As the audio titled "Reflective Rotor" begins, the distinct hum of an industrial setting fills the air, serving as a backdrop to the story the sounds are about to tell. The rhythmic, mechanical thrum of powerful machinery can be heard, each cycle indicating the relentless operation of a colossal industrial system. The sound then shifts, morphing into the resonating echoes that one would typically associate with the interior of a mammoth submarine. The sound alone is enough to paint a vivid picture of a massive, steel beast gliding silently through the depths of the ocean. Gradually, the reverberating hum grows louder, richer, revealing the presence of the submarine's heartbeat - its mighty propeller. Each rotation of the propeller releases a powerful, mechanical drone that undulates through the submarine's structure, reinforcing the sense of immense power that this machine holds within. The audio continues to oscillate between the solid, industrial tones and the submerged, submarin