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Swami Paramahansa Yogananda's scientific healing affirmations emphasize the importance of the power of words. Spoken words are vibrations of thoughts, which can be potent with soul vibration. Talkativeness, exaggeration, and falsehood render words ineffective. Garrulous or inaccurate speech and prayers are unlikely to bring about positive change. Words should not only be truthful but also reflect one's understanding and realization. Speech without soul force is empty. Namaskar, this is a readout from the scientific healing affirmations of the legendary Swami Paramahansa Yogananda. And the first scientific healing affirmation is that man's word is the spirit in man. Spoken words are sound occasioned by the vibrations of thoughts. Thoughts are vibrations sent forth by the ego or by the soul. Every word you utter should be potent with the soul vibration. A man's words are lifeless if he fails to impregnate them with spiritual force. Talkativeness, exaggeration or falsehood makes your words as ineffective as paper bullets shot from a toy gun. The speech and prayers of garrulous or inaccurate persons are unlikely to produce beneficial change in the order of things. Man's words should represent not only truth but also his definite understanding and realization. Speech without soul force is like husk without corn.