Bible (Reina Valera) NT 12: La Epistola del Apostol San Pablo a los Colosenses

The "Bible (Reina Valera) NT 12: La Epístola del Apóstol San Pablo a los Colosenses" is a letter written by the apostle Paul to the church of Colossae while he was imprisoned in Rome. In this letter, Paul addresses and refutes false teachings such as legalism, angel worship, and ceremonialism. He emphasizes the lordship of Christ and encourages believers to live righteous lives, shedding their old selves and embracing the new life in Christ. Paul emphasizes that Jesus is sufficient to meet all our needs and that his perfection reflects the invisible God. He warns against philosophies that do not exalt Jesus Christ and highlights the importance of our relationship with God being reflected in our relationships with others. This letter provides guidance and encouragement to believers, emphasizing the central role of Jesus in our lives and the importance of living in accordance with his teachings.