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Pump in the Village - Recording from June 24, 2017

Pump in the Village - Recording from June 24, 2017




This audio recording titled "Pump in the Village - Recording from June 24, 2017" opens to the soft and distant hum of the surrounding village life. The dominant sound is that of water being rhythmically splashed, the result of an old, manual pump in use. The pump produces a characteristic metallic squeaking each time it's operated, creating a rhythmic pattern of squeak, splash, squeak, splash. The pump's sounds are punctuated by a chorus of ambient noises that paint a vivid picture of a typical day in a village. There's the faint whisper of wind rustling through fields nearby and a distant murmur of villagers going about their daily tasks. This is a field recording, capturing the authentic and raw sounds of rural life. The listener is transported right into the heart of the village, next to the squeaking pump, feeling the splash of cool water, enveloped by the natural symphony of the rural world.

Sound Effectswatersplashingpumpsqueakingfield-recording

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