? See what happened for you? When you know, no, you didn't do anything. The market, thank God, turned up and I made money. But you're going to pay as if they made the money for you. So I've just put something in your head I want you to think about. If I were to go into my broker right now and say to him, I want this money that I need to get into a position to deal with my debt. Well, you could do that. But when you do that, you're going to deplete the money. If you try to pay off all your debt, you're going to almost lose all your asset to do it. To put you in a position like that, we have to move you from market and move you to cash. When your money is in cash, it's making no money. When it's moved to cash, it's making what, 1 percent, 2 percent? Inflation is 3.75, which means the moment it gets into cash, you're losing money. And so forth. And you're going to use that money to go and pay off debt. Hopefully you pay off the right debt to pay the debt down. So now we're without an asset. We've got up and down cash flow. But maybe because we have the debt, maybe we can make the cash flow work. You need a better strategy. So stick around so we can tell you what that needs to be for you. If you want the phone number to call us so we can maybe work for you, that number is 844-993-3080. That's 844-993-3080. One more time, 844-993-3080. Go to my website. Get a lot of information there. It's IntegrityFBC.com. IntegrityFBC.com. Do whatever you can do to get there. And then finally, go to our podcast. It's on all the time wherever you get podcasts. And that's the Big Easy Finance Show. We'll be right back after this, so stay with us. IntegrityFBC.com Welcome back to Integrity Radio. I'm your host, Robert Tanner. I hope you're enjoying the show. If you're just joining us, we're talking about resolving a couple of problems that exist in business owners and exist in a lot of high-net-worth people. And it has to do with, I should say this this way. No, I'm talking about people with great assets but still have this issue. And so what's the issue? It is generally a cash flow issue, revenue issue, if you're in business. A cash flow issue that's going up and down and sometimes really low and sometimes high and sometimes in the middle, but not predictable. Not something that you can count on as a standard flow of money. The other is that you are maxing out lines of credit, credit cards, various lines of credit and so forth, because currently you still have decent credit and you're trying to use that to do this balancing act of keeping all these balls in the air. I get it. I get it. But I got to tell you, there's better ways of doing things and better strategies that need to be employed to make sure that you don't have to continue to do this because that's stress or kill you. That's just too heavy on the heart. And so I want you to begin to think about what could be done. So let me give you some things to imagine and see if this might be something you could do. I want you to imagine going into your broker and saying, hey, listen, I have an issue. I have a cash flow issue. I have a debt issue. I need to borrow money, but I can't borrow it at these ridiculous interest rates. I have to be able to borrow the money at a low interest rate. And I need to be able to keep my money, which means I need to be able to collateralize the loan against this money that's here in your brokerage house so I can be able to do this. OK, so my question to you is, can you make me that low interest loan? Well, I'm going to take all the mystery out of it. Your broker is going to tell you they absolutely cannot do that. That is not something that's done. It's not what they are. Now, can you use your money as collateral? Yeah. But to do that, I've got to move whatever portion you're talking about to cash. OK, but I'm not going to recommend that to you because of the kind of accounts you have. What do you mean? You have a qualified account. You have an IRA account or account something like that. Here's the problem. Every time I move money out of this qualified position it's in, that means no tax has been paid on it yet. No penalty exists. Well, number one, if you're under 59 and a half, there's going to be a 10 percent penalty to move it to cash and so forth because the qualified account has to only move to a like account to not create an incident. So it's like moving from an IRA to an IRA. And since you're talking about moving from an IRA to cash so you can collateralize, there's going to be that 10 percent penalty if you're not 59 and a half yet. In addition to the penalty, there's going to be taxes, income taxes, which is the highest form of taxes on the amount that you're moving. So now we have a penalty of 10 percent and we have the income taxes to get your money to cash. And once we get your money to cash, you're only going to be earning between zero and 1.0 or 1.2 percent while it's sitting in cash, which means not only did you take a hit on penalty, you took a hit on taxes, and then you're earning less than the rate of inflation. And now you're going to take that money to try to now say, I want to make a loan against it and so forth, where the loan interest rate is going to be somewhere between 6 and 8 percent while you're only earning 2. So now you're draining that money and so forth, and more than likely, you're going to have to do this all over again. And that's going to then deplete the entire nest egg and so forth until now you're right back to where you started from before you walked into place. And that is what we're trying to help you with because that's the real emergency here. That's the