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cover of Equines

This audio, titled "Equines", takes you on an auditory journey into the world of horses. As you listen, you are immersed in the diverse sounds characteristic of these majestic creatures. At the very beginning, the audio captures the soft whinnies and snorts of horses, giving you a sense of their calm and gentle nature. This is followed by the distinct sound of hooves hitting the ground, a rhythm that resembles a heart beating steadily, revealing the horse's strength and vitality. As the audio progresses, you can hear the hoofbeats becoming faster and louder, echoing the excitement and vitality of a galloping horse. The sound of hooves against different surfaces, from the soft thud on grass to a sharp clatter on cobblestone, paints a vivid picture of the varied terrains these creatures traverse. Towards the end, the audio slows down, transitioning from the thunderous galloping to a gentle trot, then finally to the soft, rhythmic padding of a

Sound Effectshorseshooveshoofbeats

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