Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
In the mighty name of Jesus, we pray, amen, and I believe that the Lord has a lot of things to do in our life. He has a lot to do for us. He has a lot to do with us, through us. And for that to be fulfilled, we need to yield ourselves to the Lord. We need to yield ourselves to the Lord. And as we yield ourselves to the Lord, He is the one that makes us. He is faithful to make us into what He wants. He told Abraham, leave your father's house, leave your mother's house, leave all that you are used to, sacrifice, and come to a place that I will take you. It means it's not going to be you coming with comfort, you coming with something to lean on. It will be something that He is doing. So, I want us to read something quickly in 2 Chronicles chapter 20, 2 Chronicles chapter 20, 2 Chronicles chapter 20 verse 20. That's the theme for this month, and I'll build upon that plainly, and we'll enter into what we are prospering and prospering with. It says, So they rose early in the morning. They rose early in the morning, and went out into the wilderness of Tekoa. And as they went out, Jehoshaphat stood and said, Hear me, O Judah, and you inhabitants of Jerusalem. Believe in the Lord your God, and you shall be established. Believe in His prophets, and you shall prosper. My God, my God, may the Lord cause us to prosper. May the Lord cause us to prosper. May the Lord cause us to prosper, and may the Lord cause us to be established in the mighty name of Jesus. So, as I was saying, God spoke to Abraham, Leave your father's house, leave your mother's house. More or less, leave everything that makes you grounded. Anything that makes you establish. Anything that makes you feel that you can't feel, just leave it behind, and follow me on this journey to a place I will take you. Then he said, I will make you a student of God. There's one principle that we need to come to understand, that God is the one that makes us. It is not people, it is God. If God doesn't make you, how can a man or a woman make you? So, God is the one that makes you, and favors you for people to come in to implement whatever He has done. That is why it's very important that you associate yourself with this God, and in partnership with this God, you are saying and you are declaring that, Father, I can do it by my strength. As I am partnering with you, as I am coordinating with you, do what I can do in my life. Take me to the places that I can go. Take me through the storms that I can't go by myself, and this God will hold your hands and take you through it. He will not withhold. He will not withhold grace. So, he says, two weeks early in the morning, in the wilderness, and Jebushaphat, their leader, said to them, Hear me, O Judah. Hear me, O priest, and you inhabitants of Jemisalem, you inhabitants of peace. If you can believe in the Lord, Adonai your God, Elohim, and if you do that, you will be established. So, the first point is, why do you need to be established? You need to be established because in this life, there's a lot of storms. You need to be established because you will feel a lot of opposition, a lot of rejection, a lot of denial, a lot of sabotage, and if you are not established, if you are not firm, it can move you, it can break you, and you can even be put down without rising up. There are a lot of people that are going through life without God at their backbone. Without God as their solid, firm foundation. So, when we are saying we are partnering with the gospel, when we are saying we are partnering with God, all we are saying is that we have come to a place where we know it is not our strength, and we want His strength to lead us. We want His strength to take us through. We want His strength, we want His strength, His might to keep us. Then He said, believe in His prophets and you shall prosper. So, there's something that these prophets are communicating. They are communicating the mind of God. So, you first have to believe God so that you'll be established, that you'll not be moved by anything. Your faith is built on His word, on His personality, on His nature. Then when He sends His prophet to tell you something, you now believe in the fact that He has sent a prophet your way to release a testimony, to release a goodness, to release a prophetic word. And based on that, you can prosper. Because you're already established in the Lord, you are not movable. Now you need directions. You need to know what God is saying concerning your life. And that is where once you get to know that you can prosper, you can meet a leader. You can have that fruitfulness. 