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Whistlin Dixie XXVI

Whistlin Dixie XXVI

Rebel Madman



Lying to our children and ourselves--just to support tyrannical government.

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The speaker argues that the Civil War is not over, but now a war of truth versus Marxist lies and propaganda. They believe that the public education system perpetuates these lies about the Confederate heritage. They question why people continue to lie to themselves and their children, and criticize the removal of Confederate symbols. They discuss Lincoln's actions during the war and his Emancipation Proclamation. They also highlight the hypocrisy of the Northern states in their treatment of free blacks. The speaker believes that withholding the truth is equivalent to lying. ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ� ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្� ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្ទ្� we all know that in some ways yes but slavery was economics and there are what is that old phrase it's complicated but anyway one of the things I wanted to get into is why we as a people continue to lie to ourselves and to our children but folks it is my contention that that misnamed wall between the states or the civil war or my preferred connotation is the Second War for Independence because I believe that is more accurate than any other description of which we could avail ourselves but my contention is folks that that war is not over well maybe the shooting and the killing to some degrees is over but it is now a war of truth versus the Marxist lies and propaganda perpetrated by the public education system 10th plank of the Communist Manifesto the weapons which are now being used are no longer the cannon the musket and the sword but the spoken and written word therefore the lies the slander and the vitriol directed against our southern ancestors and our society is just as much if not more in play today than they were before the war began what are self-loathing white southerners cultural Marxist of all races and thoroughly indoctrinated conservatives so afraid of why do they do everything within their power to make sure most never know the truth to the point of removing every visual sign of our Confederate heritage do they use perhaps your own military service or perhaps the service of another loved one in the Union Army after Reconstruction to bind you mentally and emotionally to the Yankee flag and its government folks you can't be just a little bit Confederate you either is or you ain't which my grandpa used to say which one are you please do not abate I'm sorry please do not aid and abet the Yankee Empire in any way so if I might folks let me ask this question and that question would be what would cause you to deliberately lie to your children I believe that is a very on-point question why would you lie to your children and number two why would you lie to yourself I certainly believe those are relevant questions don't you well all too many Americans except the this tyrannical government we are under today whether it's you want to call it constitutional or unconstitutional we saw this government under this Constitution come to full bloom under Abraham Lincoln and his Republican Party and their Marxist control and domination we somehow think that maybe this was justified because somehow it was or is a fair trade-off for freeing an oppressed race of people did you know that nothing could be more historically false let me jump now to a quote by Stonewall Jackson Thomas Jonathan Stonewall Jackson to his aide Sandy Pendleton and so therefore I will quote he said Mr. Pendleton if the Republicans lose their little war they're voted out in the next election and they just returned back to their homes in New York or Massachusetts or Illinois fat with their war profits if we lose we lose our country we lose our independence we lose it all unquote how poignant is that but at some point in late 1862 most likely after their humiliating defeat at the Battle of Second Manassas the Abraham Lincoln led Republican administration well I say it was led by Abraham Lincoln it was led by forces unknown which were of Mark Karl Marx variety but anyway he realized that their unconstitutional immoral war perpetrated on the people of the South was generating a tremendous loss of life and property and at some point history would demand an explanation for what could only be considered outright treason they also realized that should they lose this war there would certainly be legal repercussions for their blatant disregard of the limits of the written law Lincoln after all had ordered up an army of 75,000 soldiers to invade the citizens of his own country and many of those 75,000 were nothing but illegal immigrants well maybe legal back then I'm not exactly sure when 8 USC was actually put into effect but anyway these were aliens many of which could not even speak English but let's look at this what the definition of treason actually is that is article 3 section 3 of the Constitution and it says that treason against the United States shall consist only in levying war against them meaning the states partially or totally or in adhering to their enemies giving them aid and comfort unquote obviously Lincoln and his Republican Marxist minions violated that complete part of the Constitution but when their unconstitutional immoral wars are killing thousands each and every week now remember good old Lincoln said this thing would last 90 days tyrants are then forced to seek some form of legal or moral high ground on which to base the reasonings for their criminal actions sometimes this even requires the refutation of what one might have claimed previously as was mr. Lincoln's comments in his first inaugural address and I will approach