In this audio, titled "034802_Rumbles of Thunder and Rainfall," one can experience the captivating sounds of a powerful thunderstorm. The track begins with the low, resonating rumbles of distant thunder, creating a sense of anticipation. The thunder sounds are carefully spaced out, each rumble distinct and intense, adding to the overall atmosphere of a brewing storm. As the thunder continues to echo, the gentle patter of rainfall gradually becomes more prominent. The soft, consistent sound of rain hitting various surfaces provides a soothing contrast to the aggressive thunderclaps. The audio beautifully captures the oscillation between the gentleness of the rain and the power of the thunder, encapsulating the dynamic nature of a thunderstorm. Towards the end, the rainfall becomes the main focus, the thunder fading into the background, akin to the calm after the storm. The sound effects used in this audio are incredibly realistic and immersive, transporting the listener right into the