1 Thaddon 1 Thaddon 1 Verse 2. Jesus blood, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health just as your soul prospers. Beloved, I pray that you prosper in all things. Be in health just as your soul prospers. So, the first salutation is beloved. Are you the beloved of God? It means whatever that follows, the promises goes to God's beloved. And we get to know that the scripture is Holy Spirit breath. When you read 2 Timothy chapter 3 verse 15 to 16, it is Spirit led through Holy Man. So, if it is Spirit led, then it means the scripture is the Holy Spirit of God speaking to us now. And you are the beloved of God when you accept Jesus Christ as your love, as your personal savior, as your savior, as your master. Then he ushers you into the kingdom. So, that is a fact that you need to know. Now, if he has ushered you into his kingdom, then you are joint heirs or co-heirs with Christ Jesus. So, now God is your father and God loves you. That is why John 3 verse 16 he said, For God so loved the world that he gave his son for you that he did not perish, number one, but have an eternal life. So, in that eternal life, what does it entail? And John makes us understand. Beloved, after coming into this full, after receiving the blessings, after receiving the cleansing, after being sanctified, after being honored, after being glorified, what next? He said, I pray that you may prosper in all things. Not some things, all things. Not a few, all things. Prosperity is a blessing. It is in the eternal life of God you prosper in all things. So, it means that if you are not seeing prosperity in certain fields of your life, you need to what? Enforce the word of God. I need to prosper in all things. God does not rejoice when people are sick. He does not rejoice when people don't have more than enough. When you are living from people to people, what joy does? Why would God keep all the money in heaven? Oh, why would he keep all? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. He wants to bless us. Why would he want you to go through the stress that you don't even have the money to even help people that are in need? Whilst he has written in his word, take care of the less privileged, the orphans. How is that going to be possible? God does not glorify poverty. And he doesn't. He wants us to prosper. That is why when he blessed us in Genesis chapter 1, it will be fruitful multiply. So, that is our portion. May we multiply. May we be fruitful. May we walk in the realm of abundance. And he says that you may prosper. That you may prosper in all things. So, if there's studies, you need to prosper there. If it is marriage, you need to prosper there. If it is economics, you need to prosper there. If it is politics, you need to prosper there. If it is business, you need to prosper there. If it is human relationships, you need to prosper there. There has to be a sign. What sets you apart from the unbeliever is this. That was the same lesson that was upon the Hebrew boys when they went to Babylon. Because then you had a more excellent spirit. Because he activated it. He enforced it. He lived with the consciousness that he is excellent. Prosperity, you need to come to a place where you yield yourself to one, your God. You need to yield yourself to your God. And as you yield yourself to your God, he now makes you. He makes you. He makes you a process. So, maybe you start your journey with God. You might lack certain things. Don't worry. It says, seek ye the kingdom of God first and its righteousness. And every other thing shall be added. That is what he is saying. As you are seeking, he is making you. He is taking away every weakness, every mindset. Because for you to prosper financially, you need a mindset. You cannot say you are prospering whilst you are not saving. You cannot say you are prospering financially and you are not hardworking. You cannot say you want to have millions of dollars and you don't even have a business proposal or you are not even having a gift that you are doing. God doesn't prosper people in a vacuum. That is why he wants us to seek him every day. That is why when Jesus was teaching them to pray the kingdom prayer, our father in heaven, that means establish that relationship. Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Inviting the kingdom to come in your life every single day. It means that you are allowing the constitution of heaven to affect you. You are allowing the lifestyle of heaven to affect you. That is why he said, let your kingdom come. So if the kingdom of God is prosperous, every day you need to be prosperous. You are determined to let your kingdom come. Your kingdom is not poor. Your kingdom is not weak. Therefore, I refuse to be poor. I refuse to be poor in ideas. I refuse to be poor in terms of confidence. No, God is the great God. I am a child of God. I refuse to be timid because there are some visions that God will give you. It will require confidence to execute it. There is a prophetic word hanging over your life. It will require confidence. People will say, oh, this is a young lady. This is a young guy. No, no, no, no. But Samuel was a very young person, but God spoke to him. He had a voice of God. David was a young lad, but he was able to defeat Goliath. He prospered in that, in the ability to use the little strength that he had. So, you need to invite the mindset of the kingdom. And that is what you seek every day. So, prosperity comes by yielding. What you yield yourself consistently to is what you become. So, even science and people have come to a point where they say anything that you consistently do for 21 days becomes part of you. It becomes a habit. So, if you want to become studios, just practice five minutes a day, five minutes