those here quote apprehension seems to exist among the people of the southern states that by the succession a session of a Republican administration their property and their peace and personal security are to be endangered there has never been any reasonable cause for such apprehension indeed the most ample evidence to the contrary has all the while existed and been open to their inspection is found in nearly all of the public speeches of him who now addresses you I do but quote from one of those speeches when I declare that I have no purpose directly or indirectly to interfere with the institution of slavery in the states where it exists I believe I have no law for right to do so and I have no intention to do so those who nominated and elected me did so with full knowledge that I had made this and many similar declarations and I had never recanted them unquote well that's 1861 he recanted them very quickly with the Emancipation Proclamation now didn't he just another lying Yankee politician and they are destroying us people but anyway back to the subject killing all these people and destruction of private property not to mention shutting down newspapers in the north imprisoning members of the Maryland State Legislature and issuing an arrest warrant for the Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court all because they dared challenge the war on constitutional principles separation of powers right okay Lincoln was forced to come up with justification based on the very moral principles he had abandoned when he started his war but Lincoln and the Republicans had to be very careful for there were several states in the north where most which were most intolerant of the person of African descent let me just give you a couple of examples there folks just to prove my point and here's one quote race prejudice seems stronger in those states that have abolished slavery than in those where it still exists and nowhere is it more intolerant than in those states where slavery was never known unquote so the Negro in the north is free but he cannot share the rights pleasures labors griefs or even the tomb of him whose equal he has been declared there is nowhere where he can meet him neither in life nor in death in the south where slavery still exists less trouble is taken to keep the Negro apart they sometimes share the labors and the pleasures of the white men people are prepared to mix with them to some extent legislation is more harsh against them but customs are more tolerant and gentle now who said that Oh Alexis de Tocqueville on a visit to America in his book called democracy in America and if you want a further clarification that you find that on page 343 now let's take another look at these wonderful benevolent Yankees quote both Indiana 1816 and Illinois in 1818 abolished slavery by their constitutions and they both followed the Ohio policy of trying to prevent black immigration by passing laws requiring blacks who moved into the state to produce legal documents verifying that they were free and posting a bond to guarantee their good behavior now these bond requirements ranged as high as $1,000 which was absolutely prohibitive for a black American in that period of time anti-immigration legislation passed in Illinois in 1819 1829 and 1853 now those were black immigrants not all immigrants in Indiana such laws were enacted in 1831 and 1852 Michigan Territory passed such a law in 1827 Iowa Territory passed one in 1839 and Iowa enacted another one in 1851 after it became a state Oregon Territory passed such a law in 1849 blacks who violated the law face punishments that included advertisement and sale at public auction in Illinois in 1853 now all right rebel where did you find this is it real well here's my reference slavery in the north north of slavery the Negro in the free states 1790 to 1860 by the University of Chicago press folks and that is hardly a Confederate institution so in 1862 after getting his butt handed to him at then so to speak at the Battle of Second Manassas Lincoln fell upon the idea of the Emancipation Proclamation moral high ground for this Marxist on which to base his tyrannical murderous war in today's world people not a child goes through the public fool system without hearing of the great emancipator and his Emancipation Proclamation but how many are told of the conditions of the free blacks in the north the duplicity of Lincoln which is witnessed by his statements in his inaugural address or the hard treatment of those in the north who dared to oppose Lincoln's unconstitutional acts is withholding the truth any different than just out now line I don't think so but conveniently for those who worship at the feet of Mr. Lincoln and the unconstitutional government that has existed since what was actually the second wall for independence in this country left out of most descriptions of the Emancipation Proclamation is the fact that it only freed the slaves in the parts of states where Lincoln had absolutely no control it did not free any blacks in the border states or in the areas of the southern states controlled by the Northern Army Lincoln acting through his military subordinates such as Benjamin Beast Butler in New Orleans continued to use blacks as slave labor to construct forts and other needful buildings Wow how about a quote here despite this expansive wording the Emancipation Proclamation was limited in many ways it applied only to states that had seceded from the Union leaving slavery untouched in the loyal border states it also expressly exempted parts of the Confederacy that had already come under Northern control most important the freedom it promised depended upon a Union military victory very slick was it not to say you're only free if we win this war okay although the Emancipation Proclamation did not end slavery in the nation