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Nov 7 2024




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Okay. It's 1451. I'm talking to Steven here. You might just speak up when you're talking so they can hear you. It's 1451 on November the 7th, 2024. My name's Henry Bryant Laniers, Esquire, to the people in the law enforcement community, to the people that live in Ukraine, I'm going to tell you what I know today, and to the people that live in America, I'm going to tell you what I know today, official. I got up this morning and I went to the prosecutor's office in the village that I live in. Having already been to the police department at the village I live in, on July the 17th, I filed an affidavit of fact, witnessed, and accepted after 20 years in Ukraine. Well, my point being is the record of my landing here happened on January 14th of 2004, okay? And the first record of recorded continuity of government that I've witnessed happened in the village that my family lives in at the police department witnessed by a U.S. Army drill sergeant who's been with me for over a year over here. So to summarize what we know today regarding this affidavit, which we're going to publish live here soon in the hopes that we can get the people of Ukraine to stand up and help us do something simple. We've been surrounded by criminals since January of 2024 when Stephen landed here to help my family. And we want to tell this story for the purposes of immediately causing a ceasefire to this damn war over here to allow for unlawfully belayed imports to Ukraine that in fact, had they happened, there wouldn't be a war in Ukraine because we had already identified that the radio circuit was broken and that there was ongoing rampant theft on the radio. This is going back as far as 2005 with me being in Ukraine, having also followed the protocols of scientific research associated with defense research entities and cross-border compliance with understanding of signals management, being U.S. Army Signal Corps and been running my own academic world of being self-taught, self-trained because I'm a guy that can't attend university like everybody else. I have to look for alternative processes to live and breathe and do stuff that most people take for granted. I'm a cripple that refuses to be crippled. And whatever I am today as a human being, the father of six children that have been denied their right, when in fact being the father of nine children, four of them in the ground because they were denied their rights because of these clowns' abilities to believe that women that call you family and wife have a right to kill your children for money. And I'm going to continue to say I think that's wrong. I think man killing a man to save a man is a fool's errand. So back around to what matters to people in Ukraine today. Record of fact is U.S. Army Signal Corps in Ukraine, lawful investor, non-criminal, fighting with the governments of the United States, Italy, and Ukraine for the unlawful kidnapping under cover of law, my children, over damn money that I never owed anybody is the only story that I've got. And I've got a sneaking suspicion out there in cyberspace that there are millions of men that are fathers of children that were husbands that did the right thing and they got railroaded by this fake-ass law called Family Court. We also know that the business aspects of Veneer Family and my holdings, well they consider us to wail in the world of private business and a pain in the ass to governments because we caught the governments using the military radio to suppress human and civil rights up to and in leading to this fake-ass 164 timeline of events that's been perpetuated against my brothers and sisters, the U.S. Army and the other armies of G20. I stand flat-footed on this ground as a lawful U.S. Army Signal Corps officer saying what in the fuck is going on and why in the hell is the radio broken? I'm going to tell you why. It's because the clowns that make money off the bullets, the bombs, and the guns, and the poisons, and the conflict, they want it that way. And there's a remedy to it that was paid for by the American people, the Ukrainian people, the Russian people, and the other participants in this project. We determined as people that were valid non-criminals, sole-source proprietorships, entrepreneurs, small business, mom and pop, multinational conglomerates, people spread out across 59 countries initially, the mandated Ukraine Best Place for Family Independent Economic Development, SRO, which stands for Self-Regulating Organization, which has the same rights as any other sovereign state. We're okay being the quasi-sovereign over here defending the rights of the minority, but the problem is the minority don't have any rights in this place because these people use a fake timeline of events, a fake language, in a fake country, scaring the hell out of people and human trafficking people out of here. That's what the real data says. And then you hit a full stop and say, no, you don't beat up the country that my daughters were born in. They're just as screwed up as every other country that any soldier that's ever worn a uniform has been in. This Orwellian juridical state of paper-fucking the world, it has run its course. Logically, through science uncorrupted, usury is the source and origin of all crime of the house of man. Logically, seen through the quantum switch and the algorithms of the house of man based on the harmonic nature of this realm with which we exist. As I've stated earlier, the holodeck is coming to a town near you. To my brothers and sisters out here in the Irish spectrum, there's a simple, clear goal. We've just split these channels. One channel belongs to the American military, the world. And then we say to military, guess what, guys? You can't fight in populated areas anymore. You go, you ask out y'all on the water if you want to kill each other. That'll end your damn fake war. And if it don't work that way, we can ask for that for one day a year for peace, which is what we actually did as people born in Ukraine. We asked for a single day of peace for the children to celebrate their life. We