Bible (Reina Valera) NT 23-25: 1, 2, 3 Juan

The "Bible (Reina Valera) NT 23-25: 1, 2, 3 Juan" is a collection of three letters written by a biblical figure named Juan, who is also known as John. Juan is not only the author of these letters but also the writer of the fourth Gospel and the book of Revelation. The first letter of Juan is addressed to Christian congregations that have been founded on the principles of truth and faith. However, these communities are facing serious challenges from false teachers. The specific false teaching that is spreading is a religious philosophy called Gnosticism. Gnosticism is based on the belief that all matter is completely evil, while the spirit is completely good. According to this philosophy, individuals can progress spiritually by gaining knowledge. This leads to false teachings about Jesus Christ, claiming that he could not have been born in human flesh because all flesh is evil. The Gnostic theories suggest that Jesus Christ is either a ghost who only appears