it captured the hearts and the imagination of millions of Americans and fundamentally transformed the character of the wall unquote now where do you find that oh excuse me National Archives and Records Administration let me read that again although the Emancipation Proclamation did not end slavery in the nation it captured the hearts and the imagination of millions of Americans and fundamentally transferred the character of the war so the war was transformed on false premises imagine that well anyway there we have it the official government's position from the National Archives a branch of the central government the truth does not matter in this country only how do you feel or think about something is what matters logic and intelligence has gone down the drains in America and now it's who can be the most emotional in fact in America it is not important that you even know the truth especially if it has to do with any part of this overreaching unconstitutional tyrannical despotic well I wish I could think of a few more words for this Yankee government without Emancipation Proclamation a piece of intentionally deceptive legislation continues to this day to capture the hearts and the imagination of millions of Americans but in so doing it obfuscates the truth and does absolutely nothing to correct the inaccuracies of revisionist history which are being taught to our children and the adults of this country more importantly it carries with it the automatic acceptance of a highly centralized and despotic government structure that is diametrically opposed to the true intent of our Declaration of Independence and our Articles of Confederation during the Reconstruction era in the South the right to vote and own property was removed from anyone who had given support to the government of the Confederacy these Yankee ne'er-do-wells came in droves to the southern states to see that the terrible Confederate folks who were fighting for freedom and liberty and willing to give their lives for it were properly chastised and punished for daring to stand for the consent of the governed of course many of these people came from northern states that did not even at that time allow blacks to vote to vote now imagine that folks you got some Yankee ne'er-do-wells who packed up their stuff and moved south to chastise those crazy southern hillbillies for doing exactly what the state they left didn't allow it's incredible but here we are following the Civil War radical Republicans in Congress introduced a series of laws and constitutional amendments to try to secure civil and political rights for black people this wing of the Republican Party was called radical because of its strong stance on these and many other issues the right that provoked the greatest controversy especially in the north concern black male suffrage the right of the black man to vote in 1867 Congress passed a law requiring the former Confederate states to include black male suffrage in their new state constitutions ironically even though african-american men began voting in the south after 1867 the majority of northern states continued to deny them this basic human right unquote oh what did you find that rebel had to be from somebody from Robert E Lee or somebody now the Constitutional Rights Foundation African Americans and the 15th Amendment it's in official government documents folks the reason that the government doesn't mind putting out a lot of this stuff is because most Americans are too indoctrinated to pay any attention well those wonderful Yankees sent their holier-than-thou hypocrites into the south as teachers to indoctrinate the young people into acceptance of a tyrannical Reconstruction Act of 1867 and the causus belli of the war freeing the black man of course they were also there to teach the young people that the totalitarian highly centralized tyrannical despotic government they were living under was actually for the greater good of everyone today our children are still taught the above by those indoctrinated in the so-called field of education and many so-called intelligent adults regurgitate that government provided pablum on demand I see it every day even now again it is all about the emotions of the situation and the truth is irrelevant we now see the manifestation of that document and what is called common core education in America well folks one of my heroes from that period of time is a man who isn't mentioned very much anymore and even the exchange between Confederates and that would be the wonderful Irishman Patrick Claiborne general Patrick Claiborne who was known as the Stonewall of the West and here is what he had to say folks and I dare you to prove him wrong and here's the quote every man should endeavor to understand the meaning of subjugation before it is too late we can give but a faint idea when we sit when we say it means the loss of all we now hold most sacred personal property lands homesteads liberty justice safety pride and manhood it means that the history of this heroic struggle will be written by our enemy that our youth will be trained by northern school teachers will learn from northern school books their version of the war and will be impressed by all influences of history and education to regard our gallant dead as traitors our maimed veterans as fit objects for their derision it means the crushing of southern manhood to establish sectional superiority and a more centralized form of government and to deprive us of our rights and liberties a statement written by Confederate General Patrick Claiborne on the second of January in 1861 perhaps now you could understand why that General Claiborne is not a normal subject for discussion in many circles but let's stop and think about something folks as we move forward here and here's a quote I'm probably not going to be able to pronounce