The audio titled "Second Day of the Tornado" begins with an ambient hum of distant voices, underlying the main soundscape like a quiet, constant murmur. Amidst this, the distinct sound of a CB radio crackles to life, producing a series of static-laden messages which are somewhat hard to decipher, but evidently convey urgent information. Suddenly, a distinct laughter echoes through, piercing the otherwise tense atmosphere with a brief moment of levity. The laughter sounds genuine, softening the harsh reality of the situation, but it quickly fades away, replaced by the serious tone of police radios. The chatter on the police radios is filled with coded language and brisk, professional exchanges. The voices are steady and authoritative, their words clipped and succinct, painting a picture of a coordinated rescue effort in progress. Amid this, the occasional sound of distant sirens can be heard, their wailing notes adding a sense of urgency to the scene. The recording continues, seamles