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When to Repair vs. Replace Your Roof in New Jersey

When to Repair vs. Replace Your Roof in New Jersey




Deciding whether to repair or replace your roof is a common dilemma for homeowners in New Jersey. In this audio, we explore the factors to consider, such as your roof’s age, the extent of damage, and the upcoming weather conditions. Learn when simple repairs will suffice and when a full roof replacement is the smarter long-term investment. https://rgbconstructionservices.com/when-to-repair-vs-completely-replace-your-new-jersey-roof/

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The transcription discusses the topic of roof repair versus roof replacement, specifically in the context of New Jersey. It emphasizes the importance of making an informed decision and considering factors such as the age of the roof, the type of damage, the complexity of the roof, upcoming weather, and the potential resale value of the home. The article also mentions the cost of repairs and full roof replacements. It advises being proactive with roof maintenance and addressing small issues before they become bigger problems. The transcription suggests that major signs for a roof replacement include severely damaged shingles, daylight coming through the boards in the attic, and storm damage affecting more than 30% of the roof. It also discusses the importance of finding a trustworthy roofing contractor and suggests asking about warranties, experience, and references. The transcription concludes by recommending regular roof inspections as a preventive measure to save money and avoid stre Hey, everyone, and welcome back for another deep dive with us. We've gotten a ton of questions from you about roofs lately. Seems like a lot of you are in the same boat, uh, with trying to figure out when to repair and when to just replace. Exactly. And especially living in New Jersey. Yeah. Like with the weather here, is this just like a whole different ball game or what? Yeah. So we found this article specifically about New Jersey roofs. Okay, great. And it actually breaks down some of the things to think about if you're in that repair or replace dilemma. Okay. So what I'm hearing is we've got to really help these listeners make a smart choice for their homes. Absolutely. A roof is a big deal. Oh, huge. It's a big investment and you don't want to take it lightly. Right. Because we're not talking about just like patching a little hole here or there. Yeah. No, it's about having peace of mind, knowing that your home is protected. Totally. And that's where I think getting a little knowledge can go a long way. 100%. So this article right off the bat mentioned something that I think is a good starting point. Most roofs last about 20 years. Like a car. Yeah. Like you can only do so much maintenance before time just catches up with you. Right. Yep. And that's where that decision to repair or replace gets really real. And expensive. Am I right? Oh yeah. The article even breaks down some average costs. Oh gosh. Okay. Lay it on me. So basic spot repairs. You're looking at anywhere from like 300 to a thousand dollars. Okay. That's not terrible. But then a full roof replacement. Yeah. You're talking 10,000 to $30,000. See, that's what I'm saying. Like suddenly those small repairs, they don't sound so bad anymore. Right. It's tempting to just keep patching things up, but you've got to look at the bigger picture. Okay. So bigger picture. What are we thinking about here? Well, the age of your roof is huge, obviously. Yeah. 20 years. That's like our magic number. Right. But it's not the only thing. This article, it really stresses that. Okay, good. Because I was going to say there's got to be more to it than just how old it is. Exactly. You've got to think about the type of damage you have. Yeah. How bad is it really? Is your roof super complex? Like, does it have a lot of angles and slopes? What about the weather? Yeah. Good point. Because New Jersey winters. Exactly. We get hit hard sometimes. Okay. So we're talking age, type of damage, how complicated the roof is, upcoming weather. All of that plays a role. Oh, and don't forget a resale value. Well, that's a big one. Because if you're thinking about selling anytime soon, the article mentions that buyers love to see a newer roof. It's a major selling point. So it's like, are you fixing it for now or for the future? You know? I love that you bring that up because it's not just about your immediate needs. It's about the long-term value of your home. And sometimes I feel like those little issues can be deceiving. Now, tell me about it. Like you see a couple of cracked shingles and you think, oh, it's no big deal. But on an older roof, that could be a sign of a much bigger problem brewing. Right. It's like that annoying check engine light in your car. Sometimes it's nothing, but sometimes. Sometimes it's the whole transmission. Exactly. And you don't want to wait until your roof is in the shop for a whole transmission when it comes to your house. Okay. So we're talking about being proactive with our roof maintenance. Just like you would with your car. So instead of waiting for a major meltdown, it's smarter to address those little issues early on. Catch them before they become big headaches. Okay. I love that. So we're on the same page about being proactive, but how do we actually know when a repair is enough versus when we need to just bite the bullet and replace the whole thing? So how do we actually know when a repair is enough versus when we need to