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Learn moreThe world is filled with division and conflict, and many believe that a radical revolutionary leader is needed to bring about change. While that may be true, individuals also have a responsibility to strive for something greater. The systems in place are designed for people to fail, but we must question why there is constant conflict and an inability to see our interconnectedness. Blaming specific groups or fighting against evil is not enough. The key to change lies within individuals and their ability to embrace love, joy, and the desire for unity. It is not about compromising with enemies, but about loving oneself and transforming within. The goal is to rid the world of violence and conflict, but we must first rid ourselves of these qualities. It is a journey that requires individual responsibility and a shift in perspective. Every single day, it seems that there's more and more division, constantly, and more and more conflict, constantly. As if this is the only thing that's going on, and this is the only thing that is giving attention. Conflict, violence, the inability to form a union, the inability to come together in any shape of synthesis or peace. And at the same time, this has always been the most known goal and striving for all of the brilliant individuals of all time. The world at large is seemingly waiting for some radical revolutionary, some individual leader to arise up and be able to change all the different structures of society that are seemingly breeding all these different types of conflict. And while that is certainly one of the possibilities for how change will come about, and there is a dire need for not just one singular radical revolutionary to come about with a voice of love, understanding, peace, combination, the ability to intake both sides of a conflict, satisfy them both and move forward. Somebody like Nelson Mandela. And while there is a dire need for this, there is also a tremendous need for each individual at each part of society, at each level, to be striving for something greater. We can have many different long conversations about how all the different systems of society are pushing for failure on all levels. Individuals think that the people at the top, the most wealthy, are the ones that are thriving and deeply enjoying life, when on the contrary, most of them are absolutely depressed, in absolute states of chaos and destroying themselves to all different versions of great physical pleasure, onward and onward and onward to no end. Now of course, the 99.99% of human beings would much prefer to have those challenges than finding food, than protecting oneself from harm that could come at any given moment, and having shelter, etc., etc. And while there of course is infinite levels to the different systems that are set up for people to fail, the system from top to bottom is set up for people to fail. That is seemingly how it's always been. Reality has had all these different chaoses, and absolute violence and catastrophe, and the human condition which has predisposed to all different forms of violence and animalistic behavior, and all of that we can go on forever. The system has always been designed for people to fail. That is what the system is. Not just on a human level, but on a much larger colossal level. That is if you deem that to be the failure. We have to first define very, very clearly what is a failure, what is success. Why is it that groupings and groupings and groupings of people intertwine different subdivisions, all the way to the largest subdivisions of race, and creed, and religion, and sex, etc. Why is it that there is constant conflict and violence going on between different subgroups and subdivisions? Why is there an inability for the larger groups of humanity at large to accept that obviously, in empirical fact, we are all in this together in a fundamental sense, that what one human being does, let alone what huge amounts of human beings do on one end of the earth, absolutely impacts the entirety of human society at large? Why do we think that everything has disconnections and separations when in empirical evidence, and everything is pointing towards, not only every different religious doctrine, but all different empirical evidence is pointing towards the fact that everything on this earth is absolutely interconnected, and is absolutely, in all different, infinite ways, completely dependent on one another. And yet, we enforce these subdivisions and these illusions of disconnection and separation to the most extent that we need to believe that there is a certain subdivision that is the absolute enemy. And only if we would get rid of this certain subdivision, now everything can be absolutely fantastic. This is one of the most stupidest things, literally, for the entire amount of human history. And it's still going on in 2024, that human beings have such a need, such an ease, to relinquish all different types of complexities, relinquish all different types of conflicts and historical events, one after the other after the other, to just there being one specific enemy, one specific subdivision, that if we get rid of them, everything's totally fine. While there are certainly different evil groups in the world, and getting rid of them would be fantastic for the society at large, getting rid of them would be absolutely meaningless, if individuals cannot step up on their own, if individuals cannot become self-governing bodies in and of themselves, if individuals cannot approach reality with love and joy, and the desire to combine and synthesize with what they feel is the exterior and what is separate. Without an individual push on literally the most individual level, within all different types of these subgroups of human beings, there will never be that change that every single human being is trying to accomplish. It truly all starts with the individual. While we were talking about wanting to have a radical revolutionary come in and bring all of this different ease into our lives