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Extortion In Ukraine

Extortion In Ukraine




My response to being extorted -- what I want to say to a man that has been extorting my family and business beginning in March that I have not

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The speaker is addressing Yuri Sokolov, accusing him of threatening the speaker and their family over a business deal. The speaker claims that they have paid Sokolov for cars and that Sokolov has a large sum of their money based on false claims. The speaker also accuses Sokolov of breaching contracts and engaging in criminal activities. The speaker asserts that they will not be extorted and demands that Sokolov cease his threats. Okay, I'm going on the record here, 1526, on the 24th of July, this message is to Yuri Sokolov of Webster, New York, and Ukraine, Mr. Sokolov, I'm going to be very candid with you, you must cease and desist threatening me and my family and my business over your failings, fact, you've been paid for those cars in March, fact, you have over $2 million of my money based on bullshit, fact, over $200 million of my money is under arrest because of your bullshit, and now you're threatening me over a fucking deal you can't close? You keep talking about cash on delivery, I bought four cars in one day from you, I have one, I've been waiting on three of them since March, I also took you at your word when I put you in this company, once again, Mr. Yuri Sokolov, you need to stop threatening me and my family, you've been threatening me ever since I met you, you've been telling me that the law doesn't apply to you, that the only thing that you care about is black money in your pocket, you breached contract, and I'm still telling you the truth of it, no one inspires you, Yuri, you can't continue to keep being a bully and threatening people, if you've sold the damn cars, deliver them, Yuri, if you haven't, make up your mind, how many cars did you sell me, one or four? How many trucks did you export for me, Yuri? How many times have you went behind my back and run your mouth about my business, Yuri? How many times have you threatened me, Yuri? You abandoned us in Kiev, you've told lies about me to other people, you cannot continue to threaten me over your fucking bad deal, you stole the fucking car you sold it to me before you even delivered it in my name, you wrecked the car that you sold to me, I don't know what you think you're doing, I don't do black money deals, Yuri Sokolov, okay? I don't pay cash for things that aren't legitimately owned by me, Yuri, the law is cash on delivery, that's what you said you wanted, I wrote you bonded checks, Yuri, I put you under a $117 million bond, Yuri, I deposited $10 million in a retirement account, Yuri, I did $60 million in deposits for the account, Yuri, you've got $239 million of my money, and you think you're going to extort me over a fucking used car, it's not going to happen, I'll take the goddamn car to a fucking police impound yard and have you arrested for fucking threatening my family, you must cease and desist this bullshit and calm down, I don't know what criminal shit you're doing cross-border, I don't want anything to do with it, I told you I would buy every car you delivered, delivered means it's in my name, Yuri, that's what delivery means, it's called cash on delivery, Yuri, I even funded you, Yuri, you cannot continue to interfere in my life over a fucking car, I will not lose $200 million because you're not telling the truth, you're a fucking bully, Yuri, now you're threatening my CEO again, talking about don't push you, you can't do business this way, Yuri, it's not how it works, nobody's threatening you, nobody's lied to you, you had your fucking mechanic steal a car you couldn't deliver, Yuri, you had a mechanic repair a car you can't deliver, Yuri, you're talking about black money, Yuri, I can't do black money in Ukraine, you stopped the import of over fucking $200 million of freight, Yuri, you breached contract left and right and you keep threatening me over a fucking car, no one's going to return that car to you, Yuri, shit, you didn't even deliver it normal, it's still got problems, it's got computer problems, okay, what are you doing here, man, you're not going to extort me over a fucking car, it's not going to happen, the car belongs to me because you signed it over to me, Yuri, because I had already paid you over $600,000, that's what the law says, Yuri, you went to your cronies in New York and they lied to you, Yuri, you tried me to put money on fucking Bitcoin, that's money laundering, Yuri, I can't do that, I told you to go up in the accounts, Yuri, you didn't do that, we went and did it anyway, you said, well, you paid for the accounts, well, I don't know, Yuri, if you're the transportation officer for a company, you're supposed to provide vehicles to people, you were supposed to go get the trucks, Yuri, you were supposed to go get the plane, Yuri, you were supposed to go get the boats, Yuri, you've done nothing but run your fucking mouth about a goddamn used car talking about you need money that's in your pocket, I paid fucking $12,352,108.39 in taxes with your name on it, I do not know what you're talking about, you wouldn't know what money was if it slapped you in the face, and now you're threatening me, stop threatening me, Yuri, I'm not your fucking problem, I'm the guy that gave you fucking 2 point something million dollars, and you're calling me a fucking liar, you might have that right, but that don't make it true, I have rights too, Yuri, I don't have to be bullied to live in Ukraine, I don't have to be extorted to live in Ukraine, I don't have to pay a man to lie to me, Yuri, and I goddamn sure don't have to pay a man that's threatening me, you need to cease and desist and do what you're told, Yuri, go explain to people why you threaten my family and my house, go explain to people why you threaten me, Yuri, you're not telling the truth, Yuri, it's not normal what you're doing, I don't give a fuck about your goddamn used cars, I was hiring a fucking man to say to you to do a job, what the fuck is wrong with you, I'm not your bitch, Yuri Sokolov, you're not going to keep doing this to me, it's wrong, once again, you got 239 million dollars of my money tied up in a fucking courtroom, I got 12 million dollars in taxes paid, in your name, Yuri, then you went and talked about you had to borrow money to pay your taxes, when did that become my problem when your taxes were paid, Yuri, you keep burgeoning the reality here, I don't have one for you, I paid you 666 thousand dollars, Yuri, cash for work done to date when you got on that plane, I gave you control of US tax money and money that went to vendors and suppliers, you said you had a company, that company lied, Yuri, they didn't know how much money they got in goddamn insurance, they did not comply with law, you said you had a security team, Yuri, you didn't have one, you didn't have a lawyer, all you got is somebody sitting there saying give you black money, nobody's going to give you black money, Yuri, your money goes to a bank account because that's what the Ukrainian and American law says, I'm not delivering cash to you, Yuri Sokolov, I cannot, I own the goddamn bank and you know it, stop abusing people who stand up, once again, according to the records, you got 2.6 million dollars clearing in your name on it, on that account in New York, all you have to do is do the damn job, Yuri, you can't do the job, you already breached the contract, sign the fucking affidavit so we can explain why the hell you cost us 200 million dollars, why do you get off threatening people, who in the hell do you think you are, I'm not your bitch, Yuri Sokolov.

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