called it Ukraine Best Place for Family Concert. Now these concessions were made in the face of all the crimes that had already been committed against me. The people of Ukraine as human beings, they've always stood up to help me. But the corrupt nature of the people of yesteryear that made your money paying the bribes and that are sitting in the stolen properties of the overpriced crap that's been exposed over here. The disparaging rights between one country and another isn't. It doesn't exist. If you're born a human being, you've been denied your rights. The sovereign state that violates its own laws must make reparations. And then we tabled and donated to the government something we call GAPS, which stands for Global Automated Payment Systems, which meant that the government could automatically pay its bills and they tried to suppress that just like they tried to suppress every other work that's been done by independent academics and independent scientific entities. In other words, the word independence just drives the government insane because they don't know what to do with you. And if you factor in the word privacy, well you put them out of business because they're in the business of stealing your history and your children's wealth. This system we've enabled over here is not to condemn government. We're simply setting government. Hey, you know what, Mr. Governor? In the real world of real money, here's how it works. One-third of the money that a man has, well, that's money he pays to somebody for their time. One-third of the money that they have, well, they pay for the storiest stuff, which is anything you can consider a material or a service. And then you got another account that says regulatory. So there's only three parts to any damn dollar that's legitimate. We can understand that the one percent is supposed to stay on deposit for your family's benefit because it's one percent of your holdings that are declared as profit that has been forwarded to your children. So when you sit here and you explain logic to the financial world that was based on fraud, when you point out the fact that the debt has been paid off multiple years and that there's an extreme surplus of everything on this plane that we live upon, further into defending those U.S. Army Signal Corps, the truth of what the data says, also as a licensed pilot that was denied my right to finish my damn school. You know, I mean, I'm an old school motherfucker. I was taught to load long trucks, load long boats, and load long planes. And my government said to me, buy a settlement, find a need and fill it. And we did. Enough capital has been raised to pay off the debt with a surplus. Enough product has been produced that says that no child has to go hungry, that no woman has to go hungry, that nobody in government has to tell a damn lie anymore. In other words, can a human being speak the truth and work for government? I tell you what I know at 58 years old, not near a damn soul you've ever met in government ever spoke the damn truth. So based upon honor alone, I'm going to do an about-face. They're not even worth my time. They have no honor. They have no integrity. I mean, you know what it's like to sit there and listen to a so-called state prosecutor of a sovereign state, says he has no jurisdiction over a kidnapped child because it's not his job. What's wrong with the world? The clowns are running it. And they're right up here in your face in this damn place called Ukraine, where they're forcing these kids to go out and fight and die based on a damn lie. That ain't no soldier I ever met worth his salt would tell a kid to go die so he could sit on his ass and profit from it. But that would be what we have discovered over here. That man has said in a man's face to tell a damn lie, expect to get paid because he's talking. A man has said in a man's face and lie because he's selling stolen shit and he don't want no record of it. Other words, where's the ugly side of the dollar? It's called the dollar. Where's the ugly side of the monetary object? It's called the monetary object. So what do you do to remove the evil from the transaction? You make it something other than subjective. So there's only a buyer and a seller. And if you're a human being, you're that first. This idea of a juridical human being and a physical faced human being or this type of human being and that type of human being. What about the human being that says, hey, you know what? It's wrong some clown in the government kidnapped your child over money. Maybe we need to go find your child so you and your children can sit down and know each other. You know, that'd be what's missing over here. People of ethics, you know, they keep lying to the president. They lie to these commanders. They lie to these diplomats and they're making billions. I mean, you got the damn so-called National Bank of Ukraine asking for donations, but you talk about you got money and physical management. This place is full of mouthfeasers because they use misinformation to get free money to fuck people over. That's what the real data says. And if you think I'm beating up Ukraine, then you're sane. In the face of Ukraine, it's the only place you can walk down the street and say what you want. Ain't nobody going to stick a gun in your face. You can't do that in America. The hell they are threatening you for being in the land of the free. Now, if it ain't that way, then why is it the two Americans over here ain't got no rights today? A bunch of hypocrites in government and all this cult following of one side of the aisle versus the other. If you're a military officer and you pick one side or the other, you're wrong. Military officers are supposed to be neutral. That's the truth of the corruption of government. City government, state government, county government, regional government, district government, state government. How many more versions of government do you want? Private is private. A man that can't state who he is on the radio is wrong. He's supposed to have an identifier code so that everybody knows who he is and where he at. The unlawful use of the radio is what's wrong with the world today. These