In the eerie, pitch-black darkness of a virtual world, the chilling audio titled "Snarling Undead" begins. The creepy ambiance of a video game fills the air, setting the mood for an encounter with the grotesque and otherworldly. Suddenly, a low, guttural growl breaks the silence, echoing through the unseen corridors of the game. It's a growl that could only belong to a creature not of this world - a demon, a being possessed by pure evil. The growl intensifies, becoming a demonic snarl that sends shivers down the spine of any player brave enough to continue. This isn't the typical growl of a zombie, it's weirder, and far more terrifying. It's a snarl filled with malice and hate, a sound that seems to come straight from the depths of hell. The snarling undead creature seems to be everywhere at once, its presence filling the game with an aura of dread and imminent