a day consistently, and your life will become part of you. The same way if you have something, just dedicate time to it, and you will prosper. Just dedicate time, praying into it. Just dedicate time, perfecting that skill. So, yielding day to day, and allowing his domain to influence you on earth. So, how do you live? How do you act? How do you speak? How do you think? Is it influenced by the kingdom of God? So, it means if you want to prosper, you need to dedicate time to his word. Let his word transform you. Let your philosophy be based on the word of God. Before you do everything, what is the word of God saying concerning marriage? What is the word of God saying concerning work, concerning savings, concerning investment, or concerning, I mean, giving money to friends, concerning being witnesses, or being, how do they call it, signatures, people that stand in when people are going for loans, or even putting your things there as commercials. The Bible talks about all these things, and it is our responsibility to seek it every day. When you are able to seek that wisdom in the word of God, that is where you can come to a place where you can prosper. So, if you start yielding to his word, then it says prosper in all things, and be in health. So, it means God is only interested in our health. He doesn't want us to be in poor health, because he doesn't get sick. If, and if he doesn't get sick, imagine God in flesh, Jesus. He never got sick. I never saw in my Bible that Jesus was weak, tired. Yes, he rested, but in a sense that he got sick and broke down. No! So, it means that a dimension of prosperity that affects health. He wants you to be in a good shape. So, if you are seeking God, if you are working righteously, then you will get to know his ways, and you realize that he would tell you, your body is my temple. So, if your body is his temple, and you have the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit will not convict you. You know, there are certain times that you eat certain things. You will be there, and the Holy Spirit will convict you to your conscience. That you are doing, that will affect you. You know it's not right. People, even doctors, you let people around you speak to you, that people were eating this, and you are getting this. The word of God, when you read Genesis, he said he gave the trees, the crops, and those things for man to eat. And you are saying, you are not going to eat vegetables, you are not going to eat this, carp, carp, carp, carp, carp. At the end, you have what carp will bring, and it's not God that's to be blamed. So, when we yield to his word, when we yield to his spirit, naturally, it affects our decisions, and the decisions that we make, helps us to escape the consequence, negative consequences, that affects our health, you see, that affects our finances, that affects our minds. Then, last one, he said, I wish above all things that you prosper in your soul. Your soul is very important. A lot of people are afflicted in their soul. They are anxious, they are worried, they don't know what will happen tomorrow. You see, sometimes, when you get sick, your soul becomes restless. You are happy, but when you are old, you are very happy. So, God, you see, it's a holistic prosperity. God expects that materially, you are stable. He expects health-wise, you are stable, and he expects that in your mind, your soul, your emotions, you are stable. He said in James chapter 1, a double-minded person is unstable in all their ways. So, if your mind is double-mindedness, you are just moving towards indecisiveness, because there's a problem, and the problem is making you restless. That's not right. That is not the gift of life. In life, will you meet things that will cause you to be worried? Yes. But is it your portion to stay constantly worried? No. No. Matthew chapter 6, it says don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow brings all problems. Don't worry about it. So, there are some people who have fears of the unknown. They're like, oh, what if I don't get married? What if the guy doesn't propose to me? What if the lady is cheated? What if that investment I'm making is going to... Don't worry. Things affecting your soul will be healed to God. You are yielding everything about you to him, and he is the one taking care. There's one thing the Lord ministered to me. He said, when you partner with him, with your substance, when you read Genesis, you're going to see the principle of giving, of types, being captured in the life of the patriarchs. First, in the life of Abraham, and also you get to see it in the life of his grandson Jacob. And I am very keen on what Jacob said in the 29th chapter, I think the 28th chapter, the verse 22. He said, and this stone which I have set as a pillar shall be God's house, and all that you give me, I will surely give a debt to you. Now, this is Jacob's encounter at Bethel, when he was leaving his father's house to his uncle's house. He said, he had an encounter. He saw that heaven's opening, and angels ascending and descending on the ladder, and God made a covenant with him. And when God made a covenant, he woke up and he thought about it, and he