to make everything figured out nice and dandy, clearly, nobody can wait for this to come. And that means trying to accept at least a tiny responsibility of becoming that radical revolutionary in your own very tiny personal life. And while we think that our tiny personal lives are that, they are on the contrary. They are absolutely impacting the entirety of human society and the world at large. Each individual must take some type of responsibility. And that doesn't mean working out, being a little bit physically healthy, having a job. It doesn't mean just doing the regular things of society that makes a person a functioning person. It doesn't mean placing blame onto one of the numerous evil groups, or one of the numerous groups that want to see the demise of many, many human beings. Putting blame on that group, or multiple groups, is also not enough. Speeding out against the evil that one sees is not enough. It's not only is it not enough, it's not leading to the actual change that the individual wants to see happen or wants to make, and it's not changing what they want to see within themselves. The key is the individual change. The individual's journey towards a loving, joyous, and desire for synthesis experience. And while many people might hear something like that and think to themselves, that's not what I want. How could I ever want to synthesize, or combine, or compromise with the enemy? For many people, the enemy is the most sick, villain configuration in their mind that they could ever imagine. The worst type of monster that's coming to get them that is the sole reason for all the evil in the world. That is how most people have, through all the different propaganda, of course, through the many different other systems of society, people now believe this way about their enemy. That their enemy is the most vile, most sick, not even a human being, monster. It is impossible to combine, it is impossible to synthesize, to create any form of unity, any form of love with this enemy. And I'm not trying to say that this is the agenda. That you should go to whoever, God forbid, killed your family, and give them big hugs and kisses, and give them gifts. That's not what we're saying. There is a Muslim poet, I believe Sufi poet, who has something very brilliant to say on this matter. He says, that God told me to love thy enemies, and I listened, and I loved thyself. I am not saying that individuals should go and make peace with who they believe is coming to kill them, or who they believe is their absolute enemy. The agenda is to love thyself. Thyself is the greatest of enemies. When an individual can go within, when an individual can satisfy the demons and the evil that is within, that we all know is within every single human being, when they can redeem themselves, they have the ability to be that exact radical revolutionary that they want to see in this world. And this is something that it seems, from my perspective at least, that human beings across the board want. While there are some human beings that want more violence, want more conflict, they think that, no, we need to continue the violence, continue the conflict, because this one did this thing 20 years ago, that one did this thing 40 years ago, 70 years ago, 90 years ago, 2000 years ago, so we have to continue just killing people and dehumanizing people because that's the way to go. There are some people who seemingly are still caught up in that trap. However, most human beings in 2024 that can even take one step out of the madness and the chaos that is reality today, I believe, desire this as well. They desire the ridding of these types of violences, the ridding of these types of conflicts. To the extent that people have now even got caught up creating more violence with the desire to try to rid the world of this violence. That is how convoluted the situation has gotten. And that is because people have the desire to rid the world of such things, but at the same time they haven't rid themselves of them. And it's very obvious. And I'm not claiming to have done that myself, but I'm claiming a journey, a path towards something of the sort, something a little bit different than what we're seeing across the board. It doesn't seem that there's any individual that's preaching immunity of this sort. It seems that every single public voice that we can see across the board, no matter what beautiful ideas they're preaching at times, will also at times preach that there's a villain that we need to destroy. That there's an enemy that is the main issue and the main source of all the different tragedies that are going on in our community, in our state, in our country, in the world. There is nobody that seems to be latching onto the idea that maybe, just maybe, we need everybody. And maybe, just maybe, everybody has the ability to coexist with everybody. That is what reality is. Reality in its truth is every single person on the planet being here, all coexisting with all the different violence that's going on, and at the same time continuing to exist at every single day. The truth of reality is that even with all the tragedy and all the darkness that comes with human society, that we've continued, we've endured, and we are coexisting on a huge macro level, 8 billion people of all different types of these illusionary subdivisions that we need to make, everyone is still coexisting with everyone on the macro scale. So again, this is a responsibility or a journey that has nothing to do with the societal version of a good human being. This has to do with becoming a radical revolutionary that you want to see in the world, even in a moment, even in one experience, for a minute, for a day, for a month. And the beginning of that service, the beginning of that experience, is trying to approach with love, with compassion, with love for that experience, is trying to approach with love and with joy. In most recent histories, one of the best examples that we can give of a radical revolutionary that was able to bring about a combination, a unity and a synthesis, between