This audio titled "Doodle" centers on the delightful and engaging sounds of a pencil and pen, moving rhythmically across a piece of paper. It commences with the soft, mellow scratching of a pencil, creating an image of a person engrossed in the act of doodling. The pencil moves in fluid movements, forming loops and curves denoted by the 'S' sound, bringing a sense of creativity and imagination to the listener. As the audio progresses, the audible transition from a pencil to a pen is discernible. The pen provides a unique, thicker tone, suggestive of a more purposeful and deliberate action of writing. The scribbling sounds are consistent and continuous, further enhancing the picture of someone deeply immersed in their work, perhaps drawing or sketching on a piece of paper or cardboard. The audio concludes with the pen making a series of distinct, quick strokes, signifying the scribbling action, a characteristic sound often associated with brainstorming or rapid ideation