so-called elite clowns that's done dork with the RF spectrum. And you got to go all the way back where it started, at least under the US flag, in relationship to the treaties that I'm trying to honor as an American that lives in Ukraine. What version of truth do you want? You go look up a law book and pick up a law code and you look back through history. How many copies of it are there? How many versions of it are there? And under what authority do you have to rewrite laws after they've been written? That's what the corrupt administrative state is doing. Go to the Ukrainian law book code online and look at it. Which version of the law are you looking at? How does it play out in relationship to another version at a given time? So when you look at the law code through the eyes of a cryptologist and space and missile guru based on targeting and tracking, you see it's true. Subversive codes being used on the wire, subversive military hardware, subversive corruption. So what do you do about it? You don't care. That's what you're supposed to do. You're supposed to keep it simple. If you paid for the radio, it's supposed to do what you want it to do. They turned the damn power button off the phones where they did. They just erased it. You can't sell a radio that ain't got an off button. It's dangerous. You can't sell a button that ain't got a lockout tag on it if it's electric. It's dangerous. It's a violation of the damn health codes and the fire safety codes. So you go back to the source of the problem. The same clowns that fabricated 9-11 story over there at NIST and all these so-called third-party global agencies. Non-profit organizations setting the law standard. Who the hell do you think you are? The Senate and the Congress passes the laws, not some damn NGO in a foreign country, but that's what they're doing. The subversive use of these radios cross-border is the source and origin of the crime against the states. And the way you overcome it is pretty simple. If you work for the government, you don't got no damn secrets. Your telephone is always available. Your work history is always available. See, they got it all adverted. They sit there in a government building and can't even tell you who they are. And when you ask them what to do, they can't tell you what to do. They can't give you no contact information. They can't answer no question about the law. They can't talk to you about the procedures. They just stand there in another language barking at you like a bunch of goddamn seals. That's what it sounds like to me after 20 years over here. They all understand English, but they don't have the authority to speak it because the government won't let them. They all have the ability to understand what I'm saying, but they can't respond to it because the government says they ain't got no authority. So what good is law if law don't do nothing about protecting people? Twenty years I've been listening to people run me around in a circle jerk over here, just like they do in America. You got boys that are going to die today that's got children, and them children's got money, but the fake ass probate courts is going to steal it from them after driving them crazy based on a fake law. Where's them children's rights to go back to that government and say, you lying bastards, you took me away from my mom and daddy based on a lie. See, if there be a nation of law, then you got to let the law be what the law is. If you act under the color of law with no ethics or no morals or no records, then you're wrong. If you act under the color of law for personal gain, you're fucking wrong. If you're worried about climbing a political ladder, then you're wrong. The leaders of the house of man came from the counties from which they sprang, but then you got these city-state counties. They claim they're quasi-government, they're not. But before you can fix the county problem and the state problem, you got to look at the truth. You got one-star sheriffs running around in damn four-star general uniforms, and you want to know what's wrong with America. Ain't nobody got no damn honor. Yeah, it's all the codes all scrambled, so what do you do about it? You shut up and listen to somebody who's trying to tell you what the damn problems are. Step number one, if they're government, they're supposed to have a page that they can go to, and everything you want to know about them is right there. That's an archive, and it ain't maintained by some third-party clown that don't know what they're doing. It's maintained by anybody. It's an open record. The secrecy preserved only for the government. I don't think so. Not under the US flag, and damn sure not under Ukrainian flag. A government asshole ain't got no secrets. None of them never did. If you cannot identify yourself, you have violated your oath of office. If you cannot explain what you do to people that you serve, then you're incompetent. You don't know your job. This would be the truth of the world, so what do we know today? Well, let's go back to what we saw earlier. On the 17th of July, we filed a 107-point affidavit of fact with the National Police of Ukraine. Took 20 years to file that document and get a receipt for it. We got a reply from them. We'll talk about that in a minute, but then today we decided, well, we're going to go back to the town we live in and ask the prosecutor's office what they found out, because he's just asleep automatically. If the police files a crime against the damn government, then the government's going to do an investigation through the prosecutor's office. That's how it's supposed to work, I thought. But you've got somebody telling me, I don't know the damn law, but I've got a PhD in damn law. I can read the damn law they read, and none of these statutes apply because I'm trying to tell the prosecutor's office. This is a constitutional court violation, and you violated the treaty, but he ain't listening. A man that don't know the law, enforcing the law is the most dangerous fucking thing you've ever seen in your life. That would be what I know today. I'm going to be quiet now. Lying bastards.

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