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cover of 47 Science Fiction Sound Effects
47 Science Fiction Sound Effects

47 Science Fiction Sound Effects


The audio titled "47 Science Fiction Sound Effects" is a compilation of a variety of unique and thrilling sound effects that transport listeners into a futuristic world, filled with abstract noises and atmospheric tones. Throughout the compilation, there is a strong presence of whooshing sounds, creating an illusion of swift movements or objects passing by at high speed. The compilation also includes glitchy sounds that mimic digital distortions, making it feel as though you are in a high-tech, sci-fi setting. In addition to these, there are impactful sound effects that resemble the crash of objects or powerful explosions, adding a sense of drama and tension to the audio. The inclusion of transformer-like sounds brings a mechanical and robotic feel to the audio, enhancing the sci-fi atmosphere. These sounds suggest transformations, hinting at possible changes in form or state, creating a sense of anticipation. The noise elements in this compilation are not just random; they contrib

Sound Effectsatmosphereabstractwooshglitchmovesimpacttransformersci-fitransformationnoise

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