two quote-unquote subdivisions of people that thought of each other as their worst enemy, that thought of each other as a historical enemy for many, many years, and he brought them together, is Nelson Mandela. Very recent radical revolutionary that was able to overcome the apartheid in South Africa, tremendous racism between white and black people in South Africa, and there's a tremendous amount to take from him. He was able to come out of 27 years of prison and love thy enemy, truly love thy enemy in the literal, but that was also because he loved the enemy within. He was able to come out of 27 years of prison and shake hands with his captors, shake hands with the people that placed him there unlawfully. He was able to come out and approach with love, and he also fundamentally understood that joy breaks all barriers. He fundamentally understood that if he could get the society at large to come together in a celebration, that he could break all boundaries, break all boundaries of conflict and violence. And he did this specifically through sport, as well as many other different ventures. But one of the most fundamental was through sport, through rugby. As Morgan Freeman played him in the movie Invictus, a very powerful film but an even more powerful historical event, Nelson Mandela was able to blame people who looked at each other as thy worst enemy in unity, even for a moment, because of joy, because of combined joy. It's interesting, I once heard, I believe from Daniel Schmachtenberger in his podcast with Lex Freeman, that the aborigines, certain aborigines cultures would have a ritual that if there was any conflict energy on what they believed to be the entire world, which was only Australia, the aborigines needed to Australia, when they had a conflict, two different tribes would have a conflict that was boiling up, conflict energy was boiling up. And there were pushes for violence, physical violence. What I believe he said is that the two tribes would come together around a large fire and they would celebrate and dance together and be joyous together. And after that, the conflict energy would dissipate. And this is how in many parts of Australia, the aborigines for thousands of years would stay out of any type of war. The examples are possible. The examples are possible. No individual is going to come and completely change the world, although any individual can. It starts with the self. It starts with the individual journey, which has nothing to do, almost nothing to do, with how most of society talks about what it means to be a good human being, to be on the journey of what a human being really is. As I said prior, we don't see anywhere voices of unity and voices of love, voices of the coexistence of diversity in a truth, voices of the coexistence of multiplicity in truth, voices that the coexistence of opposites should be something we're striving for, not that when opposites come, we need to get rid of one so only the other can survive. Reality is full of opposites coexisting, and not just opposites, but many opposites together coexisting. It's an illusion to think that when two things are, when two different antithetical entities are approaching, that one must get rid of the other. This is an illusion. Still to this day, in 2024, all the voices around Western society are all about subdivision, all about getting rid of this, not doing this, these people are bad, those people are bad, and then you have also people that want the coexistence of diversity to such an extent that they want to get rid of anyone who sees any issues. As we said before, there are people now that want unity so badly that they will kill or hate or destroy the people that are saying against it, which that in and of itself is not the strive for unity. Of course. Very basic, very basic fallacy. People are either going to continue the charade, or people will really look within in truth. Not without. Everyone wants to look outside and see all the terrible things that are going on in the world, and feel that, oh, it has nothing to do with me, I'm getting by, I'm kind most of the time, I have these good characteristics, I'm overcoming these weaknesses, I'm physically in shape, or any of the different strengths and weaknesses that all different types of human beings have. Tap into the real agenda. Tap into the real mission. The mission that is within. Love thyself to love reality. If an individual really wants unity, first create unity within. Even for a moment. Just as many opposing forces we see on the outside, we see within. And so too, we think that within. One has to completely destroy the other. Humans are either good or bad. Heroes or villains. It can't be that one of the greatest human beings of all time was a drunk. It can't be that one of the worst human beings of all time was the greatest father to exist. Life, as everyone knows, is not as black and white. We all have the paradox, the thesis, and antithesis, and more, within. And everyone is seemingly trying to fix society to the greatest extent, but no individual wants to truly take a look at the abyss of conflict that is within. Step with love and joy towards thyself, and you will find that you are not alone in the abyss of conflict that is within. Step with love and joy towards thyself, and you will find that your entire reality will shift. But you have to step in truth. If one wants to redeem themselves from the shackles that are containing the soul, for lack of a better word, that are containing the life energy of a human being, we feel that there are all different types of figurative, or for many people, literal prisons that are holding someone down. Shackles and weights and baggage that are gravitationally pulling us towards the ground, unable to walk, crawl, let alone fly, whenever a human being knows they have the ability to fly. The path first starts within. The combination, the synthesis, the unity, has to start within. See the self as something greater than just good and bad, yin and yang and black and white, see it as the full picture, the