said, I'm also vowing that if you give me, number one, if you protect me, bring me food, clothes to wear, bless me, and bring me back to save you, without any harm. Whatever I get, I will give it back, a tent. So, he made a vow, and that is why as you ponder with any thing that has to do with the work of God, with the kingdom of God, it's a vow between you and God. It's a vow between you and Elohim, Adonai, that if God shall be with you, in everything that you do, wherever you go, it's a vow that you make. And as that vow is done, and you are going through anything, you remember God. So, God, remember the vow that I made, because God is a covenant keeping God. So, there are some times that when I am going through things, I remind God, God, remind, to remember it. All things come to my name. Yeah, sometimes I'm praying for people interceding, I say, Father Lord, remember the sacrifice. Remember the sacrifice. Remember the sacrifice. Remember the covenant. You see, and it is more or less the act of obedience. Simply, it's an act of obedience to God. God said, and he is doing it, and she is doing it, it's an act of obedience. It's not because of her money thing, it's an act of obedience. An act of obedience. An act of obedience. An act of obedience. An act of obedience. An act of obedience. An act of obedience. An act of obedience. Nothing more, nothing less. Nothing more, nothing less. Nothing more, nothing less. An act of obedience. An act of obedience. So, the Bible says, God wants us in 3 John chapter 1 verse 2. He said, Beloved, are you the beloved of God? Yes. How do you become the beloved of God? You become the beloved of God through Jesus. You have a relationship with God. Then, he says, I wish and I pray about things that you will prosper in all things. Not some things. So, we are going to prosper in everything. In your marriage, you need to prosper. There are a lot of Christians that are prospering financially, but their marriage is not prospering. And you need to speak to your marriage. Take the principle, the word of God, the promises of God, and enforce it. You see, when you have kids, the same thing. In all things, you need to prosper as a good parent. There are some people, they are good husbands and wives, but when it comes to parenting, they are bad. That's not what God wants for you. That's not what God wants for you. You see, I love this scripture, Psalm 91. It says, The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. If God is your shepherd, he will provide everything that you need. For security, for protection, for favor, he will provide it. So, you wouldn't even come to the position where you have to want certain things. Oh, I want this, I want that. Your father already knows that you need food. He doesn't have to tell you. That's why it says, Seek the kingdom of God first, and his righteousness, and every other thing. You see, so when you make God the shepherd, he now takes the responsibility. So, in giving, in partnering, in supporting God's agenda, his will, with every resource, with your time, money, network, skills, what you are saying is, Father Lord, I am obeying you as my master. Number one, I am also expressing my love, out of my love, and I am trusting you with all my heart, that you are the one that has the power to make me. And when you do that, you give the responsibility to God, and God is the one that will make sure everything falls in line. That is why it's a vow. Now, he comes in whenever things are going wrong. However, when you say, okay, I'm keeping a hundred percent, I am keeping everything, it means you have the faith and the trust in your ability. So, when the storm comes, because you have not tested God, because you have not vowed with God, you have not trusted God on that, God can't do much. See, it's a vow, and that is what Genesis chapter 28, verse 22, Jacob did. He vowed, he said, God, if you would take me to my uncle's house, bring me back safely without any issue, I will bless you. And that was so spectacular. As I ran up, when you look at what happened in the life of Jacob, it was so wonderful. When Jacob got to his uncle's house, there was a lot of crazy things, a lot of crazy things. First of all, Jacob went with an uncle, who at times, we would say he's an occult, or probably an Illuminati, or probably maybe Freemason, and he had an ability to deal with all kinds of crazy things. I would also look at something in Genesis chapter 30, verse 27. Genesis chapter 30, verse 27. The reason why you need to want to partner with God, when it comes to your finances, when it comes to your marriage, when it comes to your health, when it comes to your mind, your soul, your mind, your emotions, you need to partner with God. You never know the things, the people you are dealing with. This is Jacob in his father's house. I am reading from that idea. He says, Barnabas said to him, if I have found favor in your eyes, please speak. I have learned by divination. Look at this. Genesis chapter 30, verse 27. He said, I have learned by divination. Can you see that in your Bible? Not by prayer, by divination. Look at that. I love how the NIV puts it, by divination, by divination, by