The audio titled "Mishap 4 Accompanied by Gong" begins with a foreboding orchestral piece that sends shivers running down the spine. It paints a vivid picture of a grand, terrifying sequence, with a sense of impending doom. The background score builds up the suspense, mirroring the intensity of a horror film. Suddenly, the haunting melody is interrupted by the resounding crash of a gong. The gong's echo pierces the air, its resonating sound indicating a significant event - a game over, a catastrophic failure. This isn't a minor slip-up; it's a monumental mishap. The horror-filled crescendo of the orchestra paired with the gong's tolling suggests an intense, dramatic ending to a journey, evoking feelings of loss and failure. The audio is akin to a whopper, a big, dramatic moment in a narrative that turns everything upside down. The orchestral music, combined with the gong, creates an atmosphere