In the audio titled "Baby's Heartbeat", you are taken on a serene yet captivating journey of life in its earliest stages. As the audio begins, the listener is introduced to a series of rhythmic, pulsating sounds. These sounds are a clear representation of the heartbeat of a developing fetus, providing an intimate glimpse into its tiny, thriving world. The heartbeat, represented by the tag 'coraz', is strong and steady, signifying a healthy progression of fetal growth. The tag 'semanas' suggests the passage of weeks, indicating the stages of pregnancy as the heartbeat gets progressively stronger. As you continue to listen, you'll notice the sound effects tagged as 'sfx' and 'effect'. These are skillfully layered to mimic the real-life sounds within a mother's womb. These effects add depth and authenticity to the audio, allowing listeners to feel as if they are part of this beautiful, life-affirming journey. This audio clip doesn't just serve as a