The audio titled "Laughter of the Summoner" begins with a chilling ambience that immediately sets an eerie mood. The subtle background noise of a low, continuous wind gives the impression of a dark, desolate, and possibly haunted place. Suddenly, a malicious, deep-throated laughter echoes through the soundscape, disturbing the quiet. It's a spine-tingling, maniacal cackle that seems to originate from a creature or entity not of this world. The laughter is sinister and malevolent, sounding as if it's a summoner enjoying the terror he's inducing in his victims. This laugh echoes intermittently throughout the audio, each time growing louder, more sinister, and more triumphant. The echoes of this laughter bounce off invisible walls, creating a sense of an enlarging, ever-present evil. The intensity of the summoner's laughter creates a growing sense of dread and horror. As the laughter continues, the wind in the background grows stronger and more turbulent,