divination. The easy Bible says this, Laban said to Jacob, if you are happy with me, then please stay here. Please stay here. I know that the Lord has blessed me because you are here with me. I used magic to know that. My God. So, the man was able to discern and know that he was blessed because God was with Jacob. Why? In Genesis chapter 28, there was a covenant that was established. When you establish covenants with God, especially through his ministries, supporting the faith of God, there is a need, a problem. You support. You know what you are doing. You are covenanting with God and saying, Lord, I am pushing your agenda because I trust you. I trust you with everything in my life. It might not be more. It might be my little, but I am trusting you with my life. You know what God will do? He will take over every single thing that has to do with you. That is why he says he is a jealous God. That is why when anyone comes after Israel, he comes after them because Israel is a state out of the nations of the earth. We have selected them. We have made a covenant. So, I decree and I declare by the covenant that you have made to support the things of God, to partner with the ministry, to partner in every single thing that you do with God, may the Lord prosper you in everything. He will prosper you in all things. May the Lord prosper you in all things. May the Lord prosper you in all things. The second one is that he will also prosper you in your health. It means that God wants you to be very, very potent in everything that you are doing and he wants you to enjoy it. What glory is it in when God has given you money and you cannot enjoy it? They have given you money and you cannot go to the nations of the earth to support orphanages. That is because you have money. You cannot be there physically to see what God is doing. What good is it? No! And what good is it that you have good health, you have money, but you do not have a sound mind? It is not God. It is the blessings of the Lord make it one rich. Note, and ask no sorrow. He also says that it is not good for you to rise up early in the morning to eat the bread of sorrows. For God gives his beloved sound sleep and sound rest. Are you the beloved God? Then he means he has to give you sound sleep to even surprise you. Jesus was in a boat. There was a storm but he was asleep. It tells you what he wants us to have. He gave his life for you and me. He was asleep in the midst of the storm. Paul in Acts was in a boat. There was chaos. He was asleep and the angel of the Lord appeared to him and assured him. So he means that prosperity comes in diverse ways. A lot of people think prosperity, prosperity is only money, money, money. No! It is a holistic thing. God will bless you in everything. Yes, money is part, but he will bless you with favor. He said have God bless you Jesus, favor Jesus with the Holy Ghost and with power. He went about doing good. So from today you have the power, you have the Holy Ghost and you will do good in the mighty name of Jesus. Jugna was in the boat sleeping and people were moving head, throwing things around. Why? Because he had peace. Jesus said my peace I will give to you. So the reason why you will be prosperous is because you have peace. You are an investor. People are going crazy. They are going mad because the market is bad, but you are a peep and God said invest, sow. Genesis chapter 26 verse 1 to 12. Isaac sowed when there was what? Farming. It doesn't make sense. When the stock market is free, that is when he says buy. When people are selling their heads, you are at peace. You are losing one million dollars, you are at peace because you already know the God that you are selling. He has a covenant with you and you know what he said. He said he will be with you. It's a covenant. That's what he told. He told Jacob. Genesis chapter 28 verse 10 to 16. In fact, let me read it quickly. Genesis chapter 28 verse 12. Jesus then he dreamed and behold a ladder was set up on the earth and its top reached the heavens and there the angels of God were ascended from the earth going up and descended coming down on it. Verse 13. And behold the Lord stood above it and said I am the Lord God of Abraham your father. Look at this. It's not because of him. It was because of his father. This is another message for another time. Sometimes you need a father figure in your life. A spiritual father. One that covers. One whose relationship with God can stand in for you. And that is why when it comes between Lot and Abraham, you now understand the place of spiritual ranks. Because of his position and his relationship with God, they were able to negotiate certain things for Lot because of the relationship. So it's very important. Sometimes there are people, they will join ministries, they will go to church, they are not participating. Sometimes you don't even have a record. And how can the man of God go to God and tell God. So you see, you need to call on God in ways of certain things. If grace is available to all, God will bless you regardless. But when we make God go out of his way, we will make Jesus stop everything and come to Lazarus. Why? Because Mary and Martha, his sisters, were