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cover of "Bathroom"

In the audio titled "Bathroom," the atmosphere is filled with distinct, yet familiar sounds. The audio begins with the soft creaking of a bathroom door being carefully pushed open. This is followed by the gentle click of the light switch being flicked on, causing a soft hum as the fluorescent light buzzes to life. The audio transitions to the unmistakable sound of a toilet flushing, the gush of water reverberating within the porcelain bowl, before it slowly subsides into silence. The faint, rhythmic dripping sound from the leaky faucet soon takes over, creating a steady beat in the background. A short while later, the rustling noise of a hand towel being used and then replaced is heard. There's also the distinctive sfx of a soap dispenser being pressed, releasing a dollop of liquid soap followed by the sound of running water, indicating someone washing their hands. The audio concludes with the creaking noise of the door being closed, signifying the end of

Sound Effectstoilettesfxfoley

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