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cover of Highway

The audio begins with the faint but distinct hum of cars traveling on a highway. The soundscape takes you on a journey, immersing you in the atmosphere of a bustling transportation hub. The audio paints a vivid picture of vehicles of all kinds- cars, buses, trucks, each with its own unique sound, moving seamlessly on the road. The highway is depicted as a public space filled with the continuous motion of transport. Every now and then, the distinct sound of a locomotive can be heard in the distance, adding to the rich tapestry of the transportation symphony. The audio encapsulates the essence of travel, the rhythm of the road, and the dynamic energy of life on the move. As the audio progresses, the sounds of the highway grow and recede, creating a sense of motion and distance, transporting the listener on an auditory journey down an endless highway.

Sound Effectstransportationhighwaycarstravelpublicroadlocomotivetransport

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