cooking for Jesus. They were feeding Jesus and his disciples. That is why they went. He says your brother is sick. So you don't want to let him die. I will come and do something for you. So one of the ways to provoke the anointing upon a man of God is to sow into the life of the man of God. Believe in the vision. That is why he says first be established in God. Do you believe God? Because if you don't believe God, you can't believe his prophets. And that is not us to say that men of God should also abuse that. Because there are some people who are abusing that. There is something that they noticed. I wanted to send $70,000. We are not going to do this, this, this, this. No, people also have family. They have a life. So as a balance for the gospel is that it will move the every other Judea, Samaria, Jerusalem, and the uttermost ends of the earth that the gospel will reach there. So anyone partnering with that motive, whether the man of God is going to use the money to support orphanages, that one is between God and that man. You are doing your part. It's a vow between you and God. And as you keep at it, whether it's $5, $5 to me. See, it is a vow. So I always say to people, see, it's a vow between you and God. As you make that decision and you release it, and you say every day, Father Lord, I am coming out and every first week I am going to send this amount. You vow with God in your heart. Psalm 19, verse 14. It says, let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in your sight. That is to say, you can make a vow in your heart. Why is it that people come to their marriage altar and speak words and they sit down and they seek because words are life and spirit. So sometimes, personally, I have vows that I've made. I told God years ago, I said, if you would do this and this for me. The last time, I think last week, the Holy Spirit was just taking me back in time. It's like I was re-reading it. He said, you remember you made a vow when you were at this point. You said, Father Lord, if you let me pass this test and pass this, I will serve you. You got there, you forgot him. You remember war for it. You remember the destruction in Jesus. When you go to senior high school, you say the same thing. He took you to university. You remember you went through that. After that, you forgot and things happened. You got to cross it over to your master from, you did the same thing. But after that, when you stopped, have you realized that things have been smoothed? I said, wow, God, that is true. So it means I made a vow and the vow was almost living in the teeth. So there are a lot of people they would repay their pride and they stop in time and realize that things have been hard. No matter what it takes, it is your obedience and your love. Doing those things is an act of obedience. Number one. Number two is a demonstration of your love to the God that you serve. And as you do that, you now relinquish the responsibility for your life to Him. So now the burden goes to God. So the reason why a lot of people are having issues when it comes to their soul is because they are taking the place of God while they have to allow God to take that place. May you never take the place of God. May God have the full flow to operate in your life in the mighty name of Jesus. In the mighty name of Jesus. In the mighty name of Jesus. Just to share this. I was praying this few days. I was waiting on the Lord and there was an issue that came up. One lad, I mean, I was praying. You see sometimes God can't please a burden, a burden on me as a man of God. I am praying and he would stop my prayer and say pray for this person. Pray for this person. Sometimes it's all about inconsistency. Let your man of God know you are with him. Let your man of God know you are with him. Let your man of God see your involvement. Let God see your involvement. I can't remember I told God. I had a vision of God one day. I said God ask for this one. Forget it. That person is not diligent. The person doesn't want to read the Bible. He doesn't want to pray. When it's time for meetings the person doesn't come. The person likes to leave anyhow. No forget it. That's it. I negotiated it. Why? Because there's no yielding. These are other people who are going through exactly what she is going through and they need it. And that is where men and women of God have that monopoly. Because telling their prayers of God. I said father, father let us pass a lot. If you find righteous people. Yes let it pass a big course of a relationship. The pastor takes the beddings of the people to God and brings feedback. So imagine your pastor is praying for you and all of a sudden you disappear. How can he be a right shepherd to shepherd you? He has to know where you are. What's going on. Can you know a message? Oh how are you doing? Okay, okay I'll keep you in prayer. There are some people. It's not like we are being prohibited to the moon. But there are some people when you are praying those phone calls. They say, ah pray for this person. Ah pray for this person. Pray for this. Pray for this. Do not strengthen us. Do not prosper us. You will be prospered. In Jesus mighty name. I pray. Amen. Amen.