In the fourth episode of this audio series, aptly titled "Data Disruption through Glitching," the listener is taken on a thrilling auditory journey. The episode begins with a symphony of noise, a harsh cacophony that may seem chaotic at first, but slowly begins to take shape in a complex pattern. Imagine the hum of a busy server room, interspersed with the crackling pops of a dying radio signal. As the episode progresses, the soundscape morphs into something that can only be described as lo-fi. The high-fidelity sounds of the digital world are toned down, resembling the raw, unfiltered sounds of the analog era. The transformation is reminiscent of audacity, a bold move to return to the roots amidst a world dominated by digital perfection. The main act of this episode is the glitching. The meticulously crafted noise and lo-fi sounds are periodically disrupted by glitches, digital errors that add unexpected twists and turns to the sonic journey. The glitches are not