entirety of what you are. When you can approach the infinite complexity that is a human being, and try to tap into what that is as a whole, meaning not only all of the different biological factors and physical factors that make up a human being, trillions of neurons in the brain and over the body, 40 million nerve endings on each eye that connect to the trillions of neurons in the brain, and the list goes on to talk about the infinite complexity of what is the human body, not only that, but also on the thousands of ancestors that walked a very direct and absolute path in order for that specific human being to make it to this reality, to make it in front of you, you yourself. Thousands, trillions of tiny, tiny, tiny, minute moments in order for you to exist. When an individual tries to understand what they are on the most macro scale, when a human being tries to understand what they are in truth, in a unitive way, all of that macro, and then all of the micro, and both at the same time, and all of the different weaknesses and strengths at the same time, all the different forces of love that the individual can give, and all the different forces of the opposite that the individual can give at the same time, or as Mike Tyson would say, if you're favoured by God, you're also favoured by the devil, at the same time. When a human being can look at themselves a little bit above that plain duality of black and white, they can begin also to love at a true level, love thyself. Realize that the self is something more special than your conscious mind is even thinking about. Realize that all of your different positive qualities are one of one, absolutely unique. That not only is your literal fingerprint, your spiritual, physical, emotional, and intellectual fingerprint is also absolutely one of one. There are many different ways to go down trains of thought like that, in order for you to be able to understand what you are, There are many different ways to go down trains of thought like that, in order to love thyself in a very true way. But when you understand that it is a unity, that the good and the bad are absolutely one within you, that you are one in and of itself, even though you are made up of infinite complexity. This can be one of the beginnings of approaching the self with love, approaching the self with a strive towards unification. And when an individual starts to unify within, they will also start to experience the unifying on the outside. Again, each individual seemingly wants a radical revolutionary to come up in the world, and to give everyone, you know, the easy way out of just completely changing all the structures of society, and all the wars to go away, and everything will be nice and beautiful. Each individual can be the radical revolutionary, and it's not about being it forever, it's not about becoming that, and then you are that for the next 50 years. It's about doing it in a moment, and becoming that in a moment. Once you see that it is possible to achieve certain types of love, once you see it's possible to achieve certain types of joy, the joy that breaks all barriers within, you will be able to bring it out more, and you'll be able to bring it out of others that are around you more. You have to see that it is possible within. So, this is the voice that I'm attempting to bring to any type of platform that seemingly we're not seeing anywhere else. And while I'm deeply, while I'm deeply not at the right level, while I'm deeply not at the right level, while I'm deeply not at the right level, while I'm deeply not at the right level, while I'm deeply not at the right level, while I'm deeply not at the right level to be that voice, and I myself have, just like any other human being, equal amounts of conflict within, equal amounts of demons within, as any other human being. It just means that since there isn't this voice, there needs to be a platform to create it, and hopefully the agenda will be to find much higher level voices than my own to achieve some form of unitive ideas that incorporate both sides of a conflict. Individuals that are striving for a greater form of reality than what we've seen for almost all time. Simple game theory between two players that feel that they absolutely need to win by the other team's cost, and if the other team wins, they by default lose, etc. This is the agenda for the rabbit hole. Not only to dissect and explore all different types of tangents, all different types of rabbit holes with an H in and of themselves, and to take all those tangents and try to... The rabbit hole... The rabbit hole will hopefully be a platform that can bring about different people to converse about topics in a tangental way, going into many different rabbit holes, interconnecting them in forms of synthesis and unity in a holistic energy and goal. At the same time, and more importantly seemingly, while we continuously see more and more division within reality, more and more conflicts within reality, the agenda for a platform like this is to bring about a holistic union between some of these conflicts that we're seeing as well, or at least to bring about some types of conversations that are talking about that as an agenda, as opposed to labeling a villain and an enemy and going to castrate them, destroy them, as if that's the agenda towards a better reality. And while I'm not necessarily 100% certain at the same time I would find it fascinating to even create some type of dialogue surrounding that energy and that thesis statement of a strive towards more unity and holistic functioning and compromise and synthesis and combination and peace of even coexisting... I mean, of even opposites, peace of opposites and the existence of opposites. Since there is no type of dialogue that I've seen, it would be a dream to create that dialogue. And this is the agenda for the rabbit hole. To bring about any type of dialogue, to bring about any types of ideas that are striving towards a union and towards a holistic understanding of the self, of reality, of different structures, etc.