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Rev.Mary PalmerRev.Mary Palmer



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The Reverend Mary is speaking about the importance of believing in the Holy Trinity and not disregarding the Holy Ghost. She emphasizes that salvation cannot be attained through the law, but through faith in Jesus Christ. She encourages surrendering to God's unconditional love and accepting Jesus as the gift of salvation. She reassures listeners that they are worthy and invites them to embrace their faith and join the heavenly party. Happy Sabbath everybody. Hey folks this is Reverend Mary coming to you in the holy name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior from along the way ministries. This ministry was given to me by Heavenly Father August 14 2006 and the disciple of Christ I am bound in the spirit of love and obedience to the will of God to go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. That scripture can be found in Matthew chapter 28 verse 19. And folks I want to let you know the reason why I expanded on this so much is because I hear recently I ran into some people who supposedly teaching the Word of God and they were teaching as false prophets and I had to I had to walk away from those people because they were teaching against the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost. They said that the Holy Ghost doesn't matter to just go ahead and throw him out. That all that who God is you just throw it out and we just gonna concentrate on the Son. As if you can concentrate on the Son without concentrating on God. So you can accept the Holy Ghost without expecting the spirit of the Almighty God. Well God forbid but anyway there's a reason why I'm gonna make a point to expound on the truth. And today we're going to talk about the law versus faith. You know this is what you come to come to realize when you embrace the truth. Well and it does not matter what false God you have been taught to worship. The light is about to come. The light is about to be bestowed upon you. Praise the Lord. If you are Jewish, it doesn't matter. The truth shall set you free. You are not free under the law. You are in bondage, shackles and chains. The scripture says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge when fools despise wisdom and instruction. Let's take it from Proverbs chapter 1 verse 7. Well let that no longer be said of you. Do not any longer let this be felt in your heart. He is the truth. I am Jewish by birth. Now this is not me per se. This is a little excerpt that I want to read to you. I am Jewish by birth. Kind of like a for instance you know. I am a sinner. I expected to be saved by keeping God's laws. My justification before God is in my faith in his son. But I have come to know that no one would be right before God by observing the Old Testament law. If I must depend on Christ for my justification. He has become my rock. Law in and of itself leads only to disobedience and death. Amen. Now I have been crucified, put to death in Christ. Christ lives in and through me. Jesus loves me enough to die for me. Well if righteousness could be attained by keeping the law, it would make God's amazing grace of non-effect. God forbid. In other words, in other words, if the law had the power to save, then Christ died for no good reason. God forbid. We believe, we believe in God. What God says goes. Amen. He is great beyond measure. To be able to love us, sinful, lost, wretched beings, unconditionally, and give us so much is truly beyond and above me. But I, beyond the shadow of a doubt, trust God, believe in him, and accept my salvation with all my heart. Hallelujah. How about you? Don't know anybody else who loves us like that. And the question is, why is salvation by keeping the law impossible? Let's go to Galatians chapter 3, 10 through 13. For as many as of the works of the law are under the curse, for it is written, cursed is everyone that continues not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them. And the law is not of faith, but the man that do them shall live in them. The law will get us in trouble, people. Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us. For it is written, cursed is everyone who hangeth on a tree. You know, I read somewhere in the scripture that the law was established for lawbreakers, not righteous people, but undisciplined, do-it-yourself sinners. Yes, it's indeed. Let me read chapter 14, verse 14, excuse me, verse 14. That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith. Praise the Lord. We're joined together with Abraham, praise the Lord, by promise through the Spirit of faith. Praise God. Hallelujah. We were nobody, and in Christ, we became somebody through faith, through righteous Abraham. Praise the Lord. Now we know that sin is not an option for the saved by God's grace, by God's grace only. Galatians chapter 2, 17. But if while we seek to be justified by Christ, we ourselves are also found sinners. And therefore, Christ, the minister of sin, is therefore Christ, the minister of sin. Did you hear me? God forbid. Don't take it wrong. This is what the scripture is trying to get us to understand. Don't take him wrong. In other words, Lord knows. Verses 18. For if I build again the things which I destroyed, I make myself a transgressor. Yes, meaning I have surely fallen back into my old ways. But this is a deep spiritual thing, people. Verse 20. I am crucified with Christ. Nevertheless, I live, yet not I, but Christ lives in me. And the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. Folks, let us all be able to sing righteously. And this is verse 21. I do not forsake the grace of God. Let us be able to sing within ourselves and say to somebody else, I do not frustrate the Spirit of God. What is it about us that dies when someone is crucified with Christ? That's the question. The Bible teaches us that the old man does, the old man dies and a new creature is reborn in Christ. Remember Nicodemus? Well, how can a man be born again? Can he reenter into his mother's womb? He was probably thinking, Lord, that is preposterous. But he said, you know, he said a few things. And Jesus reminded this man that he was supposed to be a scholar, that he was supposed to have knowledge of these things. But nevertheless, Jesus said, except a man be born of water and of spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the Spirit is spirit. And you can find this conversation between Nicodemus and Jesus in the book of John chapter 3. If you want to get closer to Jesus, the book of John is fabulous for that purpose. You know, it is profitable for faith building, a sense of hope and empowerment in Christ. The book of John is awesome. It's wonderful. Take some time and read it, people. Think about this along the way. Jesus was beaten so badly unto the threshold of death, all for me and you, so that we would escape this evil through him. Praise the Lord. By his stripes, we are healed. The Bible says, by his stripes, we are healed. Hallelujah. He gave our sinful flesh new life. He healed us with his body. Man, my heart is overturned. You know, this is reality, people. Folks, it's reality. I am so glad to know Jesus. So glad to be saved. Hallelujah. There was a time when I did not know what it truly meant. Praise be unto God. To be saved, truly saved. Now I know. Thank you, Jesus. How about you? Let us rejoice together. Hallelujah. Glory to God. Glory to our God, our Heavenly Father, our Redeemer. All praise, all honor, and all glory unto you, our Father. We are glad to be saved. And here's a monumental question for us, for all of us. In what way does my trying to be good enough for heaven insult and dishonor God? Meaning, no disrespect to the people of God, we just need to put this out there for the sake of those who do not know how to please God, how to reach Him, how to touch His heart. We, one way is to just let go. Just surrender. Believe in His unconditional, everlasting love. Just let go. Just fall into His arms. Just forget about what you believe and what you think and believe in His unconditional, everlasting love for you. Jesus died for us. Yet, while we were filthy, corrupt sinners, God did not hand down instructions of preparation like, you know, go take a bath, go, you know, jump in the pool of Siloam, go jump in the Jordan River, go drink a bottle of holy water. He did not do that because He is the means by which we are saved, praise the Lord. God did not hand down instructions of preparation. I say it again, because there is nothing that we have good enough for the Lord's, for the Lord, the Lord God's Son. We do not have anything that is worthy of payment for our salvation. Do you hear me, people? Lord God Almighty, Jesus is a treasure. He's a national treasure, a heavenly treasure, above the world treasure, a universal treasure. Hallelujah, glory to God. Hell-destroying, priceless treasure, praise the Lord, hallelujah. Unto us He is a gift, the gift above all gifts, a true, for real gift from God. You just let go, surrender, take a leap of faith. You know, just think about the stuff we believed in that has let us down in this life. The people we have believed in that has let us down. Think about the fact that we let ourselves down. Let's deal with some truth here now, okay? We don't mean to, but the flesh is weak. The Bible says the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. And there ain't nothing but truth in there. If we really sat down and thought about it, praise the Lord. But like I said, let's take a leap of faith. This message right here is for those who are insecure, feeling unworthy, filthy, as if you were