work that has to be done. And so here, as I said early in the show, if you're looking for a planner, you'd be talking to us. If you're looking for a strategist, you should be talking to us. If you just want a broker or someone to babysit your account or someone to just be a yes man to you and just tell you, yes, it's wonderful, all that stuff like that, then you really don't want to be an integrity. But if you can handle the truth, and by now you ought to be able to handle the truth, and if you're really serious about having a plan, and I will tell you, 90 percent plus of the people who come in this office don't have a plan. And I know it because they bring all these accounts and all these statements. Every time I ask them, what's the plan, they look at me with that deer-in-the-head look like, what do you mean, what's the plan? And that's why I'm saying, if you are ready to have an actual plan, an actual solution, an actual strategy to where you are right now, then we're the people that you're talking to. We're the phone number you just called. We're the people that's going to help you get this done. And we're going to just reposition assets, not to your detriment, but to your betterment, so that from now on, you enjoy some true benefits. And one of the greatest benefits I've been alluding to is the benefit of a low-interest unstructured loan. So if you're writing anything down today, you should have wrote that down. If you're going to memorize anything today, remember that statement. I need a low-interest unstructured loan. Now, you know low-interest, so I'm not going to spend any more time on that. What about unstructured? What does that mean? Well, most loans that you get, even lines of credit, have some form of structure to them. What do I mean by that? You are told that this loan is for a period of 60 days, 60 months, 48 months, whatever the case may be, 36 months, whatever the case may be. So that would be the situation, that it has a monthly payment based upon a certain interest rate, based upon a certain amortization. And possibly a balloon that you'll pay this for a certain time, so we may amortize it over 20 years. You're going to use a 20-year payment in a five-year payment situation, and a balloon will be due at the fifth year for the balance of the money that needs to be paid. That type of a thing. That's a structured loan. You're told the interest rate. You're told the monthly payment. You're told the balloon. You're told it's an adjustable rate or a fixed rate, whatever the case may be. It may be prime plus one, prime plus two, whatever it is, but you understand what I'm saying. And so that's a structured loan. That's the same loan that's killing you. It's the same loan that's making you go get other lines of credit. It's the same loan that has your credit cards maxed out. It's that situation. But that's what it is. And so what you need, you've not been able to find, well, until now, but you've not been able to find that. So unstructured would mean the opposite of all of that. It would mean that here's your loan, and what if you could decide when you were going to pay it, how much you were going to pay on it, et cetera, et cetera. And you determine based on your cash flow needs when you can make a payment, when you're going to pay something back or not. And the interest rate was a fixed four-something percent versus adjustable or prime plus and all this stuff. Wouldn't that be better for you? Don't think too long on this. This will be an easy answer. We'll be right back after this. Stay with us. Thank you. Welcome back to Integrity Radio. I'm your host, Robert Tanner. I was reminded on that last break that I did not give you a call to action. Heck, I think the whole show is a call to action, but let me just give it to you now. I need you to take a positive, proactive action. Get this phone number. It's toll free. Write it down. Memorize it and call it. The number is 844-993-3080. That's 844-993-3080. One more time. 844-993-3080. Unlike many people, I believe that people can handle the raw, naked truth. I believe that many people appreciate the truth. And I also believe if the truth is given in love and not to diminish or embarrass or judge someone, they can handle it and it has the ability to set them free. To bring them out of whatever captivity they find themselves in. And that's how we approach this. We are a straight-talking firm. We deal with you both hands on the table, palms up. And then we allow you to make a decision that could change your entire destiny. For the better, that is. And that's what we do here. And I think you are overdue for something like that. We are the exact opposite of a yes man. If it makes sense, we're on board. If it does not, and you're crazy about wanting to do it, whatever the case may be, we'll be the people to tell you it's a horrible idea. Can't stop you from doing it. Don't recommend it. Wouldn't put my name on it. But if it's you and this can do, then this is going to come into category with us called bad client behavior. And we just really don't deal with clients who have bad client behavior. At some point, we have to agree to disagree, and you have to move on to where your behavior would bring you. But if you believe that we're here to help you, we want to help you. If you'll trust us to do it, we take that very serious. That's why the company is called Integrity. But once that all happens, we expect you to not sabotage what we've put together for you. And that's all I will say about that. I need you to go to my website and learn more about me. Maybe that'll help you. And there's a lot of things that