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Book (Falling on the Table)

Book (Falling on the Table)


The audio begins with a soothing tone, setting a peaceful atmosphere. Suddenly, there's the distinct sound of a book, its pages rustling slightly, being lifted and swiftly moved in the air. In a split second, the tranquility is interrupted by the book slipping out of the grip, its trajectory changing towards the table. There's a brief moment of silence, anticipation hanging in the air, before the book makes contact with the table. The sound is sharp and abrupt, resonating around the room, as the book lands with the front cover down. The pages flutter slightly, creating a soft rustling sound that gradually fades, leaving behind a lingering echo. The sound of the book falling on the table is a reminder of the presence and weight of knowledge, abruptly intruding the silence, demanding attention. The audio ends leaving the listener with a sense of curiosity and intrigue, urging them to pick up the book and explore its contents.

Sound Effectssamplebookfall

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