The audio piece titled "Dylan's Oral Cavity" unfolds in an unprocessed, raw manner, capturing the essence of Dylan's unique oral sounds. It begins with an array of peculiar noises, each one distinct and intriguing, all emanating from Dylan's mouth. The sound fluctuates, ranging from soft whispers to loud, uncanny sounds that would be out of place in everyday conversations. As the audio progresses, the listener is taken on a journey through the weird and wonderful world of Dylan's oral cavity. There's a rhythmic pattern to the noises, akin to an abstract musical piece. The rawness of the unprocessed sounds contributes to the depth of the audio, making it feel even more real and authentic. Throughout the piece, there's a sense of Dylan's presence, even though no words are spoken. His personality comes through the unique sounds, creating an almost tangible connection between him and the listener. Despite the oddity of the noises, there's a certain charm to them,