In this audio description, the focus revolves around the Oberheim Xpander, a renowned synthesizer. The audio showcases the distinctive qualities and features of the Oberheim Xpander, model number 054961. It takes listeners on an auditory journey, exploring the intricacies and nuances that make this particular model a favorite among synth enthusiasts. The audio serves as a testament to the unique, rich, and complex sounds that the Oberheim Xpander is capable of producing. As the audio progresses, listeners are treated to a variety of tones and melodies, each more captivating than the last, showcasing the versatility and range of this iconic synth. From warm, enveloping bass tones to sharp, cutting leads, the Oberheim Xpander 054961 proves its prowess as a versatile and powerful musical instrument. The audio description is a substantial source of information and entertainment for anyone interested in synthesizers, particularly those fascinated by the iconic sounds of the Oberheim Xpa