this person's last name but the quote is very important and that quote is there are two ways to be fooled one is to believe what isn't true the other is to refuse to believe what is true unquote fantastic quote by Mr. Soren Kierkegaard I believe is how you pronounce it but don't hold me to that but written in the pages of our own sometimes inglorious history folks you will find some true facts many times obscured by those who wish to govern by force and intimidation and to see individual freedom and liberty as an impediment in their path to this power money and glory who today is the greatest impediment to the advancement of this tyrannical Yankee government well it could be none other folks simply you know that's easy to figure out isn't it not but anyway as a people we can choose to deny our history once and all but we can ignore it to our own detriment and to any chance of liberty for the citizen of today or our children and grandchildren regardless of the path we all choose to take the truth is the truth no amount of obfuscation or false hero worship will ever change that we can embrace that very comfortable lie known as political correctness and lay down and go to sleep or turn on a bowl game or whatever it is you do to entertain yourself but you have to by doing so you embrace that comfortable lie but to embrace that comfortable lie requires a moral and ethical price a truly free and independent people can never afford to pay political correctness is nothing but a denial of the truth and is a very frangible defense against the eventual onslaught of reality and folks we about knee-deep in that reality right now we can continue to ignore the truth of history but even if we do it does not alter reality how can we deal with any of our problems present and future if we refuse to acknowledge the historical lessons of our own past well the articles confederation contain many of the tools needed by people determined to live free without the encumbrances and violations of individual rights which are witnessed and experienced when a government becomes despotic and tyrannical just like this Yankee government we live under today to boil down the motives of good old honest Abe the log splitter Lincoln and his Marxist Republican Party leadership one must understand that to rob destroy and murder an entire society of people and to avoid condemnation for that very act it is vitally important for the Yankees that they must somehow appear to be the South must appear to be the villains and deserving of their very appropriate actions the unconstitutional tyrannical government from 1861 to 2023 their house servants better known in polite circles as the mainstream media and various and assorted shills and sycophants who inhabit the leadership membership of both major political parties in this country would have us all believe this country's second wall for independence was visited on the people of the South because the inhabitants of those states were prejudiced against people of color again my friends and fellow South runs this flies in the face of true history seven southern states seceded between December of 1860 beginning with South Carolina in December and February 1st of 1861 four states Virginia Arkansas North Carolina and Tennessee voted not to secede until Lincoln unconstitutionally and immorally ordered the governors of those states to help provide 75,000 volunteers to invade those southern states that had at that point in time seceded because laws according to Mr. Lincoln were being opposed and obstructed what laws? Laws are often nothing but the tyrants will and always so when they violate the rights of an individual. What good ole Abe he ordered up those troops after Fort Sumter had been fired upon by Confederate forces ironically the re-fortifying of Fort Sumter was a move Lincoln advisors had warned him against. These four states seceded not because they chose to support slavery and secede but because they had been unconstitutionally ordered by the president to organize and send troops into their sister states. Here's a good quote for you and it's a letter from Montgomery Blair a close friend of Abraham Lincoln to Samuel Crawford on May the 6th of 1862 and that letter says and I quote no answer could be made to this point and the president saw that he was misled and immediately ordered the reinforcement of Fort Sumter. It is impossible to exaggerate the importance and the merit of this act. It was undertaken by Lincoln with only the support of one single member of the cabinet and this member of the cabinet represented no state and happened to be the youngest and least distinguished member and he was opposed by all of the others who were the leaders at that time of the Republican Party and the representative men of the great Republican states. Lincoln himself was inexperienced and those who opposed the stance he took had not only great experience in public affairs but they were regarded by Lincoln himself as his superiors. Lincoln resolved to stand by his convictions unquote. Letter from Montgomery Blair to Samuel Crawford as I stipulated before. Most interesting is the ordinance of secession from the state of Virginia. Now folks if you like the legal aspects of these things pay close attention because in this ordinance the state of Virginia is legally exercising an option that was made part and parcel of their ratification document in 1788. Now you're not going to hear Tucker Carlson talk about this I promise you. Now this ratification which by any definition constituted a contract or a compact between the people of the state of Virginia and the central government. Here is the wording of that contract which was signed by the people of Virginia's representatives on June the 25th of 1788 and I will read that for you and I quote we the delegates of the people of Virginia