fight against you getting to that website. But I want you to say, I want to go anyway. Continue to the site. Get me there anyway, especially if you're on Google. All the other people seem to be okay. But if you get on Google, well, I don't know what their problem is with me, and I really don't care. My point is, is that I want you to make your way to the website. It is beautiful. It is gorgeous. It's just been redone. It is just something to see. And I want you to be able to book your appointment there, learn information about particular strategies there, all that's available to you. And if you are a podcast listener, you listen to things like this. Even when you're not in the car, you're not on the station, but you listen to information like this and you like the way we deliver that information. Well, on the podcast, I have a tremendous national host who's been in radio forever, John Ratcliffe, who is the person who hosts and interviews me in the show. And you're going to learn so much information from your perspective because he talks and asks questions from your perspective. And that's the Big Easy Finance Show. So wherever you get podcasts, you should be able to tune into the Big Easy Finance Show, and you'll be able to hear all kinds of strategies from past shows and so forth. But I'm sure there will be something there for you. And then I want you to subscribe, like, whatever you do, and tell other people. Share it so that everyone can be benefited from what we're doing because we believe this. We believe we can have everything in this life we want if we just help enough other people first get what they want. That's a philosophy. That's a principle for us. And so the idea that if we help you, then we'll help ourselves. If we help others, we will be helping ourselves. It always works first when you put others ahead of you. And when you do that, things just tend to work out better. And we just like a lot of stuff to work out for us, and that's why we run the company the way we do. So the whole team is here to help you. That's the attorneys, the CPAs, the strategists. We're all here so you can finally have a plan and watch that plan work for you, whether that's in your business, whether that's in your retirement, whether that's in your life. This is what we do, and we're committed to it like no one else. We're one of the best research teams in the country within this group. And this is important. It's important because we know your industry. We know where you are in retirement. We know these situations. We know these cash flow things we're talking about today, these debt and cash flow issues and what it does to business and what it does for retirement, why people have to keep on working because it's going to take their lifetime to try to resolve this or some bad decisions they make to try to resolve it. You know, like they go put loans on the house again, go pull the equity out of the house. I mean, they do all kinds of things trying to fix this. And none of those things is like not putting down the shovel. None of those things truly fix this in an elegant way. But we can help you. Now, getting back to what I was talking about before the break, I was talking about an unstructured loan, trying to have you imagine what that could mean to you. First, it's issued at a low interest rate. Second, you tell us how you want to pay it back. When you're going to pay it back. You could pay, and I'm just giving you an example, instead of doing 60 months at $875 a month, you could do, I don't know, $200, $825, wait, don't do anything for several months, pay $2,000, wait, don't do anything, pay $400, whatever the case may be. But that would be the opportunity. You wouldn't have to worry about it because the loan is fixed at a 4.4 percent interest rate or 4.25 interest rate. So you're not really concerned about it. But you're using it to get rid of all that bad stuff and also work it in your cash flow. Now, if your broker can do that, then you don't have to worry about me. Just go, just talk to him and work it through. But I've already explained to you that the only way they can do that is to get you into cash, maybe charge you a penalty, maybe have tax dependent if you have a qualified account or not, and so forth. And if you have a non-qualified account, you're still going to pay the capital gains when you move to that position. They still got to report it as coming to you. Even if you had a Roth, this would still be true. And so I want you to really just think about it. Just think about it for what your needs are right now. And how can you do this without completely diminishing your asset, your nest egg? How can you pull it off? Well, think about that. While you're thinking about that, here's my number, 844-993-3080, 844-993-3080. That's 844-993-3080. Go to the website, integrityfbc.com. That's integrityfrankboycharlie.com. Or you can also listen to things on my podcast that will also lead you in this direction. And that is the Big Easy Finance Show. We'll be right back right after this. Thank you. Welcome back to Integrity Radio. I'm your host, Robert Tanner. I hope you are enjoying the show. Thank you for being here with us. I mean, it's been a great show so far. And, of course, we want to end on a high note, as we always do. And so once again, thank you for being here. If you're just joining us, we're talking about resolving the problems around debt management and cash flow issues. You'd be amazed how many people have assets with no access but have debt management issues. They're doing lines of credit. Even they got to the point of revolving credit now, maxed out