invited to a high society party, but you don't have proper attire or a gift to bring. Well this ain't that kind of party. This is a holy ghost party. They always promises and gifts from the Lord. Praise the Lord. Where Jesus Christ is the present, He's the gift. He is the gift you are. Praise the Lord. He is the gift. You are the guest of honor because God said so. Because God said so. Do you hear me? God said so, people. For once in your life, you have found someone who got gifts in the form of promises for you. The door is not locked. The heavenly host is waiting on you. Just walk right in. Do you feel your chains falling off? Hallelujah. Do you hear that millstone falling from your back hit the ground and shatter into a million and one pieces? Glory to God. Hallelujah. All for you. All for you. Just put your hand over your heart and say to yourself, all for me. Thank you, Jesus. All for me. You won't be wrong. He died for each and every one of us. Individually and all together. Thank you, Jesus. The world has become. Let me go back. Let me go back. Let me go back. I got tongue-tied there for a minute. The world has been dragging you down. But guess what? Guess what? Darkness cannot remain where there is light. It's impossible. Praise the Lord. This is faith. This is faith. The people of God know this. The kingdom doors are open. Open for you. You know, Jesus is building His kingdom. It is close. It is right at hand. You are welcome. And we love you with the awesome love of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, the Messiah. Repent. Be baptized. Receive the Holy Ghost. Be changed forever. You know, brothers and sisters and people who are looking for the truth, I know what it feels like to be ashamed of yourself. To feel worthless, hopeless, and so low that you cannot hold your head up. It feels impossible in your mind that God would want to have anything to do with you. You just feel like you don't have the right to call His name. And that God would ever consider being a part of you, much greater love you. Well, check this out. You know, it just seems impossible, but you just check this out. God specializes in anything that's impossible. And He wants to give you the Holy Ghost power. You know, He will reach down and lift you up. He will lift your head up. He'll wipe away your tears, give you self-esteem. Hallelujah. He will replace shame with honor and integrity and morals. Glory to God. Give you hope in all things good. Now, you're becoming a new creature here now. Take away your fears and replace them with courage. Thank you, Jesus. In Christ, you will have joy and peace unspeakable. You will no longer be ashamed. God will call you to be somebody that you can live with, you know, so you can live with yourself. Somebody you love. You gotta have something to give. God approves. He approves of your loving yourself. You love your neighbor as you love yourself. Just like that. Simple as that. And above all, you love God. You love no one above Him. I'm a jealous God. There will be no one before me. God will have nobody above Him. He is first and foremost in all, in all things, in every way. Put Him first in everything. And He will make all things good fall into place for you. Even your heart's desires. Now, I'm gonna stop right there and tell you this. You will have trials and tribulations because there is a war abiding between flesh and spirit. The flesh is weak and susceptible to sin. The spirit is beautiful in Christ. But the flesh wants a war against that which is beautiful. That which can lift you up and make you strong. So you got to remember. Remember that. You're gonna go through something. Sometimes something's gonna come before you that's not gonna be wonderful. It's not gonna be good. It ain't gonna be a bed of roses. But you hold on to God's unchanging hand. Look to Him for everything. He'll bring you through. Remember, trouble don't last always. Remember, He's the healer. He can heal your body. Remember to go before the elders, that they might lay their hands on you, anoint your head with oil, pray over you, so that the unclean spirit will be cast out. So Satan will be rebuked. So that you can exercise your authority in the spirit and cast him out. Along with the elders of the church. Ultimately, God is love. This powerful force emanates from the Almighty One. Ask Him to come into your heart today. Let Him in, that you might be filled with love. This is God's desire. He desires to be with you. He desires to be a part of you. Hallelujah. Ain't that wonderful? The God of all creation wants us to God be the glory. Folks, peace, love and joy be unto you. Brothers and sisters in Christ. And all who are looking and desire the truth. This is Reverend Mary signing off. Till next time. Love you dearly in Christ.

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