duly elected in pursuance of a recommendation from the General Assembly and now met in convention having fully and freely investigated and discussed the proceedings of the federal convention and being prepared as well as the most mature deliberation hath enabled us to decide thereon do in the name and behalf of the people of Virginia declare and make known that the powers granted under the Constitution being derived from the people of the United States may be resumed by them when so ever it the same shall be perverted to their injury or oppression and that every power not granted thereby remains with them and at their will unquote again folks from the Virginia document ratifying the US Constitution on June the 26th of 1788 well folks now let's take a look just for comparison's sake at an excerpt of the ordinance of secession constituted and signed by the people's representatives of Virginia on 17 April 1861 so we're jumping from 1788 to 1861 so here's what the people of Virginia said in 1861 and I quote an ordinance to repeal the ratification of the Constitution United States of America by the state of Virginia and to resume all the rights and powers granted under said Constitution the people of Virginia in their ratification of the Constitution of the United States of America in 1788 adopted by them in the convention on the 25th day of June in the year of our Lord having declared that the powers granted under said Constitution were derived from the people of the United States and might be resumed when so ever the same shall be perverted to their injury and oppression and the federal government having perverted said powers not only to the injury of the people of Virginia but to the oppression of the southern slave-holding states yes they said slave-holding now therefore we the people of Virginia do declare and ordain that the ordinance adopted by the people of this state in convention on the 25th day of June in the year of our Lord 1788 whereby the Constitution United States of America was ratified and all acts of the General Assembly of this state ratifying and adopting amendments to said Constitution are hereby repealed and abrogated that the union between the state of Virginia and the other states under the Constitution of force said is hereby dissolved and that the state of Virginia is in full possession and exercise of all of the rights of sovereignty which belong and appertain to a free and independent state and they do further declare that said Constitution the United States of America is no longer no longer binding on any of the citizens of this state unquote signed in convention in Virginia April 1861 the vote was 132,201 to secede 37,451 to remain in the union that vote was made among the people not the politicians very plainly stated in legal terms ratified by a vote of the people of the state of Virginia their ratification contract with the central government of the United States was repealed not because of slavery but because the central government had broken the contract by exceeding the powers delegated to them in the original ratification contract in very simple terms people the consent of the people of Virginia to be governed by the central government was withdrawn with prejudice yes as I mentioned before the term slave holding states was included in this ordinance of secession but one must remember that slavery was indeed constitutional in 1861 as was previously stated and mentioned by President Lincoln in his first inaugural address and had been legal since the founding of this country the flag of the United States government had flown over the institution of slavery for 73 years before the war while most obviously slavery was or is not certainly morally acceptable and in fact folks it's absolutely reprehensible that one person thinks they can own another but the government thinks they own us if you don't believe it just ask them but neither are many of the unconstitutional acts of this government right up until today as weak as the Constitution is they still can't adhere to it the illustrations of this fact are just too numerous to mention folks venturing forth into the arena of doing the wrong thing for the right reason especially allowing the government and its employees any latitude outside of the proper moral restraints are always devastating little bit of scripture here there's a way that seems right to a man but in the end it leads to death Proverbs 1625 well again referencing article 4 section 4 of the Constitution if Virginia had the right to withdraw from their compact or contract with the central government then so did the other ten states which voted on ordinances of secession or any of the other states for that matter in early 1861 many of the newspapers of the north agreed with the right of the states to secede nullify but you didn't hear that down at school did you the precedent had been set with the New England states who threatened to secede because of the Louisiana purchase and the election of Thomas Jefferson and then again in the Hartford Convention of 1814 and the New England states because the New England states refused to participate in the war of 1812 that she didn't know that either let's look at a couple of these quotes from these Yankee newspapers quote we sympathize with and justify the South their rights have been invaded to the extreme limit possible within the forms of the Constitution unquote credit to the Albany New York Atlas and Argus November 1860 this is before South Carolina seceded folks another quote fanatics and demagogues of the North waged war on the institutions of the South unquote where'd you find that in Atlanta newspaper no came from comfort Concord New Hampshire Democratic Standard again before South Carolina had ever seceded well let's have another quote we believe that the right of any member of this