credit cards and so forth to handle the changes in cash flow and the continuous demand that debt gives them and so forth. And so, you know, you've got to resolve it somehow. And they've gone. They've looked. They've searched. They've researched. They've talked. They've met person after person, place after place, trying to find a way to get rid of this and so forth. And it seems like no matter what they do, it gets worse and worse and worse. There are people right now on the very edge of losing their businesses. You should have already called me. There are people right now that don't know how or if they will ever be able to retire. You should be calling me. And here's the thing, the crazy thing, is they actually have people that they pay money to to resolve these issues, and these issues go on year after year without being resolved. They look to their CPA to resolve it, can't get it done. They look to their money manager to resolve it, can't get it done, and so forth. And they just wonder, you know, and some of them are too embarrassed to even tell the money manager or the financial advisor where exactly they are. I want you to know that there's no judgment here. We're here to solve problems. We're not here to judge you on how you got there. We're not here to embarrass you. We are here to resolve the issue, to build a plan that if followed, that if carried through, will resolve the debt management issue, will resolve the cash flow issues, and will resolve the tax issues. That's what we basically do. We also venture into getting rid of exposure as well. So let's talk about that for this period of time. Asset protection is a monumental part of true wealth planning, generational wealth planning, individual wealth planning. Asset protection has got to be like the foundation on a building. It's got to exist in the very beginning of planning because it makes no sense to build a $10 million asset and one single lawsuit, one huge mistake, one IRS intervention, and everything you built is done. That would be madness to us. And so asset protection is one of the nine different plans that's done for our clients to make sure that as we make it, use it, and aggressively earn it, that we're not going to ever have a chance to lose it by civil action, creditor actions, or any other kind of actions that would step into that money, including lawsuits. And so we try to build these plans that absolutely are bulletproof, and that's an important piece of the work we do. Now that we've gotten that thing, that we cannot lose everything, we cannot be put in that kind of position and so forth, this is a key element to how we have to get these things done so our clients have the maximum or the ultimate success by working with us. Then what we do is now talk about how do we now build for you the most tax-efficient thing that we can build for you. So after you're bulletproof, how do we start getting rid of these holes in the bucket? What holes? Good question. The hole called taxes that can expand and descend at will because they get to change the brackets and they also get to change the thresholds. And so you know how it can do. You know how it works, right? Compresses, expands, compresses, expands, and so forth. And you and I have no control over it. And we don't like that, we plan. So we get rid of the tax monster so we don't have to be concerned about when it expands or when it contracts. It doesn't matter to us. Because here's what I always say. If they raise the taxes to 60% and you don't have to pay them, does it matter to you? If they raise capital gains to 30% and you don't have to pay it, would it matter to you? No. So if the income tax go off the rail, who cares? If the capital gains go off the rail, do you care? No. And that's the benefit of what we do in our planning here. So think about it. If you're trying to compete with an integrity client, and the integrity client, number one, does not have to pay taxes on no money at no time, no matter how much he makes, no matter how much he goes up, no matter what he gains, he pays no taxes on it. You're already behind by 20 to 37% or more by the time you count state taxes. So you're already too far behind to catch up. But let's just bring it forward. And also, he doesn't have to pay a fee, and you have to pay a fee every year whether you make money or lose money. Then you're behind even more. And if from time to time you take losses that he never takes, then come on. You don't have to even know math to know you'll never catch him. You'll never outperform him, and so on and so forth. But yet I can't tell you the number of people who have heard this show, who have heard what I just told you, and still stay with what they've been with. And I don't know whether that's just the guy's my cousin or, you know, I know the guy from high school or whatever the case may be. I don't know what the reasons are. But I am saying to you that, and here's a truth that I think you can handle, and here it is. I am saying to you that for over 29 years now, we've been able to outperform the market without being in the market. For 29 years, you could have been doing the same thing. Ever since that strategy came out, you could have been doing the exact same thing. You would have never felt the 2008 because our clients did not feel one nickel of loss during 2008 or 12 or 18. Now, think about it. How can the market beat me if I have no capital gains to pay when it does make money? I don't take any losses like never. I don't pay the fees, and I am in a tax-efficient position. How do you compete? You don't. You can't. And that's the problem. And that's the