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cover of Corridor

The audio titled "Corridor" initiates with the faint, echoing sound of footsteps, reflecting the ambiance of a long, sterile hallway. The acoustics suggest the hard, unyielding surfaces of a hospital environment, possibly late at night when there's minimal activity. As the listener, you're transported into the perspective of a person walking down this hallway. Each footfall is audible, providing a rhythmic cadence that is both soothing and slightly eerie. The steps have a lonely quality, suggesting the walker is the only one in the corridor at this time. Intermittently, the soft beep of medical equipment punctures the silence, a reminder of the location's function. These beeps are not alarming, but rather, they are unobtrusive, a part of the hospital's usual soundscape. In the background, there's the faint crackle of a radio, the volume low so the words cannot be made out. It provides a comforting element - a sign

Sound Effectshallwaywalkinghospitalambiancefootstepwalkbeepradiofootstepshall

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