Confederacy to dissolve its political relations with the others and to assume an independent position is absolute that in other words if South Carolina wants to go out of the Union she has the right to do so and no party or power may justly say her nay unquote Cincinnati Ohio Daily Press November 1860 well perhaps those quotes from the northern newspapers will help the doubting Thomas's come to grips with the reality that Lincoln shut down over 300 northern newspapers along with arresting according to the Columbia Law Journal over 38,000 US citizens without due process for daring to expose or oppose his actions in fact Fort Lafayette in New York Harbor became known as the American Bastille a book you probably should read by that title such actions should and can be associated with other political tyrants and despots in our history Lincoln's actions very closely resemble more modern tyrants such as Stalin Mao Tse-tung Pol Pot and Idi Amin Dada folks even Adolf Hitler mentioned Lincoln's actions favorably in his magnum opus Mein Kampf and you can find that on page 566 and I quote the individual states of the American Union could not have possessed any state sovereignty on their own for it was not these states that formed the Union on the contrary it was the Union which formed the states unquote Adolf Hitler Mein Kampf page 566 the Union is much older than the Constitution it was formed in fact by the Articles of Association in 1774 it was matured and continued by the Declaration of Independence by the Articles of Confederation in 1788 and establishing the Constitution it follows from these views that no state upon its own mere motion can lawfully ever get out of the Union unquote oh my was that Hitler no it was Abraham Lincoln in his first inaugural address on the 4th of March in 1861 now I would ask you to listen as I read to you from that Mein Kampf and I would like for you to contemplate if the government system described by Hitler resembles at all the form of government that we are struggling under today and I quote national socialism as a matter of principle must lay claim to the right to force its principles on the whole German nation without any consideration of previous federated state boundaries and to educate in its ideas and conceptions just as the churches do not feel bound and limited by political boundaries no more does the National Socialist idea feel limited by the individual state territories of our fatherland the National Socialist doctrine is not the servant of individual federated states but shall someday become the master of the nation it must determine and reorder the life of a people Wow it must determine and reorder the life of a people hmm this was back when boys use boys bathrooms and girls did the same girls use girls bathroom what a crazy world but anyway to continue with mr. Lincoln and must therefore imperiously claim the right to pass over any and all state boundaries drawn by a development we have ourselves rejected now folks you'll find that on page 578 of Mein Kampf well does the political system that I just read there as described by mr. Hitler resemble what we commonly call reconstruction in the southern states from 1865 till now was the central government led by the radical Republicans master over the people and did it seek to determine and reorder their lives well folks that's going to have to be a question for your own thoughts there it certainly is but let's look at a little more sorry about that break there folks my fault we'll get right to it well as we have learned from the study of history folks all was bankers was and they're all about making money for the people involved and to create a massive debt that will keep the people forever in slavery regardless of your skin color well the financiers motives in the misnamed Civil War were not as glorious as the motives of many fine young men when they marched in ranks mowed down at second Manassas Fredericksburg the wilderness Spotsylvania second Cold Harbor and other such battles the true object for which these boys were uncaringly and needlessly sacrificed was to transform a national debt into a private control of banking and currency in the United States unquote by mr. John Remington Graham in a wonderful book called blood money the Civil War and the Federal Reserve but then let's jump back all the way to 1868 to another man who actually lived through it what did he have to say I quote the capitalists and stock gamblers in Europe by their alliance with the political adventurers of America carefully planned this war in the interest of despotism and the funding systems they anticipated every argument and prepared the public mind for this war in advance during the war they prepared for the debt and continued the war that the debt might reach its present enormous extent unquote now that was from a book written by mr. Henry Clay Dean who was ironically both a judge and a minister in Iowa at that time and the title of the book was crimes of the Civil War and the curse of the funding system that book was published in Baltimore Maryland in 1868 here was a man that lived through it can we accept his word or do you want to accept the word of your communist college professor or your local high school teacher who has been indoctrinated with Marxism or they wouldn't be teaching school for decades the people of this country have been told by politicians bureaucrats members of the Supreme Court school teachers professors and a plethora of authors that the cause of the wall for southern independence was fought to free and oppress people and to preserve the union of our founding fathers how surprising it will be too many to learn that the real reason for the war is the same reason our country is financially destitute today and governed by unconstitutional Marxist tyrants all the while simultaneously