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Gayrice test

Gayrice test

Ricesu DesuRicesu Desu



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The speaker is comforting their partner who is feeling overwhelmed and not deserving of breaks. The speaker acknowledges their partner's hard work and accomplishments. They share their own experience of feeling like a burden and how their partner has helped them. The speaker reassures their partner that they are not a burden and encourages them to open up about their feelings. They express their love and offer comfort, suggesting they sleep together. Yeah baby, I'm still up. What's wrong? Well, if you're tired, you should sleep. That makes sense, doesn't it? Sure, you can always sleep later in the day. I won't stop you, because you need to get some rest. But what about all that stuff you said you wanted to get done? Cleaning and organizing, like you said you would. Don't go hiding your face now. You said all that earlier about wanting to relax this weekend. If you don't get to sleep now, then you won't be able to do that. I hear you, but you're definitely going back on what you said you wanted to do. You can hide your face against me all you want, but you know you should try to follow through on the things you say you're going to do, right? Well, yeah. Everyone deserves a break every now and then. Especially you. You work so hard and try to get so much done. It's okay to lean on me whenever you need help, you know? Particularly when you need help. What? Why are you looking at me like that? What do you mean you don't deserve breaks? Babe, you know that's not true. You're working hard. Hell harder than most people above you at your job. You should at least give yourself credit for that. Even if you don't see all the other great things that you do. You want examples? Hmm. Well, you've trained at least four of the other people at your job in the last six months. You're in line for that promotion you've been wanting for years. You're always there for your friends when they need you. You try to let me rest while you take up a lot of the housework. And you still find time to work on those projects that you started. I'd say those are some great accomplishments. And that's not even including how you manage to stay so absolutely captivating. Yes, I'm getting sappy this late at night. It's not like you're going to stop me anyway. You love it when I compliment you and tell you how proud I am of you. Tonight's different. You feel like you aren't doing enough overall. I know that's rough, sweetie. Especially when you feel like you're trying so hard. How long have you been feeling like this? How long is a while? It's okay. I know it's hard to reach out even when you need it. You're trying, and I really appreciate you telling me despite that. Why did I respond like that? Well, you didn't have to say anything. It might have made your mood worse, but it's not like you have to tell me that you've been feeling this way since before we got together. Since before you met me. Why didn't you ever tell me about it, love? Because you just got so used to it that you just carry it with you? You don't have to do that, my sweet. You know that. Yes, I know that you've done it for a very long time. And I also know it's hard to get rid of habits that we've already formed. But you know, I won't ever make you feel like you're a burden because you aren't. You never were, and you won't ever be. You want to know how I can say that so easily? Before I met you, I felt like a burden. Like a backpack to weigh down by my own and others' problems to be of any use to anyone. But God, did I try to be useful. I was that friend. The person that made themselves available when someone needed me. It didn't matter what I was doing. I would drop practically anything to be of use to someone. You know, it helped for a while. Long enough for me to forget that being useful isn't the same as living a life that I want to live. Living for me instead of other people. I got lost. At once, I couldn't really be of use to anyone. I just felt like I didn't have a purpose. And it took a lot of work. So much work that I may as well have made working on myself my full-time job rather than the one I have now. It was scary being in a place mentally that no one has ever told me about. At some points, it took all my efforts and focus not to backslide. To not do things that I had done for so long already. And sometimes, I did flip back into those old habits. And they put me three steps behind when I was only one step ahead in the first place. But, when I met you, things just fell into place. I didn't feel like I had to carry this price tag around that was only valued as highly as other people cared about me. Even when we were just friends, you didn't make me feel like I had to do things for you to make you stick around. You spent time with me and laughed with me. And made me feel so understood that I started second-guessing how well I knew myself. And that's part of the reason why I want you to feel like you can always talk to me. You've helped me so much long before I ever asked you out on our first date. You said you loved me and I just want to be able to get that back to you. I want to be here for you as long as you'll love me because I love you that much. Hey, it's okay. I won't tell you not to cry because crying can be really good for you. The next time you feel like this, promise to tell me about it, okay? I pinky promise. You're so cute. Of course I will. Now it's late. I know you're sleepy and I don't want you to be tired tomorrow. Come here. Just lay on my chest and we can both sleep. Just like that. You can fall asleep to my heartbeat, right? Of course you can. Oh, and one more thing. I love you. Good night.

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