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They're coming, the letters are coming clear. Alright, so, I think I'm coming to you a little bit better now. Alright, focus again, one more time, from the top. What are you supposed to be doing? Think about it. Where are you supposed to be connecting with it? Ready? Go. Okay, I see your face. It's here, so. Alright, there. Alright, so. I'm in the realm. I don't know where I'm supposed to be. There, we were a long way to go. What time am I supposed to be there? Oh, I got a short time to get there, I know. Alright, so. I am in the realm. I'm here. You asked. I have come. Hoorah. I brought some jokes. A whole lot of jokes. And I brought what you requested. At Ranger Tower. That tab here, is that Behoove? I don't know how I see it. I saw it now, but it's four o'clock. See, it's just a tab. Looks like it's one of them. I couldn't tell, so. I brought the best I could find of the best jokes of Ranger Dan. And his big dog. That's right. You will have the full encyclopedia. Of every single Ranger Dan. And his big dog. Joke stories. Now, there's a lot of Rangers out there looking at you like you had a giant. Sticking out of your forehead right now. That's because you just said. What did he say? Did he say Ranger Dan? You know what I call it? Did he say Ranger Dan? Remember in Matrix when they were like. That's how it is. Among that element. I've been waiting for this part. You know there's one. I'll give you the lead. He says. Ranger Dan is just my big dog. He likes to pass a rope in. And he likes. Now. Those are Rangers. Those are the ones that have the answer. That's the only ones that have the answer. Ain't nobody else got the answer but them. And I am Zero.

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