problem. And so what people are saying, you know, go back to the market 20 years, whatever. People have done that. Do the yield equation, and you'll find out when you do the yield equation, you'll find out what exactly happened. And I can tell you what exactly happened. You don't need rocket science for this. What happens is you average about 4, 4.5%. And you wonder how the market had record highs, and that's where you were. But that's a whole other show. I talked about it before. Maybe this show will come around again. But I need you to take an action to help yourself. So write this number down and call it 844-993-3080, 844-993-3080. One more time, 844-993-3080. Now, I can't get your finger and make you dial the number, but if you do, it will probably be the best phone call and the best meeting about your money that you ever had probably in your life. So I'm going to challenge you to get that done. I'll be right back after this break here. But I want you to write the number down and call it. Someone's live to take your call right now. I'll be right back. Welcome back to Integrity Radio. I'm your host, Robert Tanner. Glad you are here. And I tell you, this is still the fastest hour on radio. I tell people this all the time. Man, time flies when you're having fun. But anyway, I want to tell you this. One of the things I love hearing most from my clients is that, Robert, after I became a client, I have enjoyed the best night's sleep probably in my life. Knowing this was all handled, knowing that I finally had a plan, knowing that everything was going to be better than all right for us. And and, you know, I did kick myself. It took so long to finally get to this position. But, man, I wish I had done it sooner. I wish we had gotten this done a lot earlier. I really like hearing that people get a good night's sleep after becoming a client of Integrity. I really like hearing that people really do feel and appreciate that all my troubles, those those things that nagged me at night, those things that drove me crazy, that my business could collapse, that that all of a sudden it could all be gone, that I had no asset protection. I was not bulletproof. I mean, I was paying through the nose for taxes. I was even wondering why was I just working to pay taxes until I got with you guys. And I had beat up on my CPA. I'm not telling you anything wrong, Mr. Tanner. I had beat up on my CPA looking for solutions and not understanding. He's an accountant. He's a bookkeeper. He's not a strategist. I was going to the wrong person, getting angry because they could not provide me a strategy. And I regret it now, but I understand it now. I regret how I had all my money with all these different people. I mean, from Vanguard to Fidelity and everybody in between, Edward Jones, all of our stuff. And all I was doing was paying more management fees than I should have been paying because I had it with nine, 10, 12 different people. And I'm paying every one of them a management fee and so forth. I'm still taking losses when losses happen. I'm still paying a fee whether I make money or not. And I had limited access because everybody's solution was moving to cash. And who does that? And so for man, you coming along at the time you came along was just a breath of fresh air. And so this does the world. This does everything because we built this practice to be that we built it to be different than those situations people go through. We don't. And that's why our fees are the lowest and we get the most done. And we're proud of it. That name that's on this company, Integrity. We're proud of that. Living up to it every day is tremendous. So our clients trust us. They believe us. They they bring it all to us because they feel like for the first time in probably forever. It's in the best possible hands it could be in. And that is what we want for you truly. So we want for you. And so if you're a person that had the problems we talked about this morning today on the show, what we talked about, this whole idea of debt management, cash flow issues, revenue issues, growth and expansion issues, lack of asset protection, overpaying in taxes, don't know how to resolve the tax issues and so forth. You are our client. You are our ideal, perfect client. And what we need to do is get together and build a plan that will resolve your issues and solve your problems. Not put a bandaid on them, but permanently solve your problems. We would love the opportunity to do that for you. And we can and we will. But I need you to take a proactive action to call the number. Now, we pay people to be available for you 24-7 live, not a robot to take your call because you're that important to us. But you've got to dial the number. It's 844-993-3080, 844-993-3080. That's 844-993-3080, wherever you're listening to me, whether you're in Florida, Texas, Tennessee, Mississippi, Georgia, Louisiana, wherever you are. Write that number down, call it, someone will take your call and do everything they can to put us in contact with one another, whether that's in person or virtual. It doesn't matter to me. I just want to help you and so forth. So I want you to hire us. I want us to get to work for you. And I promise you, you will not regret it. I say this all the time. And of course, you've heard me say it more than a few times. But there's something about integrity. There's something about what we've built here. There's something about who we are. And I say this to you all the time. When you use integrity in everything you do, you are destined to succeed. Until next time, have a great day.

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