involved in empire building around the world every war that this country has entered into during my lifetime and I ain't no spring chicken has been to secure for the international bankers the assets of other countries and increasing the debt of our own country using our military as their means of force and procurement all the while lining their own individual pockets with untold wealth of pushing this country farther and farther into financial and moral bankruptcy well you might want to ask well hey who's to blame for all of this stuff well of course it has to be those ruffians in the south who insisted on perpetrating the practice of slavery that is if one listens to the shills in our government and anyone else who profits from the spreading of lies and to keep the fires of hatred and bigotry going it is absolutely necessary to hate the symbols of the south their monuments and not just the people you gotta hate everything there's a large problem folks with all of these symbols of racial hatred and slavery they tell us the confederate battle flag has been the center of the center of attention for those who love to hate whatever the government tells them they are required to hate but yet few would even could even tell you anything about the bonnie blue or the three separate flags of the confederacy why have the bigots and the haters of anything to do with the confederacy picked out only the confederate battle flag on which to spew their hatred vitriol and venom the cross of st. Andrew a saltire on the background of blue has long and storied history seeming to originate in the dark ages at a battle between the pics and the Scots on one side and the angles of Northumbria on the other it represents the diagonal cross on which st. Andrew was martyred for he believed he was undeserving of the cross of Jesus Christ the st. Andrew's cross was the ensign carried into battle by none other than the Scotsman William Wallace known to most of the folks today as Braveheart because of the movies throughout history like Wallace's reported last words the ensign has represented freedom could it be that the st. Andrew's cross has been singled out for hatred and demonization because it is first of all a religious Christian ensign and secondly it has been used for centuries by those who have engaged superior forces in a quest for freedom and liberty there has to be a reason people that the lovers of big government chose the battle flag to demonize instead of the bonnie blue or the first the second or the third in the interest of full disclosure the second and the third flags of the confederacy did feature the st. Andrew's cross in the upper left-hand corner but the first national and the bonnie blue flags had no such markings would any student in today's world at any school be expelled for wearing a shirt or other clothing bearing a likeness of the first confederate flag or perhaps even the bonnie blue yeah probably not because the majority of people haven't been instructed by the government and those ignorant of history to hate it 99% of the teachers in our public school system wouldn't even recognize either of the two flags as both being flags of the South those indoctrinated into government worship seem to have a problem explaining how a flag the stars and stripes and I pledge allegiance that flew over the institution of slavery for 89 years somehow represents freedom while a flag that flew over the confederacy for less than four years is a symbol of racism now folks that can only be based on emotions logically that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever if the hatred and the condemnation of the Confederate battle flag by those who love and cherish a huge centralized unconstitutional government based on racism or could it be a deep-seated bigotry directed toward the spirit of the Scots-Irish and their religious heritage as represented by the st. Andrews cross well let's just kind of take a look here at a quote from one of my favorite books called born fighting how the Scots-Irish shaped America and in this book former Senator Webb made this statement and folks listen to this very carefully and I quote in such a wild uncharted place the book of God was vital for it nourished their spirit and laid boundaries upon their conduct unquote other no I'm sorry their conduct other subjects simply had no relevance unquote so can we assume that all who fly the st. Andrews cross are racist then well folks it's going to be a tough one to swallow but that would have to include the people of the country of Jamaica pardon me whose population is listed at over 90% black the national flag of Jamaica is a st. Andrews cross in Jamaica's national colors green yellow and black quote the Jamaica national flag was first raised on Independence Day of August the 6th of 1962 it signifies the birth of our nation the flag brings to mind memories of past achievements and gives inspiration towards further success it has flown on many triumphant occasions showing the pride that Jamaicans have in their country and in the flag itself unquote so folks a nation of 90% black people can take pride and love for a st. Andrews cross but the people of the South cannot this gets even more interesting as you move along and look at all the hypocrisy pardon me again well if you might be confused as to why a country that is overwhelmingly populated by people of the black race can see pride inspiration and achievement in their flag of the st. Andrews cross but those of us who are sons of the South must harbor racist ideas because we have pride in our heritage and our flag the st. Andrews cross the flag of our forefathers folks if you're confused by this a crack is beginning to show in your big government idolatry oh but hey we can fix that quick turn on your TV because there's got to be a favorite reality show or well