In the auditory journey titled "The Sun Ascends and Descends", the story of a day on a picturesque farm is told through a unique blend of sounds. As the track begins, the soft, gentle melody of an erhu ushers in the dawn, mimicking the slow and majestic rise of the sun. The high-pitched instrument creates an atmosphere of tranquillity and peace, perfectly capturing the serene early morning hours. As the day progresses, the track introduces the deep, rhythmic tones of a bass guitar. This new layer of sound portrays the busyness of the farm during the day, with the bass's strong beats symbolizing the hard work and dedication of the farmers. The bass is joined by an 80s-inspired synth, adding a touch of nostalgia and warmth to the tune. In the midday heat, the pace quickens with the introduction of energetic drum beats. The drums, combined with the ongoing bass and synth, create a lively atmosphere, mimicking