just bite the bullet and replace the whole thing? Yeah, that's the million dollar question, isn't it? For real? Well, luckily this article gives us some pretty clear examples. Okay. Lay it on me. So think of it like this. We've got our minor roof injuries. Minor roof injuries. I like that. Right. So this is like your loose flashing, you know, that metal part that helps direct water away from the house. Right. Right. A few missing shingles here and there. Maybe a couple of small cracks. Okay. Those are the things that you can usually fix without, you know, breaking the bank. Right. Like patching a small hole in your jeans. It worked for a while. Exactly. But then you've got those, uh, oh, situations. Uh, oh, what are we talking about here? This is when you're better off just investing in a whole new pair of jeans. Or a whole new roof. Exactly. And the article does not hold back on these examples. Okay. So hit me with the worst case scenario. All right. Imagine this. Your shingles. They're not even really shingles anymore. They're like, if you took a bag of potato chips and just like crushed it up. Oh my gosh. That's bad. Yeah. That's a roof that's seen better days. Okay. So crumbling shingles. That's a bad sign. What else? How about this? You're up in your attic and you see daylight coming through the boards. Okay. That's not good. No, that's not a good sign. Not at all. Okay. What about storm damage? We get some pretty nasty storms here in New Jersey. We do. And the article actually mentions this specifically. If more than 30% of your roof is damaged in a storm, it's time to think about a replacement. Okay. So that's a good rule of thumb. 30% or more damage time for a new roof. It's a good starting point because at that point, it's not just about fixing the immediate damage, you know, it's about the long-term integrity of your whole roof. Cause it's all connected up there. Exactly. And your roof is more than just, you know, keeping the rain out. Oh, absolutely. It's a huge part of your home's structural integrity. The foundation, but on top. There you go. Yeah. And you wouldn't mess around with a cracked foundation. Not at all. So we've talked about being proactive and we've talked about some of those red flags that scream new roof time. But what about actually finding the right people for the job? Like how do we know who to trust with something as important as our roof? Yeah, that's huge. You don't want just anyone up there. Exactly. So how do we find those like roofing superheroes? Okay. So first things first, finding a good roofing contractor is a lot like finding a good mechanic. Okay. I like where you're going with this. You want someone who really knows their stuff, someone who's not going to be like, Oh, I don't know how to do this. I don't know how to do this. I don't know how to do this. I don't know how to do this. I don't know how to do this. I don't know how to do this. I don't know how to do this. I don't know how to do this. I don't know how to do this. I don't know how to do this. Someone who really knows their stuff, someone who's not going to try to take you for a ride. And not try to sell you a whole new engine when all you need is an oil change. Exactly. So don't be afraid to shop around. Oh yeah. Get multiple quotes. Absolutely. And while you're doing that, come armed with questions. This deep dive's probably scarred a few for you already. Oh, I'm sure. Write those down. So you don't forget when you're actually talking to a contractor. Yeah. Like what are some good questions people should be asking? Well, for starters, warranties. Oh yeah. That's a big one. Huge. You want to know what's covered in for Hathong? Totally. And what about experience? Like how long have they been in business? Yep. And do they specialize in any particular roofing materials? Because remember this article mentioned that asphalt shingles are the most popular choice in New Jersey. Oh, right. Good point. So we want someone who really knows their asphalt shingle. Exactly. And don't forget to ask for references. Oh yeah. References are key. Hearing from other homeowners in your area, that can be so valuable. It's like getting the inside scoop. Right. Because at the end of the day, it's all about peace of mind. Knowing you've done your homework and you've found someone you can trust. And speaking of peace of mind, you touched on something earlier that I wanted to circle back to. That whole check engine light analogy for your roof. Oh yeah. Even if you're not seeing any major issues right now, do you think it's still a good idea to get a professional inspection every once in a while? I'm so glad you brought that up because the answer is a resounding yes. Okay. Good to know. It's all about prevention. You know, catching those potential problems early on can save you so much money and stress down the line. So it's like a regular checkup, but for your roof. Exactly. Think of it as an investment in your home's long-term health. I love that. A roof checkup. Definitely adding that to my to-do list. There you go. And there you have it. Yeah. We've gone from deciphering repair versus replace to finding the perfect roofing contractor. All thanks to a little deep dive. That's what we're here for. And a huge thank you to you for coming on this journey with us. We hope you feel empowered to tackle those roofing decisions with confidence. Absolutely. Remember, a solid roof over your head is priceless, and now you've got the tools to keep it that way. Until next time, stay curious.

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