This audio track titled "Rosa Busquets, Square 1 Oct" unfolds in a quaint town, specifically in a lively square. The square is the heart of the town, a bustling hub where people of all ages gather, embodying the sense of community and camaraderie that prevails. The audio begins with the faint hum of the town's activity, painting a vivid picture of a day in Bordils. You can hear the soft rustling of leaves, the occasional laughter of children playing around, and the distant chatter of townsfolk engaging in friendly conversations. A sense of history and remembrance permeates the air as the audio progresses. You're taken on a journey through time and memory, symbolized by the mention of a family. The family seems to be an integral part of the town's history, their legacy reverberating through the years. Their story, intertwined with the town's, unfolds in a heartfelt narrative that tugs at your heartstrings. In the background,