The audio titled "Melody led by Rhodes" opens to a delightful rhythm of ambient music. A rich sound permeates the space, characterized by a melodic lead on a Rhodes keyboard. The echoic quality of the music, a result of the effective use of delay, creates a dreamy atmosphere that relaxes the mind. The layered tones of the Rhodes piano, with its unique, vintage sound, stand out amidst the symphony of sounds. As the melody progresses, an ambient piano joins the mix, its notes reverberating through the soundscape, adding an additional layer of depth and complexity to the audio. This track is imbued with a loop structure, where the melody repeats itself in a hypnotic sequence, creating an enchanting cycle of resonance that captivates the listener's attention. The overall sound is airy, spacious, and tranquil, transporting the listener into a realm of calm and peace. The Rhodes keyboard's distinctive tone, mingled with the ambient piano and the creative