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WeHear demo?

WeHear demo?


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Moore is exhausted and feeling empty as she stands on the rooftop, contemplating going back to her apartment. She is overwhelmed with emotions and wants to cry, but fears being seen. She considers jumping off the rooftop but is interrupted by Asriel, who asks her what she wants him to do. Moore is unable to answer and Asriel gestures towards a spot on the railing. By the time Moore slams the heavy metal door to the roof wide, her lungs are already too exhausted to take in the fresh night air. After an hour walking through it across the city streets, it feels stale now, dry and empty, but it doesn't stop her from bolting to the edge of the rooftop and peering over the rail until her eyes can see the concrete several floors below. I was standing there, no more than two minutes ago, she thinks, staring at the spot outside her apartment building's front entrance. The spot is empty now, but it doesn't stop her mind from racing at the thought of how she could get back there faster than she left it behind, if she wanted to, if she only dared. Moore's fingers clench against the railing, her mouth parts and her lungs freeze, aching to cry out, but nothing comes out save a dry heave. She'd wanted to cry, all the while she'd walked, since the moment she'd left the penthouse flat, she didn't wait for a rise to catch up as he dealt with her mother's enraged outburst at her. She wanted to cry. Only the fear of someone seeing, of someone knowing the truth about the fool she really was, she stopped, and now that she was alone and free to do as she pleased, of course her body protested, and it ruined Moore to no end, full and empty, so full and empty at the same damn time, every hour of every single day, starving and grossly overfilled to unbearable ends she never understood, shutting her eyes and flicking down against the railing until the open space between is cut off from stone, and she can see the ground no more, despite how hard she hugs the rough cut of it. No more, no more, no more, I want, I want, her mouth goes dry and her body starts to shake, revealed by the truth she nears, I don't want to be here anymore, finally, the truth, and with it goes every shred of dignity or joy or hope she's ever known, it feels like dying without ever taking a last breath, hung perpetually in this state of fighting without desire, decaying without end, Moore dares to lift her head the few inches necessary to see back over the edge, the faint night breeze kisses her cheek as if knowing what she contemplates as she peers down, so easy she thinks it would be, but also impossible. A slight scraping noise behind her jolts her where she sits, panic shoots down her back like an arrow through the night, its prey unprepared for the strike, she didn't close the door, and then, right as realization comes, he speaks, Morgan? She can't quite tell whether she's relieved or terrified that someone has found her, most days she secretly craves for someone to notice something's wrong and ask, to say something, but tonight is not one of those times, not when it's so painfully obvious where she's at inside this fucked up head of hers, not when she realizes in horror she's still hugging the rails half hunched over staring down below, her head turns, and as, is standing in the frame of the door, his face half in shadow by old yellow light above him, she can't tell what his expression reads, but she can see he hasn't moved since spotting her, can tell by the rigid way his body stopped mid-stride and his hand now holds the door tightly, he knows, fuck he knows, no one was supposed to know, Morgan swallows, but can't quite close her mouth all the way, her lower lip quivering too much, he'll tell Rize, he'll tell Cass, oh fuck Cass can't, I don't want him to, I don't want, I, I don't want to be here, Asriel drops his grip on the door as fear floods her, but rather than rush at her or pull out his phone nor do any of the nine million and twenty seven different options Mor is scared of, he simply drops his hands and regards her thoughtfully, what do you want me to do, Mor, she doesn't move, she doesn't say a word, no one has ever asked her that question before, so she never bothered contemplating an answer for the impossible moment of if they ever would, and what does she want, besides the obvious, besides what she has wanted all night ever since her mother broke the dish and snapped at her for dishonoring her father's memory, the silence stretches on too long and she knows Asriel can tell she's too lost for an answer, he nods at a spot against the rails.

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