who knows a bowl game and by the way grab another beer all of those emotions will pass the national debt in 1860 was roughly equivalent to the national debt in 1791 76 million dollars but through the efforts of starting and prosecuting an unconstitutional war the International Banking Cabal was able to multiply that figure to approximately five billion dollars by 1866 every month of the wall of northern aggression perpetrated on the South and its people by Lincoln and his Marxist minions including the wonderful Salmon P. Chase increased the debt by more than the entire cost of the Revolutionary War in 1866 the interest on this massive debt required the payment of two hundred and ninety two million dollars per year the national debt of England was approximately the same as the US but the United States was paying twice the interest that England was paying important to know and understand is who was receiving those interest payments well here's another quote for you from mr. mr. John Remington Graham and his book blood money the Civil War and the Federal Reserve quote the wall was planned to generate a stupendous national debt mostly represented by bonds and such a national debt was in fact generated the private interest acquiring those bonds successfully plotted to secure the passage of legislation which enabled them to convert the paper by them acquired in financing the war into a new and dominant system of banking and currency under their ownership and control and those private interest fully succeeded in their sinister program and set up a huge financial empire centered on Wall Street from which they have ever since governed the United States from behind the scenes unquote well to hide behind the scenes manipulations of the debt Congress then proposed the fourteenth amendment which contained in its fourth clause wording that made the questioning of the national debt unconstitutional of course it had to be adorned with the emotional pleas to the masses concerning pensions for veterans but it still made questioning of the debt unconstitutional of course the fourteenth amendment was never properly ratified according to article 5 of the US Constitution but the government and their hacks haven't let a small thing like following rules slow them down in any way shape form or fashion let's look at the fourth section of the 14th amendment and it states the validity of the public debt of the United States authorized by law including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion shall not be questioned but neither the United States nor any state shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States or any claim for the loss of emancipation of any slave but all such debts obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void. Fourteenth Amendment. A failsafe method of discerning when one is approaching the truth as it relates to activities of the central government and their supporters is to notice at what point is the government its house servants willing dupes and useful idiots begin to throw about an endless stream of invectives toward those who refuse to accept the government lie. Common among those invectives are you racist you oh you must be a non-confederate ah just another conspiracy theorist oh look over there there's a homophobe oh yes and there's the intolerant and then their greatest weapon you anti-Semite. When these words and descriptions are used one must compare them to the actions of any threatened animal for the central government sees the exposure of its criminal operations as a possible death sentence and I promise you they will always act accordingly. Before and during the second wall for independence the international bankers who had been involved with the economy of our country since the days of Robert Morris and Alexander Hamilton with Hamilton it was the first Bank of the United States. Now I will quote from Professor Thomas D Lorenzo and I quote the reason Hamilton gave for favoring a large public debt was not to finance any particular project or to stabilize financial markets but to combine the interest of the affluent people of the country particularly business people to bind them to the government as the owners of government bonds he reasoned they would forever support his agenda of higher taxes and bigger government unquote. To finance their war the Lincoln administration at first simply issued a fiat currency known as greenbacks which were backed by absolutely nothing but the good part was nobody had to pay any interest on them. The international bankers saw this as a threat to their domination. This is certainly made clear by the below editorial which appeared in the London Times and that I will read for you now and I quote if this mischievous financial policy which has had its origin in the North American Republic during the late war should become indurated down to a fixture then that government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off its debts and be without debt. It will have all of the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous beyond precedent in the history of the world. The brain and wealth of all countries will go to North America. That government must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe unquote. That came from a book called Who Rules America by Mr. C.K. Howe. Well folks, that pretty much does it for Whistling Dixie number 26 and I am going to continue with some paid and some free materials onto this substack until the 1st of February and then I'm going to switch to just a paid version. It takes my time and my effort to put together and define these truths to put out to people. I do believe it is worth something. I hope that you do the same and again thanks so much folks for tuning in to my work at Whistling Dixie.

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