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cover of 029837_Wind Passing Through Reeds
029837_Wind Passing Through Reeds

029837_Wind Passing Through Reeds


The audio clip titled "029837_Wind Passing Through Reeds" begins with the gentle, hushed sound of a breeze, a clear reflection of the wind tag. As the wind picks up pace, it begins to interact with the surroundings, specifically the reeds. You can hear the rustling and the brushing of reeds against each other, creating a soothing, rhythmic pattern that's both calming and invigorating. The crossing tag is embodied in the way the wind seems to move, traverse, and dance through the reeds. The audio carries on this pattern, the wind's intensity fluctuating, giving a sense of ebb and flow. The sfx tag is justified by the incredible detail in the sound production, creating an immersive, almost tangible experience. The audio fades out much like it began, with the whispering breeze, leaving behind a serene tranquility.

Sound Effectswindcrossingsfx

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