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cover of Nine Box

As the audio titled "Nine Box" begins, the sound of an ambient hum sets a tranquil tone. It's as though you are standing in an open space, an expanse that's both serene and filled with possibilities. This is followed by the crisp, almost melodic creaking sound of a window being gently pushed open. It brings to mind the comforting familiarity of a homey setting, perhaps an old library filled with countless tales. Next, you hear an intriguing sound, a gentle whirring that's identified as an 'owi.' It's a unique audio element, adding a touch of the extraordinary to the otherwise ordinary setting. It's like a sci-fi touch subtly woven into the domestic soundscape, sparking curiosity. As the sounds continue to meld together, they create an atmosphere that's both comforting and engaging. The echo of the 'nine box' reverberates through the audio, a recurring motif that ties together the various sounds and moments. The audio then transitions into

Sound Effectssoundopenwindowowilibrary

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