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cover of Door of the Washing Machine
Door of the Washing Machine

Door of the Washing Machine


The audio track titled "Door of the Washing Machine" begins with the profound sound of a washing machine door being opened. The heavyweight door swings open, creating a resonating echo that fills the room. This is followed by a brief pause, intensifying the imminent sound. Next, the audio captures the distinctive, metallic clink as the door is closed. It's a firm, deliberate action that reverberates with a sense of finality. The sound of the door latch clicking into place is unmistakable, signifying the start of a wash cycle. The audio deepens with the unmistakable thuds and thumps of the washing machine in operation. These rhythmic thumps resonate with a certain consistency, mimicking the heartbeat of this mechanical beast. The sound of the spinning drum is a continuous cycle of high and low pitches, creating an almost hypnotic sequence. The echoed thuds and thumps slowly fade away, leaving behind a serene quietness - a stark contrast to the previously

Sound Effectsimpactclosethudsthump

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